
When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

author:Chen Shi's book

In the long river of history, there are two bright stars, one is Su Dongpo, a giant in the literary world, and the other is Xin Qiji, a hero on the battlefield. Their encounter is like a fateful arrangement, connecting two very different worlds. This is not only a spiritual dialogue across time and space, but also a profound reflection on life, ideals and destiny.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

Su Dongpo: The open-minded life of a merry and talented man

In the Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo's name flowed like flowing water in every corner. He is not only famous for his literary achievements, but also for his attitude towards life, which has influenced generations of people. Su Dongpo's life is full of legends, and his story has been circulated among the people and has become a model in the hearts of countless people.

That year, Su Dongpo was forty-three years old, which was a turning point in his life. Although he suffered an unprecedented setback due to the "Wutai Poetry Case", his mentality is still open-minded and optimistic. He often said: "Life is a play, whether it is good or bad, it must be performed wonderfully." This optimism keeps him strong and hopeful in difficult times.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

I remember that it was a spring afternoon, Su Dongpo and a friend for many years were walking by the river. The spring breeze is blowing, the river is sparkling, and the two are talking about poetry and life while walking. The friend looked at Su Dongpo, his eyes were full of concern and sympathy, and he sighed: "Master Su, your situation is really embarrassing. Su Dongpo looked at the river and replied with a chuckle: "Life is full of ups and downs, I only care about how to live a wonderful life." There was no trace of bitterness in his voice, only indifference and calmness.

His friend was infected by this calmness, and couldn't help asking: "Master Su, how did you become so open-minded?" Su Dongpo smiled slightly and replied: "Life is so short, why embarrass yourself? As long as there is poetry in your heart, everywhere is a good scenery." This simple sentence shows his understanding and attitude towards life.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

Su Dongpo's open-mindedness and optimism are not only reflected in his poems, but also in his daily life. He often gathers with friends, discusses poetry and drinks, and his conversation and humor always attract everyone. In these gatherings, Su Dongpo often shares his philosophy of life, and his words are full of wisdom and profound outlook on life, which always benefit the listener a lot.

Even in the political setbacks, Su Dongpo still maintained a peaceful heart. In his poem, he wrote: "The mountains and rivers know where they are, and the rain and snow are free." This is not only a depiction of natural landscapes, but also a true portrayal of his attitude towards life. No matter what kind of situation he is in, Su Dongpo can always maintain a detachment and calmness, which allows him to still shine in the predicament.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

Under Su Dongpo's influence, his friends gradually learned to look at life in a more positive light. They begin to understand that whatever life throws at them, they should face it positively and do their best. Su Dongpo's influence is not only limited to his poems, but also deeply rooted in his words and deeds.

In the second half of his life, although Su Dongpo encountered many difficulties and challenges, he never gave up the pursuit of a better life. His philosophy of life has not only become his own spiritual pillar, but also a model for future generations to learn from Xi.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

Xin Qiji: A generous and tragic warrior poet

Xin Qiji, this name is like a beacon fire in troubled times, illuminating the hearts of a generation. Unlike Su Dongpo's open-mindedness, Xin Qiji's life was full of generosity and tragedy. Born in a war-torn era, he witnessed the displacement of his country from an early age, and these experiences were deeply imprinted in his psyche and became the source of his poetry.

Xin Qiji's poems are full of the pain of losing territory and the desire to fight the enemy. Every word of his is like a sharp sword, stabbing at the enemy, but also at those who are indifferent to the fate of the country. His poetry, in that turbulent era, gave people strength and hope.

I remember one time, Xin Qiji was ostracized and suppressed in the court. That night, he had a secret conversation with a like-minded confidant. In the dim light, Xin Qiji's eyes flashed with determination. He said in a deep voice: "Although I am in the court, I feel constrained. But no matter what, I will never give up on my ideals. His words were firm and powerful, full of unyielding determination.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

After hearing this, his confidant was deeply moved and asked, "Doctor Xin, aren't you afraid of being in danger?" Xin Qiji smiled slightly and replied: "Born in troubled times, how can there be no danger?

Xin Qiji's spirit is not only reflected in his words, but also in his actions. He wrote to the imperial court many times, suggesting that he go on expeditions to recover the lost territory. Although his advice was ignored and even disparaged many times, he never gave up. In his opinion, even a small effort is a contribution to the country.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

In Xin Qiji's heart, there is an unchanging belief: as long as there is still a breath left, he will never give up on the future of the country. His steadfastness has won the admiration of many like-minded people. Together, they discussed state affairs and planned together how to regain lost territory. Although these plans can only stay on paper most of the time, this unremitting effort has become the most valuable treasure in their hearts.

Xin Qiji's poetry creation was also deeply influenced by his firm belief. In his poems, there is not only an infinite nostalgia for the rivers and mountains of his homeland, but also an ardent expectation for the future revival. His poems are like a flag, inspiring the people of that era not to give up hope and to fight for the future of the country.

In his later years, Xin Qiji still did not give up his ideals. Although he is old, he still pays attention to national affairs and often gives advice and guidance to young people. This spirit of his made him a spiritual symbol of that era.

