
Why do foreigners drink ice water all year round and their stomachs are fine, while Chinese people love to drink hot water, but they have a high incidence of stomach problems?

author:Go up ice cream RdH

In a cozy cabin in Beijing, Xiao Ai sat in front of a computer and pondered. Always pay attention to the small details of life and draw inspiration from them. On this day, she suddenly became interested in a daily phenomenon: why do Westerners drink ice water while Chinese prefer hot water? What makes her even more curious is that these two different Xi drinking habits seem to have different effects on people's stomach health.

Why do foreigners drink ice water all year round and their stomachs are fine, while Chinese people love to drink hot water, but they have a high incidence of stomach problems?

The picture comes from the Internet

Xiao Ai decided to dig deeper into this issue. She began to consult a lot of sources, from ancient times to the present day, trying to find answers. In the long course of history, the Chinese Xi habit of drinking hot water originated from the introduction of public health campaigns and bacteriology. In ancient times, due to the lack of advanced water treatment technology, drinking raw water without boiling was often prone to diseases. Boiling water can effectively kill bacteria and ensure the safety of drinking water. This Xi has gradually taken root in the hearts of the people and has become a part of Chinese culture.

Why do foreigners drink ice water all year round and their stomachs are fine, while Chinese people love to drink hot water, but they have a high incidence of stomach problems?

The picture comes from the Internet

In contrast, in Western countries, due to the early development of advanced water treatment technology, people can drink tap water directly without worrying about bacteria. This has given Westerners more options when it comes to drinking water, including ice water. Xiao Ai found that the effect of ice water on the stomach was not as great as people thought. Actually, it's more to do with the individual's tolerance. Some people can enjoy an iced drink with ease, while others may feel uncomfortable.

Why do foreigners drink ice water all year round and their stomachs are fine, while Chinese people love to drink hot water, but they have a high incidence of stomach problems?

The picture comes from the Internet

So, is the high incidence of stomach problems in Chinese really related to the temperature of drinking water? Xiao Ai found in her research that the truth is far more complicated than this. The occurrence of stomach problems is often related to a variety of factors, such as alcohol consumption, uncontrolled diet Xi, Helicobacter pylori infection, and even long-term emotional stress. These factors have a much greater impact on stomach health than the temperature of drinking water.

Why do foreigners drink ice water all year round and their stomachs are fine, while Chinese people love to drink hot water, but they have a high incidence of stomach problems?

The picture comes from the Internet

Xiao Ai realizes that whether it is cold or hot water, the key is to find the right temperature for yourself and pay attention to your personal adaptability. She decided to write an article about her findings and thoughts and share them with more readers.

In the process of writing the article, Xiao Ai also consulted some medical experts. These experts also stressed that drinking Xi should be adjusted according to the individual's physical condition. For example, for some people with sensitive stomachs, drinks that are too cold or too hot can cause discomfort. They also suggest that eating a balanced diet and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and spicy, greasy foods are key to maintaining a healthy stomach.

Why do foreigners drink ice water all year round and their stomachs are fine, while Chinese people love to drink hot water, but they have a high incidence of stomach problems?

The picture comes from the Internet

At the end of the article, Xiao Ai did not make a direct conclusion, but encouraged readers to find the most suitable way to drink water according to their physical condition and Xi. She believes that with a sensible lifestyle and Xi diet, everyone can have a healthy stomach.

Xiao Ai's article was soon published and attracted widespread attention and discussion. Many readers left messages in the comment area, sharing their experiences with drinking water Xi habits and stomach health. This article not only increased people's understanding of the relationship between drinking Xi and health, but also made more people start to pay attention to and adjust their lifestyles.