
Jiang Pu: Meticulously performing duties and being diligent in political affairs

author:Zichuan Procuratorate


Jiang Pu: Meticulously performing duties and being diligent in political affairs

Chiang Ying Image

  Jiang Pu (1708-1761), courtesy name Hengxuan, was a native of Fenghuang Town, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province. The first jinshi of the second class in the eighth year of the Yongzheng dynasty of the Qing Dynasty. Official to Tokaku University scholar and Tobe Shoshu. Generous and vigilant, after taking office, he served his duties meticulously and diligently in government affairs, and was an important minister during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

  Shi Zai, when Jiang Pu was serving as the governor of Hunan, advocated the silk industry. Previously, many areas in Hunan did not know the method of raising silkworms to obtain silk, and when Jiang Pu arrived, there were wild silkworms making cocoons on trees everywhere in Changsha, which were as big as chicken eggs, but no one would use them. After Jiang Pu took office, he ordered the local people to collect widely, and taught the villagers how to raise silkworms and practice silk, leading the local people to use these silkworm cocoons to extract silk. In the second year of Jiang Pu's tenure, the silk industry flourished, which promoted the development of the local economy.

  Jiang Pu's fame is getting bigger and bigger, but he still has a clean wind in his sleeves, and he is willing to work hard and complain about the people's livelihood and local economic development. During his term of office, the standard currency (that is, "money making") in Hunan Province has been lacking, and the phenomenon of private minting of money by the people is very serious, the coins are thin and small, the weight is insufficient, and the official government strictly prohibits it. Jiang Pu noticed that the valleys of chenzhou and Yongzhou were rich in copper mines, and let people sample and found that copper could be smelted, so Jiang Pu adhered to the belief of honesty and self-discipline and single-mindedness for the people, and promptly went to the imperial court for approval, set up a furnace to open, and minted copper coins. At the same time, he also sent people to buy excess copper from Guizhou, Guangdong and other provinces, and stored it in large quantities to prepare for shortages. After the copper coins were minted in large quantities, he allocated various departments according to the actual expenses incurred, and the rest was sent to the market for sale. Non-standard small money used in the daily circulation of the local market is also replaced with official money, and the furnace is uniformly minted. In this way, the unhealthy social atmosphere of minting money without permission has been stopped. Jiang Pu not only performed his own honesty and public duties, but also curbed the unhealthy atmosphere of society with practical actions, and made contributions to the local economic development and improvement of people's livelihood.

  Deng Genbao, secretary of the party leading group and chief procurator of the procuratorate of Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province, said:

  Jiang Pu's deeds of being a leader in getting rich for the people and being loyal and responsible for resisting unhealthy trends show the lofty character of being honest and honest and serving the people wholeheartedly. Jiang Pu has always been concerned about local economic development and the people's prosperity, and has led the local people to constantly seek new development with the spirit of integrity and selflessness, and his selfless efforts have set a benchmark and an example for the procurators in Zhangjiagang.

  In recent years, the Zhangjiagang Municipal Procuratorate has innovated the Work Law, designating cadres and policemen to be responsible for the review, arrest, and prosecution of enterprise-related cases, as well as the work of crime prevention and special protection of enterprise property rights in enterprise-related cases, and around the "four major procuratorates", issued the "Opinions on Giving Full Play to procuratorial functions and services to ensure the high-quality development of the private economy", and put forward ten specific measures from three aspects: improving the ideological position, improving the effectiveness of judicial case handling, and improving service guarantees, which were affirmed by the main leaders of the Zhangjiagang Municipal Party Committee.

  In addition, the Zhangjiagang Municipal Procuratorate has effectively played its procuratorial function and escorted the high-quality development of private enterprises by organizing the "Procuratorial Into 100 Enterprises" activity and developing the "Procuratorial Service Private Enterprises" WeChat Mini Program.

Source: Procuratorial Daily