
After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

author:Messenger of Hakata

In the vast river of ancient Chinese history, there was a powerful country that was deeply challenged by the four emperors of the two dynasties - Goguryeo.

This small country located in the northeast not only became a thorny enemy of the Central Plains Dynasty because of its strategic location, but also attracted the extreme attention of the emperors of the Sui and Tang dynasties because of its indomitable resistance.

Emperor Wen of Sui and Emperor Yang of Sui, as well as Emperor Taizong of Tang and Emperor Gaozong of Tang, these four great rulers, whenever they looked at the huge map of the empire, would focus their eyes on the direction of Goguryeo, and secretly swore in their hearts: "Death will destroy it!"

This is not only a struggle for power and territory, but also a symbol of glory and mission. The failure of the Sui Dynasty's conquest, the Tang Dynasty's strategic adjustment, and every military action contained deep scheming and wisdom.

However, Goguryeo, a powerful country, has always adhered to its independence and dignity, making this history gripping.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

Goguryeo: A thorn in the frontier

In the far northeast of China, the small country of Goguryeo was like a hard thorn that pierced deep into the hearts of the Sui and Tang dynasties. Although its land area is not large, it has become a non-negligible existence of the Central Plains Dynasty because of its strategic importance of its geographical location.

The Goguryeo people were known for their bravery and warfare, and their armies often crossed the border and harassed the lands of the Central Plains, causing a deep headache for the rulers of the Sui and Tang dynasties.

"This Goguryeo is really our great enemy. Emperor Wen of Sui was in the court, facing the ministers, and his tone revealed deep worry.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

"Your Majesty, we must take action to maintain the prestige of the Great Sui. A minister in an official robe stood up and said, his voice firm.

Emperor Wen of Sui nodded, and a hint of determination flashed in his eyes: "Pass on my military orders, prepare troops and horses, we can't let this small country continue to act recklessly." ”

The chatter in the court gradually dissipated, and in the border area, the soldiers and horses of the Sui Dynasty began to assemble. The iron armor is shining, the horses are neighing, and a huge army is gathering momentum.

The most elite generals of the Sui Dynasty gathered to study how to deal with this intractable enemy.

"Goguryeo is in a dangerous terrain, how can our army attack?" asked a general with a frown.

"We have to find their weaknesses and use a quick fix strategy. Another general suggested.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

The commander of the Sui army looked at the map and thought deeply: "Our troops are strong, but we can't underestimate the enemy. It's going to be an uphill battle. ”

At the same time, in the capital of Goguryeo, they were also preparing for this challenge. The king sat on the throne with an unyielding sparkle in his eyes.

"The Sui Dynasty's army is coming, and we must defend well. The king said in a deep voice.

"Our warriors are ready, Your Majesty. The land of Goguryeo, we will defend it to the death!" a military general replied passionately.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

The people of Goguryeo were familiar with their terrain, and they took advantage of the mountains and hills to lay out heavy defensive lines. In each of the Sui army's attacks, they used flexible guerrilla tactics to deal a heavy blow to the Sui army.

Emperor Wen of Sui's decision sparked a series of fierce battles, but Goguryeo's stubborn resistance made the Sui Dynasty's plan of conquest difficult. Although the Sui army was strong, it was repeatedly frustrated in the face of Goguryeo's strong defenses.

"This war is more difficult than we expected. Emperor Wen of Sui sighed on the throne.

"Your Majesty, we need a more cautious strategy. One of the strategists suggested in a low voice.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

Conquering Goguryeo: The setbacks and determinations of the Sui Dynasty

The defeat of Emperor Wen of Sui did not end this confrontation, and the succession of Emperor Yang of Sui meant that a new chapter of conquest was about to begin. He was determined to include Goguryeo in the territory of the Great Sui.

The conquest plan launched by Emperor Wen of Sui was full of ambition, but the reality was cruel.

The Sui army lost its way in the unfamiliar terrain, and the continuous torrential rain and disease caused the soldiers to lose their morale and suffer heavy losses. In front of the strong walls of Goguryeo, the Sui army had no choice but to retreat.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

After Emperor Yang of Sui succeeded to the throne, the issue of conquering Goguryeo was re-raised in the court. He said firmly: "We can't let Goguryeo insult the Great Sui again. ”

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the generals responded with strength and confidence.

Emperor Yang of Sui's campaign was larger in scale and more well prepared.

However, the topography and climate of Goguryeo remained a major problem for the Sui army. The generals of the Sui army gathered around the sand table, studying the map of Goguryeo, trying to find a breakthrough.

"Your Majesty, the mountainous terrain of Goguryeo is extremely unfavorable for us. One general said worriedly.

Emperor Yang of Sui pondered for a moment and responded, "We must find tactics that suit us. ”

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

In many expeditions, although the Sui army achieved some small victories in the beginning, it then reached a stalemate. The Goguryeo army was familiar with the terrain, and they fought in the mountains and forests, making it difficult for the traditional tactics of the Sui army to be used.

