
is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

author:Xiaohui chats about entertainment

Text/Xiaohui chatting about entertainment

Editor/Xiaohui Chat Entertainment

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now


Behind the glitz and glitz of the entertainment industry, every star has his own untold story. Yuan Jieying, the former goddess of short hair, her life is like a drama, full of ups and downs and twists. A chance street quarrel led her to step into the door of acting and start a legendary career. Her life has too many unexpected twists and turns: Aaron Kwok was fascinated, experienced complex emotional entanglements with Liu Luanxiong, and finally rumors of homosexuality. Her story is more exciting than the storyline of the movie.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

Accidental entry

Yuan Jieying, an actress who has left a deep mark on the entertainment industry, her story is full of persistence and perseverance. At the age of only 15, Yuan's fate took a turn when a street brawl took a turn for the worse. The incident caught the attention of Huang Baiming, the director who discovered her potential. Since entering the entertainment industry in 1985, Yuan Jieying has embarked on a remarkable career.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

As an entertainer, she was originally known for her role in the Happy Ghost film series. Yuan Jieying's short hair style, like her acting skills, won her the love of many audiences, making her quickly become a new star in the film industry. Her performances are not limited to a single genre, from the fierce strong woman to the gentle little woman, her diverse interpretations show her extraordinary acting skills.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

Yuan's teenage years were full of rebellion, and her behavior was no different from that of a boy, including smoking, drinking, and early love. Despite the challenges and doubts, she always stands for herself and is not swayed by the outside world. She is a member of the "Happy Girls Group", and together with Chen Jialing, Luo Meiwei, etc., she has attracted widespread attention with their unique image and style.

In 1999, Yuan Jieying announced her retirement from acting, ending her 20-year career. Her decision is a reflection of her unique personality and non-herd attitude. Despite later rumors about her comeback, Yuan Jieying denied it in her own unique way, sticking to her choices and lifestyle. Her story is not only about perseverance and success, but also about a journey of courage to face oneself and stand up for one's personal beliefs.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

Fascinate Aaron Kwok

A young actress stepped into the entertainment industry and started a relationship journey with ups and downs. Her life has been in the public spotlight, and her love affair with Aaron Kwok, one of the "Four Heavenly Kings", has become the focus.

Aaron Kwok became popular with the 1990 album "Can't Stop Loving You" and became one of the dazzling stars of the "Four Heavenly Kings". The actress and Aaron Kwok met while filming the movie "Running on Fire". However, the relationship between the two was negatively viewed by Aaron Kwok's fans, who thought that the woman was high and unworthy of the idol.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

Some of Aaron Kwok's avid fans have taken extreme actions, such as sending blades and blood letters, to attack the relationship. These excesses had a negative impact on the actress and made her feel withdrawn. The heated discussion about the private life of the star in the entertainment industry has become a double-edged sword, affecting the actress's career and psychological state.

Under the pressure of negative public opinion, soon after, the two announced their breakup. This celebrity relationship experience once again attracted public attention and set off a discussion on ethics and morality in the entertainment industry. The private lives of celebrities have attracted much attention, and negative comments and extreme behaviors have become a kind of shadow in the entertainment industry.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

The twists and turns and challenges in the emotional experience of celebrities highlight the disadvantages of excessive attention to the private lives of celebrities in the entertainment industry. Feelings are tested by the intervention of the public, which has a profound impact on the professional and psychological of the protagonist. This also reflects society's concern about the excessive hype and negative behavior of celebrities, and triggers deep thinking about the ethical norms of the entertainment industry.

Abandoned by Liu Luanxiong

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

Lau Luen-hung, also known as Andy Lau, is one of Hong Kong's highest-profile acting superstars, renowned for his outstanding achievements in the field of acting and music.

The light of the scandal shrouded him, and he was nicknamed the "actress sniper", and the fate between him and Yuan Jieying began in 1993. In this legendary story, Liu Luan spent a lot of money to give a luxury car to Yuan Jieying, and even more arrogantly purchased a luxurious mansion, which made him described as a peerless and suave man.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

However, this vigorous relationship did not last long. Although Liu Luanxiong has many confidants around him, his relationship with Yuan Jieying has not lasted. The end of this love affair seems to have a hint of helplessness, the silence after a fireworks.

Yuan Jieying's soul was greatly damaged in this stormy snow, and the damage to her body and mind was beyond imagination. The haze of depression and anorexia looms over her life and career, casting a heavy shadow over her future. The end of this relationship seems to be the beginning of a trauma in her psyche, pushing her into a dark abyss.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

It is worth noting that the authenticity of this information is questionable, and perhaps it is just rumors of gossip and scandal. The story of Liu Luanxiong and Yuen Kit-ying may not be exactly what is heard, and the details may be exaggerated or misinterpreted. However, these rumors have undeniably influenced people's perception of them, making this once glamorous love story confusing.

It is rumored to be gay

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

Yuan Jieying's life has undergone a period of great change, and when Liu Luanxiong withdrew from her life, people may expect her to usher in a comfortable life, but the truth is quite the opposite. She faced a new set of challenges and dilemmas.

In terms of career, she was invited twice to play the role of "Zhao Min" in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", however, she resolutely refused such an opportunity. What's more, in 2013, she was invited to play the leading role in "Women's Club", however, due to the change in appearance, the result was not satisfactory.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

There is no shortage of troubles in life. Once, she was reported by a taxi driver who claimed that she had harassed a customer. In addition, rumors about her homosexuality became the focus of public attention, leaving her physically and mentally shocked.

However, Yuan Jieying has shown amazing tenacity. Today, her life seems ordinary but fulfilling, her body may be thin, but her mental state is unusually good. By her side, there is a group of close female friends, especially with Huang Yiming, who has maintained a deep friendship for more than 30 years. Every time it is her birthday, Huang Yiming always comes in person with a cake, which becomes a warmth in her life.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

Now, although she is far away from the entertainment industry, Yuan Jieying still lives a full and wonderful life. Her story is not only a past in the entertainment industry, but also a true portrayal of how an ordinary person rises in a difficult situation, how to maintain a positive attitude, gain the support of friendship, and move towards a happy life of his own.

Personal opinion

In Yuan Jieying's entertainment life, we have witnessed the tenacity and unyielding of an actress. Her career has been full of twists and turns, from being a short-haired goddess to leaving the entertainment industry, every step of the way shows her courage to assert herself. In her relationship experience, her involvement with Aaron Kwok and Liu Luanxiong made her the focus of public attention. However, the glitz and aura of the entertainment industry have also brought great pressure and trouble.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

We need to be cautious about rumors of homosexuality, understanding that there may be doubts about their veracity. Yuan Jieying's story reminds us that behind the scenes of the entertainment industry is not all brilliance, every star is a real-life individual, and they also face the ups and downs and challenges of life.

In the end, Yuan Jieying showed an extremely resilient side. Although there may have been twists and turns in her life, she has built her own happiness with a positive attitude and sincere friendship. On her journey to pursue her dreams, she taught us that being authentic, being strong in our beliefs, and walking with close friendships is the path to happiness. Behind the dazzling entertainment stage, every star has his own life experience, and we should look at them with more understanding and respect.

is more beautiful than Li Zi, fascinated Aaron Kwok, and became gay after being abandoned by Liu Luanxiong, how is it now

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