
Study the new curriculum standard, enjoy thinking and doing - Wangjiang County Experimental School (Headquarters Primary School) third quarter "Welcome the New Year and celebrate New Year's Day" teachers' reading club

Light up the heart lamp, read and share. From December 27th to 28th, the annual "New Year's Celebration and New Year's Day" teachers' reading exchange meeting of Wangjiang County Experimental School (Headquarters Primary School) was carried out as scheduled. This reading sharing activity is deeply integrated with the study of the new curriculum standard Xi, and Han Jiwang, director of the Teaching and Research Office of Wangjiang County, was specially invited to visit the event site for guidance. Cao Jinlin, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Wangjiang County Experimental School, Wang Sheng, Principal, Hu Hui, Vice Principal, and representatives of teachers from the primary school participated in the event. The event was presided over by Tan Xintao, head of the teaching and research department of the primary school of Wangjiang County Experimental School.

This reading activity kicked off with Hu Hui's speech. She said that reading is the best practice for teachers, and reading the new curriculum standard is the teacher's greatest responsibility for their own education and teaching, and explained the meaning and value of this activity in the explanation of the word "classroom".

Subsequently, the representatives of the teachers recommended by each teaching and research group shared their learning and Xi experiences. The teacher representatives who participated in this sharing were: Chen Xiao'e, Wu Jiezhi and Pan Haiying in the Chinese group, Liao Bingjie and Tan Xintao in the mathematics group, Li Zhonglin in the comprehensive group and Zou Hui in the art group. Based on different disciplines and combined with their usual teaching practices, several sharing teachers chose different entry points for sincere and in-depth exchanges.

Study the new curriculum standard, enjoy thinking and doing - Wangjiang County Experimental School (Headquarters Primary School) third quarter "Welcome the New Year and celebrate New Year's Day" teachers' reading club

Liu Xingzheng, director of Wangjiang County Experimental School, gave a speech on the topic of "Let's Teach for the Future" and started from the "four thoughts".

Han Jiwang, director of the Wangjiang County Teaching and Research Office, made a guiding speech. Han Jiwang first expressed his appreciation for the holding of this event, expressed his admiration for the sharing teachers, and expressed his greetings to all the teachers who participated in the meeting, and then Han Jiwang made a speech from the three aspects of "why to learn the Xi new curriculum standard", "what is the new curriculum standard" and "how to learn the new curriculum standard". He said that the learning Xi of the new curriculum standards should respond to the requirements of the times, serve the improvement of teaching, and guide the life of the Xi; when Xi learning the new curriculum standards, they should be familiar with the core concepts, understand the connotation of the subject, know what the Chinese curriculum is, what the characteristics of the Chinese curriculum are, what the content of the Chinese curriculum is, how the language literacy is formed, and so on. Han Jiwang made a vivid interpretation of the concept and spirit of the new curriculum standard in combination with specific lesson examples, and the participating teachers said that they benefited a lot.

Study the new curriculum standard, enjoy thinking and doing - Wangjiang County Experimental School (Headquarters Primary School) third quarter "Welcome the New Year and celebrate New Year's Day" teachers' reading club

Subsequently, commemorative books were presented to the sharing teachers.

Study the new curriculum standard, enjoy thinking and doing - Wangjiang County Experimental School (Headquarters Primary School) third quarter "Welcome the New Year and celebrate New Year's Day" teachers' reading club

Finally, Cao Jinlin and Wang Sheng made concluding speeches respectively.

Study the new curriculum standard, enjoy thinking and doing - Wangjiang County Experimental School (Headquarters Primary School) third quarter "Welcome the New Year and celebrate New Year's Day" teachers' reading club

Wang Sheng expressed his thoughts after listening to the sharing in three words: "specialized", sharing around a topic, the expression of the manuscript and the interpretation of the course standards; "comprehensive" not only has the analysis of the topic, but also expresses personal understanding from the whole course standard; "deep", the spirit of the new concept of the course standard is deeply understood.

In his concluding remarks, Cao Jinlin first expressed his gratitude: thank Director Han for taking time out of his busy schedule to come and guide, thank the sharing teachers for their hard work, thank the participating teachers for their patient listening, and thank the teaching department for their careful organization; secondly, he sent New Year's greetings in advance; and finally put forward hopes. He said that this is an activity with great love, an activity with great knowledge, and an activity with great hope, and such activities should be continued.

With the official release and implementation of the 2022 version of the new curriculum standards, it marks that the curriculum reform in the compulsory education stage of mainland China has entered a new era of core literacy-oriented, and has also triggered in-depth discussions and Xi practices among front-line teachers in various regions and schools. The teaching and research groups of Wangjiang County Experimental School are also carrying out Xi activities to study the new curriculum standards in various forms. Wangjiang County Experimental School Headquarters Primary School deeply integrates the annual reading sharing activity with the learning and Xi discussion of the new curriculum standard. This activity covers all teaching and research groups, and aims to learn and learn through this form of sharing. (Photo: Tan Xintao, Patten Dingfang)

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