
What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

author:Stick to the little steamed buns


1. Many years ago, my dad and my uncle and our three children drove back to Guangxi from Guangdong together, and after filling up at the gas station in the middle of the night, my uncle went to the bathroom, and we waited at the exit of the gas station, and suddenly two men with guys came up and asked my dad to take out all the money, and my dad took out the money in different places in order to delay the time. My uncle came out of the bathroom and ran back when he saw something was wrong, and someone from the gas station came to see it, and the two of them left. That's why I've always felt that sparsely populated people and bad people will come out to make trouble, and it's important to guard against people.

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

2. Yes, my dad pulled goods a few years ago, and at night he passed through a place where there was no monitoring and no people, and he was blocked by someone driving a car, and two men and two women got down from the car, as if they were also holding a guy in their hands at the time, so they opened their mouths to ask for money, and then my dad gave them all the cash on his body, and these people left

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

3. We were playing in Motuo and wanted to go to the Rinchen Bun Temple on the mountain. We had a car on the mountain road, and a few locals said they wanted to take a ride from the mountains, but we had no place in the car and refused, and the driver drove up for a while, and suddenly said that we were not going, and hurried down the mountain. After going down the mountain, the driver said, I don't know who is waiting for us on the mountain, but a few people in our car are clearly seen, if you are gagged in the primeval forest, no one may search the mountain for you, and the search mountain may not be able to search you, and how many days will it be after you are found.

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

4. Not to mention no man's land, there are similar problems on the fringes of large cities. Once, I had a convulsion and drove a long way to walk my dog in a forest park, and my dog ran away and bit a chicken to death as soon as he got out of the car. I immediately told the villagers that I would pay compensation, and the villagers surrounded me and said that they wanted 800. I didn't have that much money with me (there was no mobile phone payment at that time), so they directly detained me and put me under house arrest in the firewood room, and asked my family and friends to send money, but the mobile phone signal there was very poor, and I couldn't hear the other party clearly when I called. In that situation, I was a person who was not afraid of heaven and earth, and it was entirely possible for me to resist the villagers who beat me to death, so I completely obeyed their advice.

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

5. Before in Australia from Sydney to Perth across Australia, there is a section of no man's land to drive all day, there is no signal at all, there is no one, there are many kangaroo carcasses on the road are eaten by crows, now think about it is terrible, once the car is very troublesome, in the desert is really dead no one can find

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

6. Anyway, don't go to the no-man's land casually, especially the kind of place where there is no shop in front of the village, nearly 100 kilometers away from people, it is very dangerous, poaching or something has not been seen, mainly there are wild wild animals, like wolves, foxes, this kind of meat-eating aggression is quite high, and the wild horses from Mongolia are also easily provoked, especially the leading stallion is particularly tall, not castrated and looks like a hill, full of tendon meat, and can kick the car door down

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

7. Five years ago, in Tianjin, to Hedong, I drove the wrong way into a small road next to a construction site, passed by a few migrant workers, opened the window and asked how to open it, one of them began to pull my car door, wanted to get in the car and said take me, I don't know what tools are in my hands, similar to a big wrench. Luckily, the car door was locked, and he kept popping in for me to open the door, and he showed me the way. In the co-pilot, my friend and I were so frightened that we closed the window and ran away. My friend said that it was okay that the car door was locked by himself, otherwise I really don't know what happened to be afraid, I was driving a white Mercedes-Benz, 21 years old, really scared

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

8. It's the same at home, once when I was a child, my dad went to the toilet, and someone knocked on the door, because the door at that time was the kind of door with green paint similar to the anti-theft net, and you can directly see the outside. The man was dressed very seriously, very much like a suit, and said that he wanted to come in, but I didn't know him, and my mother wasn't at home, so he didn't open the door. But he stayed at the door, so I went to my dad, and my dad told me to lock the door quickly. It was supposed to be a child trafficker, and at that time there were a lot of child traffickers, and the girl from the family behind our box was abducted. It was many years before I learned that the girl had been dumped in a ditch on the side of the highway.

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

9. Before going to the Northwest Ring Road to think about it and a little afraid, I chartered a car on the Internet, we three girls, to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil drove for a few hours, the mobile phone was completely out of signal, I didn't dare to sleep in the co-pilot, and the two sisters in the back seat slept soundly. Later, when I got out of the no-man's land, I told them that if the driver's brother in the no-man's land was a bad guy and let people wait in advance, then we would be finished. Fortunately, the driver's brother is a good person! I don't dare to think about what to do when I meet a bad person

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......

10. Twenty years ago, Nanjing was a big transit station, and all buses had to stop there to rest. And you have to buy instant noodles to eat. In 10 years, I went to junior college, bought tickets at the station, went to Fuyang in Lu'an, Anhui Province, and a group of people came on the way, and the driver said that he wanted to take the highway, and then pay ten yuan per person. Everybody handed it in. Shanghai Baoshan Yangxing, ten years ago was chaotic, and now it is not very good. On that road, there are always people who see people getting drunk, and beating people indiscriminately is probably also robbery

What I am most afraid of in a no-man's land is to meet people, who are more terrible than ghosts......