
The "report card" of the 2023 Hongkou District Federation of Trade Unions Service Workers Practical Project is here!

author:Thoughtful client

This year, the Hongkou District Federation of Trade Unions will listen to the voices of employees and solve the difficulties of employees as the main starting point, and launch 12 practical projects ⬇️ covering 4 categories such as health services, life services, rights protection services, and cultural and sports services

PART. 0 1

Improve the quality of life of the masses of workers

The "report card" of the 2023 Hongkou District Federation of Trade Unions Service Workers Practical Project is here!

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Employees recuperate

According to the relevant requirements and policies, the District Federation of Trade Unions formulated plans in a timely manner to continue to promote the recuperation and recuperation projects in the Yangtze River Delta region, special employee groups, and counterpart cooperation areas. Up to now, nearly 400 advanced model workers, craftsmen and technicians and industrial technical workers, 40 special groups such as sanitation workers, more than 100 employees of various types, and 30 advanced model workers have been organized to carry out recuperation activities. Through the promotion of the employee recuperation project, the physical and mental health of employees has been relaxed, the pressure of life and work has been relieved, and they can devote themselves to work with a more positive attitude and more enthusiasm after returning to their respective positions.

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Carry out a series of activities with the theme of "seeing Shanghai, tasting Shanghai, and loving Shanghai".

In order to carry forward the great spirit of party building, practice the important concept of "people's city", accelerate the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence, and give full play to the comprehensive driving role of trade union organizations in the development of the cultural, commercial and tourism market, in 2023, the District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to organize a series of activities with the theme of "Seeing Shanghai, Tasting Shanghai, and Loving Shanghai". Up to now, nearly 4,500 trade unions at all levels in the region have organized the "See Shanghai" activity, and more than 3,200 employees have benefited from the "Shanghai Product".

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Employee health check-up

In order to help employees achieve early detection and early treatment of diseases and protect employees' right to health, the District Federation of Trade Unions actively promotes the practical project of employee health examination. The project is oriented to the grassroots and front-line workers, with priority given to employees of non-public enterprises, migrant workers, and flexible employment groups. Up to now, a total of 12 enterprises have been organized to carry out employee health examinations, benefiting nearly 1,000 employees.

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Help employees "light up micro-wishes"

In order to further meet the employees' yearning for a better life, continue to improve the quality of life of employees, and carry out pre-emptive, supplemental, and developmental assistance and warmth services when employees encounter various temporary, sudden, and special difficulties, the District Federation of Trade Unions actively participated in the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions' "Light Up Micro Wishes" Golden Autumn Student Assistance Activity, and declared 74 micro wishes of employees in difficulty at all levels to the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and the Municipal Federation of Poor Helping Foundation has sent school Xi supplies and stationery to the children of the above families. Claim 150 micro-wishes for counterpart cooperation areas. Up to now, trade unions at all levels in the region have fulfilled nearly 700 micro-wishes of employees.

PART. 0 2

Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees

The "report card" of the 2023 Hongkou District Federation of Trade Unions Service Workers Practical Project is here!

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Organize new forms of employment (flexible employees) to participate in mutual assistance

The District Federation of Trade Unions has actively promoted the "Exclusive Protection Plan for Workers in New Employment Forms of Shanghai Trade Unions (Flexible Employees)", covering workers under the age of 60 who are engaged in 13 types of industries in the city, including logistics and express delivery, freight driving, online food delivery, online car-hailing drivers, nursing worker care, domestic services, shopping mall information, real estate agency, property management, construction site short-term workers, agricultural temporary workers, cleaning and sanitation, and street employees. Up to now, 1,618 new employment workers have been uniformly handled with the "New Employment Exclusive Plan" Type E mutual assistance.

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350 enterprises have been provided with guidance services for the construction of harmonious labor relations

According to the requirements of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions' "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of Harmonious Labor Relations Construction Optimization Guidance Services for 10,000 Enterprises and Promoting the Implementation of Their Workers' Congress and Collective Bargaining Establishment Full Coverage Project", this year, the District Federation of Trade Unions formulated a guidance service plan for the implementation of harmonious labor relations construction optimization for 350 enterprises. A team of labor law supervisors of the trade unions in the whole region has been set up, and a "point-to-point" and "one enterprise, one policy" guidance service plan has been formulated. Through diversified methods, we will comprehensively investigate the problems existing in the labor relations of enterprises. For enterprises that are deemed to need to provide professional guidance services during the investigation, a team of lawyers will conduct a legal physical examination at home. This year, a total of 360 enterprises have been registered to investigate the employment risks of enterprises, guide enterprises to establish unions in accordance with the law, and safeguard the labor rights and interests of employees.


