
How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

author:Pet breeding specialists

Pigeon pox is caused by a specific virus in the pox virus family. This virus is particularly aggressive to turtledoves, making them susceptible to infection. The disease is not new, as it has been accompanied by turtle dove populations for quite some time. In addition, due to the increased interest in pigeon breeding in recent years, especially in pigeon racing, the disease has gradually entered the public eye.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

Pigeon pox is prevalent from March to June, the main breeding season for turtledoves, and young turtledoves in the wild are less resistant and therefore more susceptible to the virus. But it is worth noting that pigeon pox is not limited to this season, it can occur all year round, especially in the group of turtledoves with low immunity. It is possible for a person to become infected after coming into contact with a diseased turtledove, but due to the insensitivity of the pigeon pox virus to humans, it generally does not cause serious problems. Even so, we need to be vigilant about this virus, especially those who are physically weak, as there may be discomfort after exposure.

Turtledoves contracting pigeon pox is not a trivial matter, but it is a big problem. Once you get a pigeon pox, it's not just a matter of the virus, it's also a whole bunch of other hazards. Therefore, early detection and early treatment are the key!

1. Poor breathing: Pigeon pox can clog turtledoves' nostrils, which means they will have difficulty breathing. Imagine how uncomfortable you would be if your nose was blocked!

2. Affected eyesight: Severe pox can even obscure the eyes of turtledoves, affecting their eyesight. This is particularly dangerous for turtle doves, as their eyesight is crucial when flying. It is difficult to see the road clearly, and it is prone to impact.

3. Difficulty eating: If the pox grows on the mouth or tongue, it becomes particularly difficult for the turtledove to eat. Without enough food, the health of turtledoves can be seriously affected.

4. Danger to life: In the most serious case, viral pigeon pox can cause turtledoves to develop a high fever, in which case their lives can even be threatened.

Pigeon pox is a disease that spreads through droplets and skin-to-skin contact. These two modes of transmission make the transmission of pox between turtledoves very efficient, especially in dense environments.

How pigeon pox spreads to turtledoves:

1. Transmission of saliva, nasal passage mucus and tears: Turtledoves infected with Turtledove can spread the virus through their saliva, nasal passage mucus and tears. The virus contained in these body fluids can be airborne to other healthy turtledoves after drying.

2. Spread of shedding crusts: Turtledove infection can also cause crusts on the skin of turtledoves. These shedding scabs also contain viruses that can also be transmitted to other healthy turtledoves when they dry and spread through the air.

3. Physical contact and ectoparasite transmission: Fighting and pecking among turtle doves is also an important route of transmission. In addition, mosquitoes or other blood-sucking ectoparasites can also transmit the virus to healthy turtledoves when they bite turtledoves infected with turtledove.

Once a turtledove with low immunity is infected with the pigeon pox virus, the virus will multiply rapidly in its body. The incubation period is between 4 and 7 days, during which time the turtledove may appear to be reasonably healthy, but the virus has already accumulated in the body. Outbreaks usually begin on the skin and mucous membranes of the turtledove, such as the nose, mouth, mouth, around the eyes, opening, feet, and other hairless areas. In these areas, skin lesions such as erythema, blisters, or crusts may appear.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

In severe cases, the virus may even invade the turtledove's eyeball and trachea, which can not only affect the turtledove's vision, but also seriously affect its respiratory function. This is especially dangerous for turtledoves, as it can greatly reduce their fitness and performance. In addition to direct viral infections, turtledoves may also develop other illnesses such as bacterial, trichomoniasis, coccidiosis, or other respiratory diseases. These complications can further aggravate the turtledove's health and can sometimes lead to death.

Different types of pigeon pox:

1. Cutaneous pigeon pox:

This type of pigeon pox mainly affects the skin of the pigeon. Imagine a pigeon with blisters or nodules popping up on its bare skin without feathers, which sounds scary, and these blisters or nodules quickly burst and form scabs. Fortunately, these scabs usually fall off naturally after 3 to 4 weeks. However, if the symptoms are more severe, the pigeon may lose appetite, have difficulty breathing, have an increased body temperature and even die within 5 to 7 days of the onset of the disease. Therefore, timely detection and treatment are the key.

