
"If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be at ease if you don't eat", what are the differences between 3 and not eating?

author:Chefs of the North and South

"If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be at ease if you eat it." What is the difference between not eating on New Year's Day?

Reading guide: As the footsteps of December of the solar calendar gradually fade away, the new year is about to kick off. New Year's Day, an ancient and mystical holiday, symbolizes new beginnings, world peace, family peace and happiness. On this important day, there is a popular saying among the people: "If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be safe if you eat it." So what exactly is this "3 don't eat"? Let's explore it together.

First: Eat meat and not eat vegetarian

On New Year's Day, there is a tradition in some places to eat only meat dishes instead of vegetarian dishes. This is because in traditional Chinese culture, meat symbolizes abundance and abundance, while vegetables represent barrenness and insufficiency. Therefore, it is believed that meat dishes should be the main part of the diet on New Year's Day, which means that the new year will be rich and smooth.

However, for the sake of health, we recommend that you serve meat and vegetarian dishes on the table on New Year's Day. For example, a delicious stir-fried shredded pork with chili peppers is a good choice. This dish has both the aroma of meat and the refreshing taste of vegetables, which is rich in nutrients and makes people appetite.

"If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be at ease if you don't eat", what are the differences between 3 and not eating?

Recipe and process of stir-fried shredded pork with sharp peppers:

Materials Required:

2-3 peppers

200 grams of foreleg meat

Peanut oil to taste

Salt to taste

Dark soy sauce to taste

Five-spice powder to taste


1. Wash the meat of the front legs, cook in a pot under cold water until broken, take out and put it until it cools naturally and then cut into shreds.


3. After the pot is heated, add an appropriate amount of peanut oil, pour in the shredded meat and add a little dark soy sauce to stir-fry, stir-fry until the shredded meat changes color and then put out.

4. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the sharp pepper and stir-fry, add an appropriate amount of salt and a little five-spice powder to taste.

5. When the pepper is fried until it is broken, add the shredded meat that has been fried before, and quickly stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot.

"If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be at ease if you don't eat", what are the differences between 3 and not eating?

Second: Don't eat too much greasy food

Although greasy food is delicious, it is not advisable to eat more on New Year's Day. This is because greasy food is not easy to digest and can put a burden on the stomach. In addition, greasy food can also easily make people feel sleepy and uncomfortable, affecting the mental state of the New Year.

In order to maintain health and good mental state, we recommend that everyone choose a light and healthy diet on New Year's Day. Stir-fried wheat cabbage is a good choice. This dish is not only refreshing in taste, but also rich in vitamins and minerals, which contribute to good health.

"If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be at ease if you don't eat", what are the differences between 3 and not eating?

Recipe and process of making vegetarian fried wheat cabbage:

Materials Required:

500 grams of lettuce

Garlic 3 cloves

Cooking oil to taste

Salt to taste

Essence of chicken (optional) to taste


1. Wash the lettuce, control the moisture, and cut into inch sections.

2. Finely chop the garlic and set aside.

3. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add the lettuce and stir-fry quickly over high heat.

5. When the oil and wheat vegetables are fried until they are broken, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste, stir-fry evenly and then get out of the pot.

"If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be at ease if you don't eat", what are the differences between 3 and not eating?

Third: Don't eat cold food

On New Year's Day, it is widely believed that cold foods will have adverse effects on the body. This is because cold foods can easily irritate the stomach and intestines, leading to problems such as diarrhea and indigestion. In addition, cold foods can also easily make people feel cold and uncomfortable, affecting the comfort of the New Year.

In order to maintain good health and comfort, we recommend that everyone choose warm foods on New Year's Day. Yam pork rib soup is a good choice. This soup is not only warm and nourishing, but also rich in nutrients that help boost the body's immunity.

Yam pork rib soup is a nourishing soup that combines the nourishing properties of yam with the deliciousness of pork ribs, making people feel warm and comfortable in the cold winter.

"If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be at ease if you don't eat", what are the differences between 3 and not eating?

Recipe and process of making yam pork rib soup:

Materials Required:

Pork ribs 500 grams

Yam 300 grams

Ginger slices to taste

Appropriate amount of green onions

Salt to taste

Cooking wine to taste

Water: Appropriate amount

"If you don't eat on New Year's Day, you won't be at ease if you don't eat", what are the differences between 3 and not eating?


1. Wash the pork ribs, blanch them in boiling water to remove blood and impurities, and remove them for later use.

2. Peel the yam, wash it, cut it into segments or slices for later use.

3. Take a soup pot, add an appropriate amount of water, add pork ribs, ginger slices and green onions, bring to a boil over high heat, and then turn to low heat.

4. Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine to the soup pot and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour.

5. When the pork ribs are simmered until the meat is soft, add the yam and continue to simmer for about 20 minutes.

6. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, stir well and then remove from the pot.