Su Dongpo's pride and Xin Qiji's ambition

Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji's life trajectories are completely different, but they show striking similarities in the face of difficulties: whether it is Su Dongpo's open-mindedness or Xin Qiji's tenacity, they both interpret the love of life and the challenge of fate in a unique way.

On a hazy moonlit night, Su Dongpo walked alone on the path in the south of the Yangtze River, and the night breeze was light, bringing a cool atmosphere. Under the moonlight, Su Dongpo's shadow was stretched out, and his mood became deeper. He sang in a low voice: "I hope that people will last a long time, and they will be together for thousands of miles." This poem expresses his longing for his family and friends, and also reflects his deep understanding of the impermanence of life. Su Dongpo knows that whether it is glory or downfall, it is a part of life, and the real thing is to grasp the moment and cherish the people in front of you.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

In another time and space, Xin Qiji was on the front line of the war. In his tent, the candlelight flickered, projecting on his resolute face. Xin Qiji held a pen and ink in his hand and wrote with a pen: "When I was drunk, I picked up the lamp to look at the sword, and dreamed of blowing the horn and the battalion." This poem not only shows his serious attitude towards the war, but also reflects the tragedy and indomitability of his heart. Xin Qiji knew that as a soldier, his responsibility was to protect the land and the people, and even if there was a dangerous battlefield ahead, he would never flinch.

In Su Dongpo's poems, we can feel his deep thinking about life and his cherishing of human emotions. In Xin Qiji's poems, they are full of worries about the future of the country and the persistent pursuit of ideals. Although the two have different living environments and challenges, they both express their respect for life and their persistence in their ideals in their own ways.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

At night in the south of the Yangtze River, Su Dongpo often admires the moon alone and thinks, and his mood is as deep and quiet as this night sky. In his view, life is like the unpredictable moon, sometimes round and sometimes missing, but no matter what, it is worth appreciating and cherishing. Through his poems, Su Dongpo conveyed an open-minded philosophy of life to the world, teaching people to learn to find hope in adversity and find beauty in the ordinary.

Similarly, every night on the battlefield was full of thinking and planning. He knows that he is not only shouldering personal honor, but also the future of the country. In his heart, there is a strong sense of mission and responsibility. Xin Qiji's poetry, as sharp as his sword, points to the pain points of the times and inspires people to fight for the future of the country.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji: Similar Postures under Different Destinies

Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji, two great men in history, although they are in different life trajectories, face the challenges of life with the same courage and wisdom. Their stories, like two streams in the long river of history, have converged into a spiritual symbol of the perseverance of the Chinese nation.

Su Dongpo, a merry and talented man, is famous for his outstanding literary achievements and profound philosophical thinking. His life was full of ups and downs, and he experienced countless challenges and tribulations, from winning the favor of the emperor to being demoted to a petty official. However, Su Dongpo has never lost his love for life and the pursuit of beauty because of this. In his poem, he wrote: "Life is a hero, and death is also a ghost." This poem not only expresses his attitude towards life, but also reflects his firmness and courage in the face of adversity.

Unlike Su Dongpo, Xin Qiji's life was spent more in war and political strife. He was not only a brave general, but also a talented lyricist. In the face of the country's crisis and personal predicament, Xin Qiji has always maintained his dedication to his ideals and loyalty to the country. His words are full of generosity and tragedy, as he wrote: "Bow down to the best of your ability, and then die." This spirit of defying hardships and unswerving to the death has deeply influenced future generations.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

Although the lives of Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji are different, they both show an indomitable and smiling attitude towards life in the face of difficulties. In their poems, we can see a deep understanding of life and a firm pursuit of ideals. They have taught us that no matter how difficult life is, as long as we have love and pride in our hearts, we can live our best lives.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

On a sunny afternoon, Su Dongpo splashed ink in his study, and his poems flowed with a deep love for life and an understanding of human nature. He believes that everyone's life is unique and precious, and that every challenge should be faced with a positive attitude and every moment of life should be enjoyed. Su Dongpo's poems are not only literary masterpieces, but also true portrayals of his philosophy of life.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

At the same time, Xin Qiji also showed his love for life and pursuit of ideals on the battlefield. Even on the battlefield filled with gunsmoke and swords, he still adhered to his beliefs and ideals. In his view, every battle is a test of his courage and faith, and he uses his sword and words to express his passion and vision for the country and the people.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

The story of Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji is not only the legend of the two great men, but also the embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation. They used their lives and talents to tell us that in the face of difficulties and challenges, we should remain optimistic and courageous, and stick to our beliefs and pursuits. Their poems have become spiritual food that inspires generations of people, allowing us to move forward bravely on the road of life, without fear of wind and rain.

When Su Dongpo met Xin Qiji: only then did he understand everything in the world, but that's it

Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji, a scribe and a hero, although their lives were full of ups and downs, they always maintained their love for life and the pursuit of ideals. In the long river of Chinese history, their stories are like two bright stars, illuminating the hearts of countless people and becoming eternal legends.

"The Biography of Su Shi", "The Complete Works of Xin Qiji", "The Life of Literati and Samurai in the Song Dynasty"