In battle after battle, the Sui army was constantly ambushed, and the soldiers struggled in the steep mountains. The continuous fighting left the Sui army exhausted and suffered heavy casualties.

"This Goguryeo is really hard to conquer. Emperor Yang of Sui sighed in the court after the war.

An old general stood up and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, we may need to reconsider our strategy against Goguryeo. ”

A hint of firmness flashed on Emperor Yang Sui's face: "We can't give up, but we must become smarter." ”

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

"Yes, Your Majesty, we will find a way to break through Goguryeo's defenses. Another general said.

Under the rule of Emperor Yang of Sui, the Sui army continued a series of expeditions against Goguryeo, but each time ended in failure. These defeats dealt a huge blow to the Sui Dynasty, with far-reaching repercussions not only militarily, but also politically and economically.

In this seemingly endless campaign, Emperor Yang of Sui's ambitions failed to materialize, and Goguryeo's stubborn resistance became a legendary piece of history.

The Sui Dynasty's successive conquests of Goguryeo eventually evolved into a prelude to the decline of the Sui Dynasty, and this history has also become an important part of later generations' evaluation of Emperor Yang of Sui.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

Tang Dynasty Conquest and Reconciliation: Ending Goguryeo's Entanglement

In the long history of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, that is, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, inherited an arduous historical mission: to conquer Goguryeo, a powerful enemy on the northeastern border.

This task was not only to inherit the unfinished wishes of the previous Sui Emperor, but also to establish the hegemony of the Tang Dynasty in all of East Asia.

Tang Taizong was in the spacious strategic conference hall, facing a group of civil and military ministers, his gaze was firm and profound. "We have to take it one step at a time, steady. Tang Taizong said slowly, revealing unquestionable determination in his tone.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

"Your Majesty is wise!" Fang Xuanling, the resourceful prime minister, replied approvingly. He knew that this decision of Tang Taizong was a profound reflection on the mistakes of the Sui Dynasty in the Battle of Goguryeo.

The Tang army, under the command of Taizong, began a series of small, but frequent border clashes. These battles, although small in scale, were frequent and put constant pressure on Goguryeo.

The Tang cavalry raided the border and destroyed Goguryeo's farmland and villages, and these targeted attacks gradually weakened Goguryeo's economic base and military strength.

"Your Majesty, our strategy is paying off, and Goguryeo's border defenses are gradually loosening. "A general reported after the war.

"Keep the pressure on and don't give the enemy a chance to breathe. Tang Taizong calmly instructed.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

Under the continuous blows of the Tang army, Goguryeo's national strength weakened day by day. Their royal capital, Pyongyang, was frequently harassed by the Tang army, and the inhabitants of the border began to be displaced.

The king of Goguryeo was angry and helpless in the court: "The Tang army is really cunning, we must come up with a countermeasure." ”

"I propose to strengthen the city's defenses and stay the course. An old minister proposed.

After Taizong's death, his son Li Zhi succeeded to the throne, namely Tang Gaozong. He inherited Taejong's legacy and prepared to launch a final attack on Goguryeo.

After a long period of war preparations and strategic adjustments, the Tang army, under the command of Gojong, gathered a large army and launched a fierce offensive against Goguryeo.

With overwhelming strength and tactical superiority, the Tang army broke through the defense line of Goguryeo.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

In a decisive battle, the Don army stormed Pyongyang, forcing the Goguryeo kingdom to surrender with a white flag. This marked the end of the more than century-long conflict between the Central Plains and Goguryeo.

"The wheel of history will move forward, winners and losers. Tang Gaozong sighed in the court, and his words contained both a celebration of victory and a deep understanding of historical changes.

The conquest of Goguryeo was not only a military victory, but also a fusion of culture and politics. The Tang Dynasty reorganized the administrative divisions of Goguryeo's hometown and promoted the culture and system of the Central Plains.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

As time passed, this former battlefield gradually calmed down, and the two cultures met and merged here, writing a new chapter in history together.

Although this period of history was full of wars and conquests, it ended in cultural exchange and integration, heralding the arrival of a new era.

Through this conquest, the Tang Dynasty not only expanded its own territory, but also left a deep imprint on the history of East Asia.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!


After the successive conquests of the emperors of the Sui and Tang dynasties, Goguryeo, a powerful country that once stood proudly in Northeast Asia, has not escaped the torrent of history after all.

From the defeat of Emperor Wen of Sui in the first battle, to the successive defeats of Emperor Yang of Sui, to the steady strategy of Taizong of Tang and the final conquest of Gaozong of Tang, this historical chapter not only shows the military expansion and political wisdom of the Central Plains Dynasty, but also shows the changes and development of an era.

The fall of Goguryeo not only marked the establishment of the hegemony of the Central Plains Dynasty in Northeast Asia, but also opened a new chapter of cultural integration and regional integration.

This historical journey, which spans two dynasties and four generations, is a profound interpretation of the convergence of power, strategy, and culture.

In this process, both the winners and the losers have become an important force to promote history, and together they have woven a magnificent historical picture.

After reading the map, the four great emperors of the two dynasties of China pointed to this powerful country and said: Death will destroy it!

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