Model Workers and Craftsmen serve businesses and campuses

As one of the practical projects of the Hongkou District Federation of Trade Unions to serve employees, we take the opportunity of carrying out theme activities such as "Model Workers Tell the Story of Model Workers" to guide students to strive to become new people of the era who have great ambitions, great virtues, great talents and great responsibilities. This year, the District Federation of Trade Unions invited Chen Mingqing, a national advanced worker, Chen Yin, a national advanced worker, and Wang Wei, a national model worker, to enter the campus, so that students can feel the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsman spirit at "zero distance". This year, model workers and craftsmen have entered 63 campuses to carry out model worker spirit education, reaching about 20,000 employees, teachers and students.

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New campus (building) health service points

In order to meet the new needs of employees to improve the quality of healthy life, this year, the District Federation of Trade Unions has built 2 new park (building) health service points, and there are 8 in the district, receiving a total of about 1,814 regular consultations, 61 regular visits to enterprises, about 1,276 regular visits and 1,304 regular lecture participants.

PART. 03

Deliver "benefits" to employees

The "report card" of the 2023 Hongkou District Federation of Trade Unions Service Workers Practical Project is here!

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Carry out a series of activities of "Happiness Through Train" online + offline

In order to further deepen the brand effect of the Hongkou District Federation of Trade Unions "belong to you the most 'Hong'" and strengthen the service function of the trade union, a series of activities of "Happiness Through Train" were carried out through the three-dimensional mode of "online + offline" throughout the year. This year, a total of 13 online rush purchase activities have been carried out, with nearly 20,000 members participating and nearly 3,000 trade union members. The "Happiness Through Train" will be driven into parks, buildings, parks and other places offline, integrating the resources of various departments to carry out various characteristic projects, and a total of 5 activities have been carried out, serving nearly 10,000 employees.

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"Comfortable" mental health care services for employees

In 2023, the "Comfort Bar" mental health care service for employees will be fully integrated into the brand building of "Belong to You" of the Hongkou District Federation of Trade Unions, and the new model of "1+1+1+N+X" combining legal aid, employment services and psychological care services will be promoted at the same frequency resonance, so as to better care for the mental health of employees and maintain harmonious labor relations. Up to now, a total of 5 offline psychological care services for employees have been carried out, benefiting more than 200 people, covering three aspects: emotion management, employment and psychology, and self-decompression.

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The "Caring Mommy Hut" sent the warmth of the union to the female employees

As of now, 11 new "Caring Mommy Huts" have been built in the district, 4 of which have been successfully upgraded to 5 stars, 1 of which have been successfully upgraded to 4 stars, and 7 of which have been successfully upgraded to 3 stars. At present, there are 110 "love mommy huts", including 7 five-star houses, 19 four-star houses and 28 three-star houses. The construction of the "Caring Mommy Hut" has been further optimized, sending the warmth and care of the union to female employees, and building a good platform for the next step of creating a family-friendly workplace.

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"Public Welfare Learning" has been upgraded to increase mobile classrooms

In 2023, the "Public Welfare and Happy Learning" practical project will be led by the District Federation of Trade Unions, supported by the platform of the District Workers' Cultural Palace, assisted by multiple resources, guaranteed by selected teachers, and widely participated by grassroots trade unions and employees. This year, "Public Welfare Learning" has extended a new service position on the original "1+16" operation mode, explored the construction of "1+16+X" - "1 teaching point + 16 teaching points + X mobile classrooms", and set up "mobile classrooms" in "Shangbin Life Plaza" and "Hexinli", based on public space, to increase the radiation of public welfare and learning. Up to now, nearly 200 courses have been held, serving more than 6,000 employees.

Next year, you hope that the Hongkou trade union will do something for you

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In 2024, the Hongkou Trade Union Service Workers Practical Project Golden Idea Collection

Waiting for you to participate!

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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