
Engagement rape case" follow-up: the presiding judge spoke, the truth was exposed, and the woman's bride price has not been refunded so far

author:Pretty Coke JIy

Title: The presiding judge speaks, the truth is exposed, and the woman's bride price has not been refunded

Engagement rape case" follow-up: the presiding judge spoke, the truth was exposed, and the woman's bride price has not been refunded so far
Engagement rape case" follow-up: the presiding judge spoke, the truth was exposed, and the woman's bride price has not been refunded so far
Engagement rape case" follow-up: the presiding judge spoke, the truth was exposed, and the woman's bride price has not been refunded so far

Chapter 1:

On the edge of the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a little-known world hidden - Lijia Village. The village is known for its unique Xi customs, the most striking of which is the heavy burden of the bride price. However, what kind of story and truth is hidden behind this Xi?

In this village, Li Laohan's son Dawei is about to marry his beloved girl, but the sky-high bride price demanded by the woman puts Li Laohan's family in a difficult situation. For the sake of his son's happiness, Li Laohan decided to borrow money from relatives and friends, and even sold his property, hoping to meet the woman's requirements. However, behind the bride price lies an untold secret.

Chapter 2:

On the eve of the wedding, the presiding judge Zhang Daming received a case involving a bride price dispute. He decided to go to Lijia Village to investigate the matter in person. In the course of the investigation, Zhang Daming gradually uncovered the truth behind the bride price. It turned out that the woman's family asked for a high bride price in order to buy an insurance policy for their daughter, and once the daughter suffered a misfortune after marriage, the insurance company would give a huge amount of compensation. And the people of Lijia Village were convinced of this Xi, so that Dawei's family was in trouble.

Chapter 3:

After a series of investigations and evidence collection, Zhang Daming finally found the evidence and made the truth public. Shocked and outraged, the villagers accused the woman's family of fraud. With the support of the villagers, Zhang Daming successfully helped Dawei's family get out of their predicament. At the same time, he also educated the villagers about the importance of law and morality.

Chapter 4:

In the end, the truth was exposed, and the issue of the woman's bride price was resolved. Dawei's family finally got out of their predicament and started their lives again. However, this incident has also made people aware of the injustice and fraud behind the bride price. In Lijia Village, people began to reflect on their own Xi and concepts, and sought a more just and reasonable marriage system.


In this story, we see a shift in the Xi and attitudes of a village. Through the efforts of the presiding judge and the awakening of the villagers, they gradually got rid of old ideas and bad Xi and moved towards a more just and reasonable future. This story tells us that only through education and advocacy can we change those unreasonable Xi and ideas and make society a better place.

In addition, the story also makes us reflect on the nature and meaning of marriage. Marriage should not be just an economic transaction, but should be based on love, respect, and understanding. Although the existence of the bride price reflects the influence of traditional ideas to a certain extent, it also exposes people's misunderstanding and disrespect for marriage. Therefore, we need to re-examine the meaning of marriage and advocate for a more equal, respectful and rational concept of marriage.

In short, this article shows the presiding judge's sense of justice and the villagers' awakening process by telling the story of a bride price dispute in a village. The article is lively, interesting, engaging, and deeply engages the reader. At the same time, the article also conveys important social values and ethical concepts, calls on us to pay attention to the nature and meaning of marriage, and advocates a more just, equal and rational concept of marriage.