2. Diphtheria pigeon pox:

Diphtheria lesions occur mainly on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and eyes of pigeons. In severe cases, the lesions may spread to the trachea and esophagus. The "diphtheria" in the name of this type of disease is caused by the throat being blocked by yellowish-white acne scabs. Imagine that the pigeon's trachea and esophagus are blocked, and they will find it very difficult to breathe and eat, and in severe cases it may even lead to death. This type of pigeon pox really requires extra attention.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

3. Mixed pigeon pox:

As the name suggests, mixed pigeon pox has both skin and diphtheria symptoms. This means that the pigeon may have both blisters and nodules on the skin, as well as problems with mucous membranes such as the mouth and throat. This situation is more challenging for the pigeons and requires more care and timely treatment.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pigeon pox infection with turtledove infection:

1. Diagnosis of cutaneous and combination acne:

These two types of spotted dove are relatively easy to diagnose because of those specific skin lesions. However, don't jump to conclusions, we also have to be careful to distinguish them from jaundice, pecks and trauma. It's like detective work, you have to look carefully and compare it.

2. 黏膜型斑鸠痘的鉴别:

Mucosal spotted dove is more difficult to identify. Its symptoms are similar to those of Candida albicans, trichomoniasis, vitamin A, pantothenic acid, and vitamin H deficiencies. This requires us to look more closely and not just look at the surface.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

3. Differentiation Skills:

- Oral lesions caused by Candida albicans and trichomoniasis are usually crunchy cheese-like and peel off without leaving marks or superficial sores that do not bleed. At this time, you may also notice that the turtledove cyst is swollen and sometimes vomits, spitting out something like tofu residue.

- If vitamin A is deficient, the systemic symptoms of turtledove are more obvious, such as dry and wrinkled eyes, and there may be cheese-like substances in the eyes.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

- When there is a deficiency of pantothenic acid or vitamin H, granular or crusty materials appear on the skin of the turtledove's eyelids, mouth corners and feet, eye discharge increases, eyelids may stick, and the skin on the toes and soles of the feet can become rough, cracked, and even grown.

About rescuing turtledoves in the wild who are unfortunate enough to suffer from pigeon pox. When I rescued these little guys in the wild, I used some super powerful little tricks, although they are all super common things in our daily life, but they can play an effective role!

Treatment of turtledove long pigeon pox:

1. Treatment of cutaneous spotted pox:

- For those turtledoves that have a hard crust on their skin, we can gently peel off the scab with sterilized tweezers or a knife. Remember to be gentle and avoid causing extra pain to the pigeons. After peeling off the scab, we can apply iodine glycerin or gentian violet. Both of these drugs have a good anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect and can help wound healing.

2. Treatment of diphtheria spotted dove pox:

- This type of disease mainly affects the mouth and throat of the pigeon. Similarly, we can carefully peel off the pseudomembrane inside the mouth with tweezers, and then apply iodineglycerol or ice boron powder to the peeled area. This reduces inflammation and aids recovery.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

- For turtledoves with swollen eyes, gently wash the eyes with 2% boric acid water, disinfect them, and add a 5% protein silver solution. This treatment is effective in reducing inflammation in the eye area and speeding up recovery.

3. Generic Treatment Options:

- First, wash the lesion with a 2% potassium permanganate solution. Potassium permanganate has a strong bactericidal ability and can remove most bacteria and viruses. Tetracycline or chlortetracycline ointment can then be applied. Both creams have a good antibiotic effect on a wide range of bacteria and help speed up healing. Alternatively, sulfur ointment with petroleum jelly or lard is also a good choice. This blend not only reduces inflammation but also keeps the skin moisturized and promotes healing. Oral viral, 0.5 tablets per turtledove, fed continuously for 3 days, is especially effective for viral infections.

4. Amazing effects of Rokshin Maru:

- Rokushin pills are also effective in treating acne with turtledoves. Take 2-3 pills per turtle dove for two consecutive days. Rokushin Maru helps to relieve inflammation and improve the overall resistance of the pigeon. For a large number of diseased turtledoves, you can mix the Liushen pill into the feed and feed it at one time.

5. Special Care for Eye Acne:

- For turtledoves with acne in the eyes, take the pill internally

6. A miraculous combination of garlic and vinegar:

- First, we can take a few cloves of garlic and mash them into a puree. Then, mix the garlic puree with the vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. This blend is not only natural and safe, but also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Gently apply this mixture to turtledove acne scabs, paying special attention to the acne scabs around the eye area. Be sure to handle it with care and avoid allowing the medicine to come into contact with your eyes. In the initial phase, apply once in the morning and once in the evening for 3 consecutive days. In general, this will prevent the scab from spreading further. After that, as the condition improves, it can be reduced to once a day until the scab falls off naturally.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

7. Oral therapy for garlic clove mung bean soup:

- Take a garlic clove and 50 grams of mung beans. It is decocted in 0.5% potassium permanganate water to make a decoction. This decoction can be taken either directly or freely. This method is very effective for the recovery of the internal system, especially for those turtledoves who have indigestion or are weak.

