
They are all dampness dispel fierce generals, which one is stronger to dispel dampness, Erchen Pill, Er Miao Pill, and Shenling Baizhu San?

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine called "dampness is the source of all diseases", where the dampness stops, where there will be problems, but now there are so many dampness medicines on the market, such as Erchen pills, Ermiao pills, Shenling Baizhu powder, etc., many people have made difficulties in choosing, I don't know which one is more suitable for themselves, so today I will tell you to understand, so that you can be light without dampness!

They are all dampness dispel fierce generals, which one is stronger to dispel dampness, Erchen Pill, Er Miao Pill, and Shenling Baizhu San?

First of all, they can be used to dispel dampness, but it is important to know that dampness is changeable, and pathological products such as phlegm dampness and dampness and heat can be derived. For example, if you have heavy dampness, poor appetite, always weak limbs, unformed stool, and cough with phlegm, chest tightness, poor breathing, etc., the tongue sticks out to see, the tongue coating is not thick, and the tongue surface is slippery, at this time you can refer to it to regulate

They are all dampness dispel fierce generals, which one is stronger to dispel dampness, Erchen Pill, Er Miao Pill, and Shenling Baizhu San?

But if you have a lot of dampness on your body, and the water is damp and accumulates into phlegm dampness, then at this time, in addition to the performance of heavy dampness mentioned above, there will also be a heavy body, just like pouring lead, the head is dizzy, the phlegm can not be spit out, there is always phlegm in the throat, and the tongue coating is particularly thick and greasy, etc., at this time, Erchen Pill is more suitable, but it should be noted that although it has a strong phlegm dissipation strength, it is easy to consume gas, so if you are particularly weak, it is not recommended to use it

They are all dampness dispel fierce generals, which one is stronger to dispel dampness, Erchen Pill, Er Miao Pill, and Shenling Baizhu San?

Finally, if phlegm and dampness continue to accumulate and obstruct the flow of qi and blood for a long time, it is easy to turn heat, and dampness and heat will appear at this time, at this time, you will be on the basis of phlegm and dampness, and you will also show dry thirst and bad breath at the mouth, and your face, hair and skin love to produce oil, and if you eat something hot, you will get angry, and the stool is sticky and unpleasant, and the tongue coating is yellow and greasy, then Ermiao Pill is more suitable at this time

They are all dampness dispel fierce generals, which one is stronger to dispel dampness, Erchen Pill, Er Miao Pill, and Shenling Baizhu San?

In short, they can all get rid of dampness, but which kind of dampness it is, you still need to choose it in combination with the symptoms, so don't blindly follow the trend of medication, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline in time, and we'll see you next time.