
Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

author:Wenyuan's history book
Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Papua New Guinea's first Chinese Prime Minister and Father of the Nation - Chen Zhongmin

Chen Zhongmin, an overseas Chinese from Taishan, China, has achieved a brilliant political career in the distant South Seas country of Papua New Guinea, serving as the country's prime minister twice, which is undoubtedly a legendary life experience.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Chen Zhongmin's father, Chen Bai, was born in Taishan, Guangdong, at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, when there were frequent famines in the Liangguang region, Chen Bai had to leave his hometown and come to Nanyang to make a living.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Chen Zhongmin and his father

In PNG, he engaged in the retail business, and through hard work and intelligence, he gradually became a well-known local businessman, and Chen Bai later married an indigenous woman and gave birth to a son, Chen Zhongmin.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Although far away, Chen Bai did not forget his roots, in PNG, the Chinese established their own school, inheriting the Chinese culture, Chen Zhongmin was taught in a Chinese school since he was a child, and deeply cultivated his feelings for China.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

After graduating from high school, he went to Australia for further study, but his longing for his hometown never stopped, and when he returned to PNG, Chen Zhongmin wanted to inherit his father's business, but he had a natural interest and talent in politics.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

After independence, Chen Zhongmin successively served as deputy prime minister and held a number of important positions, and in 1980, after the resignation of Somare, he took over as prime minister, becoming the first Chinese leader of PNG.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In April 2003, Chen Zhongmin took his family home to visit relatives

During his tenure, diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan were established, and after leaving office in 1982, Chen Zhongmin remained active in parliament.

In 1994, Chen Zhongmin became prime minister again, and continued to promote Pakistan-China relations during his two-year term, and in 2003, he returned to Taishan to pay respects to his ancestors.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Chen Zhongmin returned to his hometown to visit relatives

Throughout his life, Chen Zhongmin never forgot his roots, and also promoted Pakistan-China friendship and cooperation with practical actions.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

The 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations - Ban Ki-moon

Born in Chungju, South Korea, and originally from Xingyang, Henan Province, Ban Ki-moon represents the intersection of Eastern and Western cultures.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In 1970, he graduated from the Department of Foreign Affairs of Seoul National University in South Korea and officially entered the diplomatic service.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

During his diplomatic career spanning more than 40 years, he served as Consul General and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Chinese Embassy in the United States, witnessing and promoting exchanges between Korea and the world.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In 2007, the 62-year-old Ban Ki-moon was unanimously elected as the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, the first Secretary-General of East Asia in the history of the United Nations, and also heralded the Orientalization of the United Nations in the new century.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Ban Ki-moon and Mrs

Since taking office, he has actively promoted the reform of the United Nations, advocating for conservation, building green workplaces, and improving operational efficiency.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

He also emphasized gender equality, established the Women's Agency, focused on social issues such as youth employment, and worked hard to address various global challenges for world peace and sustainable development.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

After stepping down in 2016, Ban Ki-moon continued to be active on the international stage, serving as Chairman of the IOC Ethics Committee and Chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia, bridging sports and economics.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

The 80th Prime Minister of Japan - Takashi Haneda

In the history of Japan, there was a prime minister who made a unique contribution to Sino-Japanese friendship, and he was Haneda.

Haneda is a Japanese man like no other, who firmly believes that his ancestor is Xu Fuku.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Xu Fu was ordered to travel east to Japan during the reign of Qin Shi Huang in search of the elixir of immortality, and Haneda considered him to be a descendant of Xu Fu and the Qin people.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

This is a rarity in Japan, where Japanese people rarely admit to having Chinese ancestry. But Haneda was proud of this, and even said in public many times that as a descendant of Xu Fu and the Qin people, he had deep Chinese blood.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

He is also one of the few Japanese politicians who has publicly expressed his proximity to China.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In 1994, Haneda became the prime minister of Japan, and in his short 66-day career as prime minister, he himself often visited China, twice personally visiting the Xu Fu Temple in Ganyu County, Jiangsu Province, to trace his roots.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Thailand's first female prime minister - Yingluck Shinawatra

Yingluck, the 28th Prime Minister of Thailand, whose ancestral home is Meizhou, Guangdong, is a charismatic female politician who has returned to her ancestral hometown - Meizhou, Guangdong Province to worship her ancestors.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Her family has been involved in Thai politics for generations, with her father being a member of the Chiang Mai Parliament and her brother Thaksin Shinawatra serving as prime minister.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

From such a family background, Yingluck developed a strong interest in politics from an early age.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Yingluck achieved excellence in the business world in the first half of her life, and her success in business laid the foundation for her later political career.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In 2011, Yingluck Shinawatra was elected Thailand's first female prime minister, becoming an important figure in Thai history.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Yingluck's political career has not been without its challenges. When her brother Thaksin Shinawatra was overthrown in a coup d'état during his tenure, Yingluck took over the family's political responsibilities.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Under her leadership, the Thai government has maintained close cooperation with China, and she herself has returned to her ancestral hometown of Meizhou many times to visit relatives and ancestors, and has a deep attachment to Chinese culture, and the mainland's visa on arrival policy in Thailand is promoted by Yingluck.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

However, Yingluck's political career has also been called into question by the rice malfeasance case, which has taken a toll on her reputation, despite her achievements during her tenure and the popularity of the people.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

At the end of January 2019, Yingluck officially announced her permanent retirement from politics, ending her brilliant performance on the Thai political scene.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Although her political career has been full of ups and downs, her position as Thailand's first female prime minister is unassailable, and during her tenure, she actively promoted relations with the mainland and formulated many friendly policies towards China.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Guyana's "Father of the Nation" - Arthur Chung

