
Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

author:Sister Xi chatted


When my grandmother was a child, she used to hear her parents repeat the phrase: "Don't pick things up everywhere!" At first, she understood the deep meaning of this sentence as a child.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

It wasn't until she grew up and experienced several "blood lessons" that her grandmother suddenly realized the good intentions of her ancestors.

As an elderly person who likes to visit the house and learn about the world's affairs, my grandmother can often find all kinds of abandoned objects in the green belt or sidewalk of the community.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

In the face of these ownerless "treasures", grandma always can't help but want to pick them up and take them home. I reminded my grandmother many times to watch out for the traps, but she always laughed at me for worrying. It wasn't until three years ago, when my grandmother experienced a "Resident Evil" herself, that she realized that my advice was not unfounded.

It was a warm spring day, and my grandmother was in the community as usual after her morning workout, ready to go home and make breakfast. As she passed the sidewalk next to the park, a well-textured down jacket caught her eye.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

The dress was unstained and stylish, and my grandmother couldn't help but want to buy some warm clothes for herself. She tentatively touched the down jacket, the clothes were soft and warm, and the feel was excellent.

Grandma happily picked it up and stuffed it into a shopping bag, ready to take it home to wash and use it again.

The down jacket that grandma picked up contains a shocking secret

At first, the down jacket didn't cause any big trouble on grandma. She happily cleaned it and happily tried it on. The coat kept warm very well, and Grandma was very satisfied.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

In this way, grandma will wear this down jacket whenever she goes out. It wasn't until a month later that she suddenly began to itch all over her body and couldn't sleep at night. At first, my grandmother thought it was a nervous breakdown caused by a long period of poor sleep, but then she found a dense red rash on her hands, feet and torso, which was severely peeling and itchy.

Grandma rushed to the hospital for examination, and the doctor diagnosed her with a pathogenic skin disease called "exfoliative dermatitis", which must be isolated and treated immediately. It turns out that the disease is spread by touching the patient's skin or using the patient's personal belongings.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

Grandma suddenly realized that she was probably infected through the down jacket she picked up.

In order to determine the source of the disease, my grandmother took a picture of the product label of the down jacket and sent it to me, asking me to look up the manufacturer through the Internet and verify the origin of the dress.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

Only then did my grandmother realize that my advice all along was true. No matter how gentle the appearance of the "lamb" is, it may also be a hungry and thirsty "wolf". Since then, she has never picked up anything on the road and has always warned those around her to stay away from these potential "time bombs".

The human tragedy behind grandma's down jacket

After more than a month of treatment, my grandmother's symptoms of "exfoliative dermatitis" gradually improved, and she was finally discharged from the hospital. But this painful experience made her never forget the down jacket that seemed warm on the outside, but was actually cold.

After being discharged from the hospital, the grandmother took the initiative to contact the down jacket manufacturer mentioned in the product tracking report, hoping to investigate the ins and outs of this batch of "problematic clothes".

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

At first, the company took a hard line and denied that there was a quality or safety issue with the clothing. But under the repeated questioning of my grandmother, an old employee of the company finally couldn't help but confide in the truth.

It turned out that the fabrics and down of this batch of down jackets were cheap raw materials purchased from a local area hard-hit by infectious diseases. The outbreak in the area was once so out of control that a large number of homeless patients were confined to sleeping in relief tents.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

And the down jacket that grandma picked up was deliberately made from this terrible "human tissue" and smuggled into the market!

After hearing the truth, my grandmother could no longer hide her grief, and she told me this human tragedy behind the darkness with tears. I also finally understood the fundamental reason why my ancestors "should not pick up things on the road at will" - not only for their own safety, but also for a kind of awe and pity for the painful fate of strangers.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

Since then, Grandma has forever inspired her family and neighbors to value life and stay away from all unknown dangers. She never had a moment of greed to touch the things that shone like diamonds but hidden thorns.

Grandma's warning saved my happiness

After this "blood lesson", my grandmother deeply realized the serious consequences that can be caused by randomly picking up items used by others. Since then, grandma has never taken in the "little baby" who glows in the night on the side of the road as she used to.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

I also learned the painful warning from this incident and made up my mind to stay away from all suspicious objects of unknown origin. However, just half a year later, I fell into another "roadside gift" pick-up.

At that time, I had just fallen in love with my boyfriend, and on the eve of my birthday, he mysteriously asked me to meet at the entrance of the community in the evening. I was delighted to arrive at the agreed place, but only to find a small delicate box in the dark.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

Suspiciously, I opened the small box, and inside lay a new USB stick with a note saying "Happy Birthday" on it.

At first, I was moved by the carefully prepared birthday present given to me by my boyfriend, but just as I was about to plug it into my notebook to check the contents, my grandmother's warning suddenly popped into my mind...... I immediately remembered the lesson of her being hurt by the down jacket, and the whole person shivered.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

The next day, I sent the inexplicable USB stick for inspection.

