
How does "manufacturing" move towards "intelligent manufacturing"?

author:Thoughtful client

From "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing" is the only way for China to seek high-quality development. In order to promote the innovation and development of the intelligent manufacturing industry in Yangpu District, on December 27, sponsored by the Organization Department of the District Party Committee and the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee, the "Micro Lecture Hall" hosted by Yinhang Street with the theme of "Leading and Butterfly Change and Boosting the Innovation and Development of Yinhang Intelligent Manufacturing Enterprises" was held in the Yinhang Street Community Party and Mass Service Center.

Nearly 120 representatives of relevant committees and bureaus of Yangpu District, Yinhang Street Organs, regional units, residential areas, party organizations of the "two new" organizations and community party members participated in the on-site activities, and the majority of party members and the masses listened and watched online through the, Bilibili and Archimedes platforms.

How does "manufacturing" move towards "intelligent manufacturing"?

At the scene, the "Party Building Alliance of Yinhang Branch of Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association" was officially launched, the "Yinhang Branch of Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association" was officially unveiled, the representative of the expert think tank of Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association accepted the letter of appointment, and the Party Branch of the 17th Taxation Office of Yangpu District Taxation Bureau and the Party Branch of Yinhang Street Chamber of Commerce signed the "Agreement on Party Building and Co-construction of Tax Enterprises to Lead the High-quality Development of Private Enterprises".

How does "manufacturing" move towards "intelligent manufacturing"?
How does "manufacturing" move towards "intelligent manufacturing"?

"In 2025, most of the manufacturing enterprises on scale will realize digital networking, and the backbone enterprises in key industries will initially apply intelligence" "In 2035, the manufacturing enterprises on the scale will fully popularize digital networking, and the backbone enterprises in key industries will basically realize intelligence"......

Xu Honghai, member of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee and president of the Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association, gave a detailed account of the six key actions of the national "14th Five-Year Plan" intelligent manufacturing technology research action, intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory construction action, industry intelligent transformation action, intelligent equipment innovation and development action, industrial software breakthrough and improvement action, and intelligent manufacturing standard leading action with the theme of "Intelligent Manufacturing Boosting New Industrialization Transformation and Upgrading". This paper expounds how to further enhance the "digital intelligence" transformation ability of small and medium-sized enterprises from five aspects: carrying out digital evaluation, promoting management digitalization, business digitalization, integrating into digital ecology, and optimizing digital practices.

How does "manufacturing" move towards "intelligent manufacturing"?

Focusing on the four perspectives of Shanghai's "14th Five-Year Plan" manufacturing development focus, smart factory construction, enterprise innovation and transformation, and banking and financial empowerment, Zhao Guangjun, Director of the Comprehensive Planning Department of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Zhang You, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association, Song Jiafeng, Intelligent Manufacturing Expert and Deputy Director of the Manufacturing Department of Shanghai New Power Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., and Jin Xiaokang, Business Management Manager of Shanghai Yangpu Branch of Bank of Communications, discussed the discussion.

The guests discussed how to help Yinxing transform its manufacturing industry and create a scientific and technological innovation industrial agglomeration area with intelligent manufacturing as the core. Everyone agreed that in the future, intelligent manufacturing will become an important development direction of China's manufacturing industry, leading China's economy to a new peak.

How does "manufacturing" move towards "intelligent manufacturing"?

Yangpu has a deep historical accumulation and industrial foundation of "century-old industry", as well as the unique development advantages of innovative talents and "four forces of innovation", and is making every effort to promote the high-quality development of the intelligent manufacturing industry.

It is reported that in the next step, Yangpu will continue to closely follow the main line of party building leadership, closely rely on the advantages of the regionalized party building alliance platform, and deepen the implementation of the goals and tasks of the "Implementation Opinions on Further Giving Play to the Leading Role of Party Building and Promoting High-quality Development with the "Double Belt" Action issued not long ago in combination with the in-depth development of theme education, explore the innovation path of "party building leading and digital intelligence empowerment", inject more innovation vitality into building a 100-billion-level industrial cluster of intelligent manufacturing, and strive to create it in the whole region" Functional departments lead the industrial chain, upstream enterprises lead downstream enterprises", and "a good ecology of integrated and agglomeration linkage development."

Source: Yangpu, Shanghai