The story of Arthur Chung, President of Guyana, is a model for the development and progress of this South American country.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Born to a father in Meizhou, Guangdong, China, as a first-generation immigrant to make a living on this land, Arthur Chung was nurtured by his family from an early age and knew that only by Xi studying and improving himself could he change his destiny.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

As a young man, he studied there with excellent grades and then entered the United Kingdom to study Xi law, and returned to China a few years later after being admitted to the bar.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

At first, he was only a Xi judge, but with his talent and hard work, he soon rose to prominence in the legal profession and became a senior judge.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

With more than 20 years of service in the courts, he not only defended the rights and interests of indigenous people and Asian and African immigrants, but also participated in the independence movement, which was deeply loved by the public.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In 1970, when Guyana became an independent state, Arthur Chung became its first president, and under his leadership, the young nation took a major step.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In 1972, Guyana became the first Latin American country to establish diplomatic relations with China, which undoubtedly enhanced friendly exchanges between the two peoples.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

During his presidency, Arthur Chung was committed to improving people's livelihood, and with the development of various constructions, people's living standards have been improved.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

The 11th President of the Philippines - Corazon Aquino

In 1988, there was a president like no other in the history of the Philippines – Corazon.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

She is not only the first female president in the Philippines, but also the first in all of Asia.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

During his tenure, he has more than once stated that his ancestors are Chinese and has sent us many friendly messages.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Former President of the AU Federation - Jean Ping

During his tenure as President of the AU Federation, Jean Ping has been committed to strengthening cooperation between African countries and China.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

He is well aware that China, as a developing country, has rich experience and resources in the economic, scientific, technological, and cultural fields, so he has taken the initiative to strive for cooperation projects with China in various fields.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

China's assistance and cooperation have helped Gabon get out of its dull economic predicament, promote the development of local manufacturing and tourism, and provide more employment and development opportunities for the Gabonese people.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In order to better strengthen the friendship between China and Africa, Jean Ping often visited China and maintained close diplomatic relations.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Every time he came to China, he would look for his roots and worship his ancestors, looking for traces of his relatives and ancestors in his father's hometown of Wenzhou.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

In addition to his roots, Jean Ping has also participated in many international events, notably the Beijing Olympic Games, where he attended the opening and closing ceremonies as President of the AU Federation.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

As the standard-bearer of China-Africa friendship, he represents the expectation and glory of Africa, and has attracted the attention and respect of the world.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

The sixth president of South Korea - Roh Tae-woo

Born into a Korean family during the Japanese rule of Korea, Roh Tae-woo had a deep affection for his mother country from an early age, and in 1988, he was elected South Korea's first democratically elected president, ushering in a new era of democratization in South Korea.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Lu Taiyu comes from a long-standing family, and his ancestors can be traced back to Jiang Ziya, a famous general in the Spring and Autumn Period of China, and is the 13th generation descendant of Jiang Ziya.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Lu Tae-woo's distant ancestor Lu Hui crossed the Korean Peninsula in the war-torn Middle East and was awarded the title of earl in the Silla Kingdom, and his descendants settled in Korea and became the famous Lu family in Korea.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

During his presidency, Roh Tae-woo worked to strengthen relations between South Korea and China, and in 1992, he pushed for the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and China, but due to his busy schedule, he has not been able to fulfill his long-cherished wish to return to his hometown to pay homage to his ancestors.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

It wasn't until 2000 that Roh Tae-woo finally had the opportunity to realize this dream when he and his family went to Changqing, Shandong Province, where they found Lu Hui's grave and presented Korean rice cookers to each villager as a token of gratitude.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

The villagers gave him a plaque with the word "Fu" as a sign of welcome. Paying homage to his ancestors in his hometown and fulfilling his long-cherished wish is of great significance to Lu Tae-yu.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

He demonstrated his deep affection for his mother country with his actions, and also promoted the development of friendly relations between South Korea and China in his own way.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Singapore's Founding Father, Lee Kuan Yew

Lee Kuan Yew was Singapore's founding prime minister and is also known as the "Father of the Nation".

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

His ancestral home can be traced back to Meizhou, Guangdong, and like many overseas Chinese, his great-grandfather left his hometown in the mid-19th century to work in British Singapore.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

As a result, Lee Kuan Yew was born in Singapore and received a British education, but as a pure Chinese, Lee Kuan Yew has always been very concerned about his roots.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

He realized that he knew very little about Chinese culture, which became the reason why he lost the election in one of his mayoral runs.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

From then on, he made up his mind to learn Xi Chinese and understand Chinese traditions, and he not only learned Xi himself, but also encouraged the people of the whole country to learn Xi Chinese, which laid a solid foundation for him to become prime minister in the future.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

During Lee Kuan Yew's administration, he successfully established Singapore as an economic powerhouse in Asia.

In the 70s, he officially established diplomatic relations with China. The two countries have had good exchanges on economic development concepts and methods.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Lee Kuan Yew knew that his roots were in China, and the Chinese language was the most important cultural support for him, and he once said that as a Chinese, speaking Chinese was a matter of self-esteem.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

Lee Kuan Yew has been following China's reform and opening-up process, and in 2018, he received the China Reform Friendship Award from China in recognition of his support and engagement with China over the years.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?

With his own practice, he has demonstrated to the world the deep affection of a leader of Chinese descent for the motherland, and has also laid a solid foundation for the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

Nine foreign leaders, whose ancestral home is in China, will they come back to find their roots and ask their ancestors when they are in a different place?
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