
A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with uremia because he didn't have any pain or itching!

author:DrX said

Mr. Wang, who is just 30 years old this year, noticed that his blood pressure was a little high about 2 years ago, and some foam would come out when he urinated for a long time.

Since there are no other symptoms of discomfort in my body. Mr. Wang only thought that he was too tired recently, so he did not go to the doctor for a check-up in time.

Until the beginning of half a year, Mr. Wang often felt tired inexplicably, and even after a period of rest, he could not alleviate it. Not only that, but he was always nauseous, vomiting, and diarrhea. The people around him said that it was a symptom of gastroenteritis and advised him to go to the hospital to have a look.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with uremia because he didn't have any pain or itching!

Mr. Wang, who couldn't bear it, went to the hospital, and the examination results showed that the indicators of blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar, and uric acid all turned on red lights, and the creatinine soared to 1000mol/L, and he was diagnosed with uremia. At this time, the patient is still a little confused, obviously he does not smoke or drink, how can the disease develop to this point?

The doctor told him that foamy urine was a sign of kidney damage, but the patient had not paid attention to it before. Let the disease continue to progress, and wait until there are obvious signs before it is too late to come back to the doctor.

Is a lot of foam in the urine a sign of disease?

Many people may find that there is a lot of foam on the urine in the toilet. Is this normal?

Foamy urine can be divided into two types: physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes may be due to excessive urgency to urinate or standing too high. When the urine is discharged, it will cause a great impact on the toilet, so there will be a lot of foam, and some people, due to drinking less water, sweating more and other reasons, the body is dehydrated, the blood volume is not enough, there will be urine concentration, the formation of foam in the urine.

In addition to this physiological cause of foamy urine, pathological causes can also cause a large amount of foam in the urine. For example, about 1/3 of patients with kidney disease are found to have proteinuria, and the foam in the urine is not only delicate, but also cannot be dissipated for a long time.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with uremia because he didn't have any pain or itching!

In addition to this, there are some diseases that can cause foamy urine.

Diabetes: Diabetes increases the amount of glucose in the urine and increases the surface tension of the urine, resulting in foamy urine.

Bladder inflammation: Bladder inflammation can cause a large amount of inflammatory secretions in the urine, and it will also increase the surface tension of the urine, which is prone to foaming in the urine.

Hepatic/biliary disease: This condition causes an increase in bilirubin in the urine and an increase in the surface tone of the urine, resulting in foamy urine.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with uremia because he didn't have any pain or itching!

The more you do these things, the more you hurt your kidneys

Uremia doesn't happen overnight. Many people first get chronic kidney disease, when the kidney damage becomes more and more severe, the kidney function is irreversibly reduced, and even kidney failure, and eventually uremia develops.

In the mainland, the incidence of chronic kidney disease is very high, and 1 in 10 people are hit! Therefore, it is very important to avoid the "minefield of kidney damage."

01 Stay up late for a long time

The kidneys work 24 hours a day, but when you sleep at night, your blood flow drops by half and you go into a semi-resting state. If you don't fall asleep properly at night, your kidneys can be overloaded. In the long term, kidney function is persistently impaired.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with uremia because he didn't have any pain or itching!

02 Holding urine for a long time

During urinary holding, pressure in the renal pelvis and renal cortex increases, resulting in a decrease in the number of glomeruli and impaired function. Moreover, holding urine for a long time will also lead to the accumulation of a lot of harmful substances in the body, which is easy to induce urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis and other diseases. Recurrent episodes of the disease can also impair kidney function.

03 Plenty of high-protein diet + excessive exercise

Many people feel that a high-protein diet and consistent exercise are manifestations of healthy lifestyle Xi. However, since substances produced by protein metabolism need to be excreted through the kidneys, excessive intake of such diets is a great burden on the kidneys. Moderate exercise has health benefits. However, excessive exercise will destroy the cells, causing the renal tubules to be blocked, which can easily lead to acute kidney failure.

04 Indiscriminate consumption of drugs and health supplements

In daily life, many people rely excessively on antibiotics and antipyretic analgesics. As soon as you feel unwell, eat a little. However, after entering the body, the drug needs to be metabolized by the kidneys. Taking some drugs that are toxic to the kidneys can cause kidney damage. Excessive consumption of health supplements can also easily lead to an increase in the burden on the kidneys and induce kidney damage.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with uremia because he didn't have any pain or itching!

Are your kidneys healthy?

01 Check if your body is edema

When the body suddenly has unprovoked edema, it means that our kidney function may have been impaired, and there is no way to expel water quickly, resulting in excess water accumulation on the skin and causing edema. In general, the eyelids and ankles are the most prone to edema.

02 Check if the urine color is abnormal

When we sleep at night, we always need to wake up frequently and the urine output increases abnormally. If the color of the urine changes from bright to brown or brown, it is likely that the kidneys have been damaged.

03 Check to see if your blood pressure is normal

When our kidneys are healthy enough, we can maintain the balance of water and sodium metabolism in the body and maintain normal blood pressure. If your blood pressure rises abnormally, it means that there is something wrong with your body, which may be related to your kidneys.

Dr.X said

Uremia is getting younger and younger. What you think is no warning is actually an alarm signal from your body!