8. Peel off throat condensation:

- Gently wipe the condensation from the throat area of the turtledove with a 1% potassium permanganate solution. This process requires great care so as not to cause additional damage. Then, take some Rokushin pills, grind them into fine powder, and gently apply them to the treated area. In general, results can be seen 2-3 times a day.

9. Traditional Therapy of Cautery:

- This is a more traditional approach. Take a scalpel and attach one end to a wooden handle. To use, heat the flat head of the blade over a fire, and then gently cauterize the skin acne of the turtledove until a black scab is formed. - Immediately after that, apply iodine tincture for disinfection. Results are usually seen in a single treatment.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

10. Natural Remedies for Fresh Grass Ash:

- Gently prick the turtledove pimple first, then apply fresh plant ash to the scab. Do this once a day for 3 days so that the scabs will heal naturally.

11. Direct application of iodine tincture:

- Use 3% iodine tincture applied directly to turtledove acne scabs once a day. Generally, it can be cured by applying it continuously for 2-3 days.

12. Fresh loofah juice treatment:

- Mash the fresh loofah leaves and squeeze out the juices. This juice is rich in natural healing ingredients and has a good therapeutic effect on turtledove pox. Apply loofah juice to the scabs of turtledoves once a day, in the morning and in the evening. Use continuously for 7 days. You'll notice that the turtledove scabs gradually dry out and then fall off naturally.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

13. Lentil Juice Therapy:

- Take some fresh lentil leaves, mash them and squeeze out the juices. Lentils have an anti-inflammatory effect and are particularly suitable for the treatment of swelling or inflammation. Lentil juice is given directly to the turtledove or applied to the turtledove acne scab. Use three times a day for 3 days.

14. External Applications of Lettuce Oil:

- Lettuce oil is a natural oil that can be used to apply turtledove crusts. Apply turtledove acne scabs once a day in the morning and once in the evening with lettuce oil for 3 consecutive days. This method has a high cure rate and is suitable for rapid recovery.

15. Modified Therapy with Salt in Lettuce Oil:

- Add a small amount of table salt to lettuce oil, which can enhance the anti-inflammatory effect. Again, use once a day, morning and evening until healing.

16. Comfrey Cream Treatment:

- First of all, you need to prepare the following Chinese herbal medicines: 30 grams of comfrey, 20 grams of angelica, 10 grams of safflower, 20 grams of radix radix, 15 grams of Coptis chinensis, 10 grams of cork, and 5 grams of borneol. In addition, 20~30 grams of white wax and 500 grams of sesame oil are required. Put the sesame oil into the pot and heat it, and when it is nearly boiling, add angelica, coptis, cork, and banlan root successively. Slowly simmer until the herbs are browned, then add comfrey and safflower and continue to simmer until almost blackened. Finally, remove the residue, add white vinegar, and remove from the heat after the oil dissolves. Pour the oil into a container and when it cools to lukewarm, add the borneol and stir well.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

The comfrey bloomed

Before applying comfrey cream, it is necessary to gently remove the scabs from the affected area of the turtledove. Then, apply comfrey paste to the cleansed affected area to form a thin protective layer. Once a day, generally 3~5 times, you can see a significant healing effect. This herbal remedy is not only effective, but also relatively safe and suitable for the sensitive constitution of turtledoves. The herbs in comfrey paste help reduce inflammation and speed up wound healing. During the process of making and using comfrey paste, ensure that all utensils and materials are kept clean and hygienic.

Although comfrey cream is a good natural remedy, it is necessary to take into account the breeding environment, daily care and timely medical intervention in the treatment of pigeon pox.

17. First aid method of cooling oil:

- For diphtheria type of turtledove pox, fill the mouth of turtledove with cool oil the size of a match head and use it for 3-5 days.

18. Simple preparation of Sichuan pepper water:

- Boil 50 grams of Sichuan peppercorns in 5 kg of water for 20 minutes, remove the pepper grains, cool and serve the turtledove to drink or take directly. Take once a day 3 times.

19. Chinese herbal decoction:

- Use Chinese herbs such as honeysuckle, forsythia, radix radix, red spoon, kudzu, bellflower, cicada, bamboo leaves, licorice, etc., add water to decoction, and then give an appropriate amount to the turtledove. Use for 3 days in a row, usually healed after 6 days.

