
In fact, today's men need to relieve depression the most!

author:Dr. Hu of Chinese Medicine

Many fans will find that many middle-aged uncles have disappeared from the circle of friends, what is the situation?

There may be a variety of reasons behind it: busy work, cumbersome family, uneasy children, nothing to be happy about, nothing to want to post, etc., on the contrary, many women are still active in the circle of friends, from trivial life to happiness, they can always find a place to share and communicate;

There are all kinds of signs that in this society, men's depression and malaise are actually more serious than women's.

It is often said that the most suitable Chinese medicine for women to relieve liver and depression is "Xiaoyao Pill", in fact, there are quite a lot of men who need it.

In fact, today's men need to relieve depression the most!

For example, the issue of andrology affects the "happiness" of tens of millions of people, including not only men, but also their women.

From the perspective of traditional concepts, many people believe that men are malaise, often kidney deficiency, this concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so sea cucumber, abalone, deer whip and other tonic products are popular, and people who often take it say, is it as long as imagined?

And after all, in traditional Chinese medicine, it is said that "kidney is the main reproduction", but what we want to discuss today is not kidney deficiency, but a reminder, because there are quite a lot of people who ignore the role of "heart and liver", and there are two meanings here:

One is one's own mind, liver and blood, which will also affect "happiness", and the other is that the women around men sometimes have a negative impact, which is worth being vigilant against.

For example, for example, premature ejaculation in men, commonly known as "seeing flowers", is miserable enough to hear the name, it is a very common andrological problem, among men aged 18-60, the actual incidence is close to 25%-30%, is it much more than imagined;

In fact, today's men need to relieve depression the most!

This problem, experienced andrology Chinese medicine, not only from the perspective of kidney deficiency to tonify the kidney, but also to calm the mind and calm the nerves, because this disease is closely related to emotions and spirits.

Let's talk about the more common atrophy, which is a problem that many men are afraid of, clinical Chinese medicine will find that many chronic prostate disease, atrophy and other male patients, a large number of liver depression, you must know that the liver is the main tendon, and the liver meridian is also the only meridian that surrounds the genitals;

When this tendon "works", it also needs a large amount of liver and blood to be replenished, so the liver meridian is not accessible, the liver blood is not sufficient, and the "work" is impossible to go smoothly, so the liver not only affects gynecology, but also affects andrology.

There was a patient who had obvious atrophy and low libido in the past year, and after a Chinese medicine consultation, he found that his work pressure was high, and after several failed intercourse, his wife usually did not pay attention to her husband's diet and Chinese medicine conditioning, nor did she have any positive persuasion, but kept complaining and complaining, resulting in obvious depression and anxiety in men, and if it develops, it will become a vicious circle of "depression due to atrophy and withering due to depression";

Traditional Chinese medicine grasps the root cause of the disease and first separates them for a period of time;

In fact, today's men need to relieve depression the most!

At the same time, not only did not use a large amount of kidney tonic in the medication, but used a large dose of Bupleurum chinensis, Xiangfu and other traditional Chinese medicine to soothe the liver and relieve depression, and used Angelica, Chuanxiong and other blood to replenish and invigorate blood, the medication style is simply a school of gynecology, and at the same time, add sour jujube Ren Anxin, ginseng, astragalus to strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, so that sleep nourishment is better, and after a month and a half, the andrology function will return to normal.

Everyone's physique is different, and the knowledge introduced in this article will not be applicable to 100% everyone, and the treatment should be based on individual circumstances, follow the doctor's guidance when using, and use it correctly according to the dosage and usage.