

author:Professor Xie Youliang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Original creator: Materia Medica

Herbs are useful! Some fight individually and become a good medicine! Some work together to become a good recipe!

If the lung qi is abnormal, not clear, and not convergent, the qi vibrates, forming cough and wheezing.


This Chinese patent medicine gathers the functions of the lungs, such as Xuan, Lower, Clearing, Clearing and Convergence, which can not only stop cough, but also calm asthma and dispel phlegm. It is used for colds, bronchitis, bronchitis, asthma, pharyngitis, lung cancer, etc.

It is called cough tablets or cough capsules.

Composition: ephedra, poppy husks, licorice, bitter almonds, sulforaphane seeds, platycodon, gypsum.

This recipe of ephedra and poppy husks, one Xuan Lung, one Xuan Lung.

Xuan lung is a cold syndrome, because after the lung qi is evil, if the cold air hits, the lung qi will be closed and difficult to open, resulting in phlegm that cannot be discharged.

Convergence is astringency, prolonged cough leads to a deficiency of lung qi, just like the autumn fruit does not enter the blue, so that the positive qi is depleted, the acidic characteristics of the poppy husk can converge the lung qi, and solidify the positive qi.

Therefore, ephedra with poppy husks not only opens the door of the lungs to ventilate the wind and yang, but also does not let the lung qi dissipate, which can be described as a good way.

If the soothing function of the lungs is not in place, the lung qi is reversed, coughing and wheezing, and the chest is full of phlegm, so the bitter almond is sent to lower the qi to remove phlegm and stop cough, and the sulforaphane seed is to remove phlegm and fix asthma.

And bitter almonds are warm, and ephedra is hand in hand, good at curing cold and evil cough and asthma, and making the declaration and descent at the same time. In addition to the lower qi, sulforaphane also has the ability to eliminate food, if the food does not dissolve, the qi does not drop, it is easy to cause chest tightness, asthma, cough and phlegm.


The cleansing function of the lungs is the premise of the dispersion of lung qi, the so-called cleansing, just like sprinkling clean water to sweep, do hygiene, if the lung hygiene is not done well, then phlegm turbidity internal obstruction, lung qi loss in Xuanchang.

Gypsum can clear the heart and lungs and remove depression and heat. Platycodon opens and lifts lung qi, so that the clear qi rises and the turbid qi decreases, so as to expel phlegm and discharge phlegm.

Licorice reconciles all kinds of medicines and clears away heat and phlegm. And bellflower with licorice, the effect of reducing lung qi and relieving cough and phlegm and pus is first-class, and this prescription is also aimed at those with obvious phlegm.

The combination of all medicines, Xuantong Qi Reduction Convergence and Qingsu Sharing, then cough can stop, asthma can be removed, phlegm can be eliminated, belongs to cough and asthma class of Chinese patent medicine, is named after cough, good treatment of cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

The scope of application includes colds, asthma, laryngitis, lung cancer, etc

This recipe is also the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" Ma Xing Shi Gantang after the change of the dosage of the flavored prescription, the prescription is a famous prescription for the treatment of lung fever, asthma and cough, and the cough tablets or capsules on the basis of the recipe after adding poppy husks, bellflowers, and sulforaphane seeds, it is suitable for cough and asthma caused by a variety of reasons.

This formula may cause an excitatory reaction and may cause a rash. Therefore, it is advisable to stop the illness immediately.


Warm reminder: Everyone's physical condition is different, the prescription provided in the article should be added or subtracted according to the situation, and it is recommended to find a professional doctor for guidance.