20. Angelica sinensis and astragalus formula therapy:

- This formula is mainly used for mixed Turtledove pox. Take 10 grams of angelica and astragalus, 5 grams of honeysuckle and comfrey, 4 grams of red spoon and licorice, and add an appropriate amount of water to decoction. This decoction is about 300 ml, which is enough for 50 turtledoves in a day, angelica and astragalus can replenish qi and nourish blood, and help strengthen the immunity of turtledoves. Honeysuckle and comfrey have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, helping to alleviate symptoms. Red spoon and licorice can replenish qi and harmonize medicinal properties.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

21. Longan root, zombie silkworm formula:

- This formula is suitable for cutaneous spotted doves. Take 3 grams of longan root and zombie silkworm, 5 grams of licorice, red spoon medicine, and kudzu root, about 200 ml of decoction, and take an appropriate amount or let the turtledove drink by itself. Longan root and zombie silkworm can clear heat and detoxify, and kudzu root has the effect of quenching thirst. Combined, these herbs can help turtledoves flush out toxins from their bodies and speed up recovery. The preparation of these formulas needs to be carried out in strict proportions and decoction methods. After the preparation is completed, the turtledove is dosed or let the turtledove drink by itself, and the healing effect is usually visible after 5 days.

22. Oleacein Treatment:

- Clean the treatment first: First, use warm water (with a small amount of salt) to wash the area of the turtledove to remove dust and feces. This step is essential to prevent secondary infection. Use sterilized tweezers to carefully remove the podox. This step may cause bleeding, but just make sure the wound is cleaned with warm water again. Wind oil essence has anti-inflammatory and healing-promoting properties. Gently apply the wind oil essence to the treated area, 1-3 times a day, preferably in the evening, and continue to gently treat the ulcer for the next few days, and apply the wind oil essence. In general, after 3 to 4 days, the wound will start to form a black scar, indicating that it is beginning to heal. It is important to note that the whole process should be very gentle and careful to avoid causing excessive pain or stress to the turtledove.

23. Cactus treatment of turtledove pesticide poisoning method:

During the spring and autumn planting seasons, turtledoves are easily poisoned by mistakenly eating pesticide-treated seeds or coming into contact with toxic pesticides. But don't worry, cacti can be a good helper for our first aid!

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

- Cactus is rich in water and nutrients, and its cooling and detoxifying effects are especially helpful for turtledoves that are poisoned by pesticides. First, cut a piece of fresh cactus, remembering to remove the thorns. Then, chop the cactus and grind it into a paste. If you are less experienced, you can ask someone to help: one person fixes the turtledove, and the other person feeds the cactus paste into the turtledove's mouth with chopsticks or twigs. Generally, feeding two cactus batter the size of corn kernels at a time is sufficient. Turtledoves recover after a few hours if they are mild, and again after 3-4 hours if they are severe.

- Precautions for feeding: Although the effect of cactus is significant, you must be careful when feeding. Make sure the turtle dove is safe to swallow and avoid the cactus paste from entering the trachea. The cactus is not only an effective first-aid plant, but it is also easy to care for and beautify the environment. Especially for those who love birds, having one or a few cacti can not only provide first aid to turtledoves when necessary, but also make our environment more ecologically harmonious.

Although cacti are a good first aid for turtledove pesticide poisoning, the most important thing is prevention. We try to avoid contact with areas where pesticides may be present. Of course, in case of emergency, cacti are definitely a good choice. However, if the turtledove is seriously ill, remember to find a professional veterinarian for treatment in time!

A guide to the laws and regulations governing the breeding of turtledoves

Wildlife Protection Law: As a national second-class protected animal, the capture, killing, sale, acquisition and utilization of turtledoves must comply with the relevant provisions of the Wildlife Protection Law.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?

Safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage: The domestication and breeding techniques of turtle doves are listed as intangible cultural heritage, which means that any activities related to them need to be approved by the relevant authorities and follow the requirements of standardized domestication and display transmission.

Turtle dove husbandry management standards: The "turtle dove and feeding management code" provides detailed guidance on turtle dove breeding, including nutritional requirements, feed feeding, environmental hygiene, monitoring and inspection, etc., as well as legal registration requirements when selling and trading turtle doves.

Diversity of turtle dove: There are many protected turtle dove species, including European turtle dove, mountain turtle dove, gray turtle dove, pearl-necked turtle dove, brown turtle dove, fire turtle dove, etc. Each species of turtle dove has its own unique beauty, which is worthy of our appreciation and protection. As birders and nature lovers, it is our responsibility to protect and respect these beautiful creatures. This means that we cannot illegally capture or sell wild turtle doves, but we also need to pay attention to and support the protection of their natural habitats. If you want to keep turtle doves, make sure you follow local laws and regulations. Keeping turtle doves legally not only gives you fun, but also helps to preserve and preserve these special birds.

How to treat turtledove infected with pigeon pox?