
Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea


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Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Text: Wordy Shoko

Editor|Akiko long-winded


"The spring tea is fresh, better than the April day in the world. ”
Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

The history of tea drinking in Chinese can be traced back to the Yanhuang period, when tea was not a daily drink, but existed as medicine.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

People who drink tea regularly should know that tea has a good refreshing effect, so many people will choose to have a cup of strong tea when they are not energetic, and the effect is better than coffee.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

For people who love tea, not drinking tea for a day seems to be missing something, but although the taste of tea is very good, there is also a special way to drink tea.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Many people don't know, so it's easy to walk into the misunderstanding of drinking tea, resulting in the consequences of "reverse tea drinking".

Hungry tea is not available?

The refreshing effect of tea is well known, and many people are usually not very energetic after waking up in the morning, especially office workers, who are even less energetic when they think of going to work.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

In order to be in a better state to work, many people will choose "coffee to continue their life", but the unique taste of coffee is not acceptable to everyone.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

For example, the "infamous" iced American, after taking a sip, the whole person feels bad, and it is so difficult to drink that people will instantly feel refreshed, which can be regarded as an alternative way to refresh themselves.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Tea is the only refreshing drink for people who don't like coffee, but drinking tea in the morning is not as healthy as people think, especially for those who like to drink tea on an empty stomach.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

In fact, tea is already a very healthy drink, but if you drink it on an empty stomach, it is easy to cause discomfort to the stomach, in fact, this principle is similar to not taking medicine on an empty stomach.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Because when people are not eating, the stomach is very weak, and more stimulating drinks will irritate the stomach, which will make those who have a bad stomach feel uncomfortable.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Therefore, when you drink tea in the morning, you should prepare some breakfast, and then drink tea after breakfast, which will not only not cause physical discomfort, but also better taste the flavor of tea and achieve a refreshing effect.

Shouldn't the tea be too strong?

When it comes to drinking tea, some people like a lighter way to drink, and some people like a thicker taste, everyone's preferences are different, and the amount of tea leaves when drinking tea is also different.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Many people think that drinking tea and putting more tea leaves will make the tea more flavorful, but in fact it is wrong to do so, because tea contains a lot of tea polyphenols and tea polyalkali.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

These substances are not fully absorbed by the human body, and strong tea also contains aluminum, which can affect our health, in addition, strong tea can also cause sleep problems.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Drinking tea properly during the day does have the effect of refreshing the mind, but at night, it is not suitable for refreshing the mind, if you take a cup of strong tea before going to bed, then you will probably not be able to sleep tonight, and it is estimated that you can be refreshed all night.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Therefore, when we usually drink tea, do not pursue the stronger the better, everything has a degree, if it is excessive, it will be counterproductive, and it is very important to master the amount of tea and the time to make tea.

The newer the tea, the better?

On weekdays, when we buy things, we subconsciously think that fresh food will be better, such as vegetables and fruits that we often eat, as well as various meats.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

In the choice of tea, many people also subconsciously think that it must be fresh and better, but it is normal for people to think this way, because compared with old tea, new tea will indeed taste better.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

This is because the tea polyphenol content in new tea is much higher than that in old tea, but it also contains a lot of other substances, such as caffeine, amino acids, etc.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Although these ingredients will make the tea taste better, it also adds factors that will stimulate the body, and for some people who are weaker, long-term drinking will affect the body.

Does tea cure hangover?

I don't know when the effect of tea can relieve hangover spread, many people will drink a cup of tea to relieve hangover when they are drunk, can milk tea really cure hangover?

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

In fact, the claim that tea can relieve hangover is mainly because tea has the function of refreshing and refreshing the mind, but it does not have much sobering effect, because after drinking, the human body metabolizes these alcohols, mainly relying on the operation of the liver.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

In this process, some water is indeed needed to help the liver metabolize alcohol, and although tea is also water, the caffeine contained in tea can cause a feeling of euphoria.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

If you drink tea after drinking, not only can it not relieve the hangover, but it will make the condition of the drunk person more serious, so after drinking, we should drink some mild drinks such as water and milk, and try not to drink tea, so as not to aggravate the drunken condition.

Do you need boiling water to make tea?

For people who like to drink tea, tea is to drink it while it is hot to be more fragrant, many people believe that boiling water must be used to make tea, because only in this way can the tea be thoroughly brewed, and the fragrance of the tea will be more mellow.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

There is nothing wrong with its practical behavior of boiling water to make tea, because the tea brewed by boiling water will be more delicious, and the taste of the tea can be better played.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

However, many people often can't wait for the temperature to drop down after brewing tea, but as everyone knows, this is a very dangerous behavior.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Because tea that is too hot often and too hot can cause a lot of undesirable consequences, when very hot tea passes through our throat and esophagus, it can cause them harm.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

For example, many patients with esophageal cancer are due to long-term consumption of hot tea and food, and the human body should eat at a temperature below 60 degrees.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

More than 60 degrees Celsius can easily cause harm to the body, and the risk of esophageal cancer will also greatly increase, so we should wait for the temperature to drop before drinking tea.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

Tea has a very long history and culture in the mainland, drinking tea can not only cultivate sentiment, but also improve the body's immunity, so tea is also loved by many people.

Don't drink tea in the wrong way, people who love tea should pay attention and try to stay away from several misunderstandings about drinking tea

But there are also many misunderstandings about drinking tea, and we should try to avoid these misunderstandings when drinking tea, so as not to cause harm to the body.

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