Grandma's vigilant education benefits the whole community

After two ups and downs in life, my grandmother has a deeper understanding of the ancient adage "Don't pick up other people's used items". Especially after experiencing the USB flash drive incident herself, she realized that such seemingly innocuous small objects can also be overloaded time bombs, posing an unpredictable and major threat to the lives and lives of the ignorant.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

Therefore, my grandmother took the initiative to contact the community neighborhood committee, hoping to carry out relevant publicity and education for the residents and employees of the whole community. Combined with her own two bloody lessons, she vividly showed everyone the various contests that may be hidden behind the glamorous "gifts" in the form of case preaching.

At first, Grandma's actions did not immediately gain attention and response from the community.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

In the face of the re-warning of this typical case, the community neighborhood committee and the public security department greatly appreciated the grandmother's enthusiasm to speak out. They decided to fully cooperate and jointly carry out large-scale safety education and publicity in all communities, government agencies and enterprises in the jurisdiction, guide the masses to raise their awareness of prevention, and stay away from criminal activities such as online fraud and information theft, which seriously endanger social security and the interests of residents.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

Seeing the remarkable results of the community publicity and education activities, my grandmother sincerely felt relieved and proud. She also realized once again that if a small personal vigilance can be carried forward and lead more innocent people away from potential crises, it is the most meaningful career in life.

Grandma's efforts to save the elderly population

Under the active advocacy of my grandmother, the community has carried out continuous safety prevention publicity and education, and has achieved remarkable results. The awareness of self-defense among residents in the community has been continuously enhanced, and the incidents of picking up suspenseful items have decreased significantly.

However, my grandmother still received complaints from several elderly neighbors from time to time who had been scammed.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

It turns out that some elderly people who are frail and sick and have cognitive decline are still difficult to fully realize the potential threats and traps in the external environment. In particular, some elderly people who live alone or have little to take care of them are more likely to be deceived or have personal accidents.

In order to keep up with the times and enhance anti-fraud skills, my grandmother spontaneously established a community elderly safety and anti-fraud volunteer group. She unites more like-minded people with empathy and social responsibility to go into senior apartments, nursing homes, and homes for the elderly living alone and empty nesters, and conduct face-to-face training and Xi on legal knowledge and anti-fraud skills.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

Through this kind of "discussion and exchange, down-to-earth and down-to-earth" working method, many disadvantaged elderly people have gradually mastered the basic means of self-protection and increased their vigilance against potential threats in life.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of elderly people who have joined the service area of the volunteer group has decreased by nearly 65% compared with two years ago.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

In the face of the initial results of the work, my grandmother was sincerely grateful. She is also convinced that the active sharing of personal experiences, even if the impact is limited, is enough to light the way for others to move forward.

If these glimmers of light can converge and prolong the journey of more lives, she will have no regrets in this life.

Grandma's efforts touched the media masses

Under the advocacy of my grandmother, the Community Elderly Safety and Prevention Volunteer Service Group has gradually expanded its service scope, and the number of beneficiaries has been increasing. Seeing the positive impact this action has had on the lives of vulnerable people, some mainstream media outlets have begun to focus on reporting on the grandmother's story.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

At first, my grandmother modestly avoided interviews and interviews with reporters – in her opinion, she was just doing the little things she could, insignificant. However, after repeated cordial comforts from reporters, my grandmother finally agreed to accept an exclusive interview with a TV station.

When the episode aired in primetime over the weekend, it immediately sparked an enthusiastic response online. Countless viewers left messages saying that their grandmother's story deeply touched them, and they were also alerted to the potential dangers of more suspicious "gifts" in their lives.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

In the face of the enthusiastic response from the media and the public, my grandmother felt extremely frightened and honored. She once again understood that even a small heart of kindness can become an important force for social change because of its expansion and expansion.

From now on, she will continue to light and pass on this warm lamp, so that every life can avoid the shadows and share the sunshine.

Grandma lit up countless lives

Under the vigorous coverage of the media, more and more people learned about her grandmother's story and actively joined the ranks of public welfare initiated by her. Today, the Volunteer Service Group for Elderly Safety and Prevention has grown to nearly 1,000 people, covering almost all key elderly institutions and communities in the city.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

Under the advocacy and supervision of the volunteer group, the incidence of fraud crimes among the elderly in the city has been reduced by nearly half compared with three years ago. More and more elderly people who have been in trouble are learning to protect themselves and regain a happy life.

Today's grandmother has also grown from the original anti-fraud guardian angel to a volunteer pioneer who guides others on the road of public welfare. Countless people who have come over are sincerely grateful that it is the light of warning and hope lit by grandma that dispelled the dark clouds in their hearts and illuminated the road to the light.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

For me personally, grandma's bits and pieces are not only a summary of the perception of an ordinary old man, but also a spiritual monument that spans the ordinary and the great.

From her, I learned Xi that as long as you dare to take a step, everyone can become the gatekeeper of others' happiness; I also know that as long as my heart is not afraid of difficulties, ants can also shake the majesty of the mountains.

Don't pick up these things when you encounter them on the road! It's not superstition, it's all the lessons of people who have come before!

This is the most precious gift my grandmother left me, and I will remember it and pass it on. Just like the ancestral proverb of thousands of years, "Do not pick up roadside objects at will, lest you hurt yourself and others"; I will also use this as a warning to inspire all the souls in my life to move along the way, away from the obstacles of sorrow, until I reach the other side of happiness.