
Zhang Hongzhi: GMO is not terrible, but brainless resistance is terrible. Deep thinking about GMO



Genetically modified technology, as a modern agricultural technology, has sparked widespread controversy and discussion. On this topic, there are people who are in favor of GM, believing that it can help increase crop yields, reduce pesticide use, improve insect resistance, etc. However, there are also those who oppose GMOs, fearing the environmental risks and health problems it may bring. Among them, Zhang Hongzhi's view is quite controversial, he believes that GMO is not terrible, but brainless resistance is terrible.

Zhang Hongzhi: GMO is not terrible, but brainless resistance is terrible. Deep thinking about GMO

Definition and meaning of genetically modified organisms

Transgenic refers to the introduction of foreign genes into recipient organisms through genetic engineering technology to obtain new traits. This technology opens up a whole new era of improved crop varieties. Genetically modified technology allows scientists to transfer beneficial genes into target species to enhance disease and insect resistance, increase yields and nutritional value, and more. This is of great significance for solving global food security problems and alleviating hunger.

Zhang Hongzhi's point of view: the horror of brainless resistance to GMO

Zhang Hongzhi made an enlightening point that brainless resistance to GMOs is terrible. He believes that GMOs are not terrible, but that people's ignorance and excessive fear of GMOs are the problem. For many countries and regions suffering from hunger, GM technology can help them improve crop yields and resistance to pests and diseases, thereby solving the problem of food shortages.

Zhang Hongzhi: GMO is not terrible, but brainless resistance is terrible. Deep thinking about GMO

Zhang Hongzhi believes that brainless resistance to GM will lead to false quadrant thinking in society, which will make people close off from false ideas. Due to the lack of scientific knowledge and valid information, people are prone to believe the spread of rumors and inaccurate reports, which in turn mislead others. This kind of brainless resistance will limit the development of agricultural science and technology, and hinder the improvement and innovation of crops.

Rational management and scientific evaluation

Although Zhang Hongzhi believes that brainless resistance to GMO is terrible, he also stressed the importance of the management and evaluation of GMO technology. He advocated the establishment of a scientific regulatory system to ensure the safety and viability of genetically modified crops. At the same time, scientists and relevant institutions should responsibly conduct thorough evaluation and experimentation of GM technology to ensure that its impact on the environment and human health is effectively controlled.

Zhang Hongzhi: GMO is not terrible, but brainless resistance is terrible. Deep thinking about GMO

In addition, he stressed the importance of public participation and understanding of GM technology. The public should have the opportunity to learn about the rationale, risks, and potential of GM technology in order to make rational decisions.


Genetically modified technology is a complex and controversial topic. In the face of GMO, we cannot ignore its potential merits, nor can we blindly resist it. Zhang Hongzhi's point of view gives us a new way of thinking, that is, GM itself is not terrible, but brainless resistance and ignorance of GM that need to be vigilant. We should advocate scientific management and evaluation to ensure the safety and feasibility of genetically modified technology, and promote public participation and understanding in order to achieve the sound development and utilization of genetically modified technology.