
Discussion|"Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed": From another country to hometown

author:The Paper

Recently, the second part of the "My Hometown" series, "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" seminar, was held in Beijing.

The TV series "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" premiered on November 3, the drama is set in Chengdu, telling the story of four girls who migrated to their hometown, they faced the real life of returning home, redefined "peace of mind is home", and the series also reflected on social hot issues such as "is better to return to hometown or other country".

On the day of the seminar, the guests shared the artistic value and regional creation of the "I am in another country" series.

Discussion|"Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed": From another country to hometown

Seminar site

Li Xiaojun, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, said: ""Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" has the following highlights, first of all, the freshness of the subject matter, depicting the 'migratory' life, and responding to the social hotspot of 'hometown or other country'. In addition, the plot also has a sense of realism, directly describing the diverse group portraits of the current young generation and harvesting the greatest range of empathy with the ordinary flow of life, and finally the 'sense of fit of the city', with a eloquent rhythm, the temperament of a city and the life of the characters in the play are integrated. ”

Li Jingsheng, vice president of the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations, believes that the "I am in another country" series breaks the anxiety of creating realistic themes, he said: "This drama provides a vivid example for the deepening of the creation of realistic themes. This drama can alleviate a kind of anxiety in the creative world about the theme of TV dramas - although reality TV dramas have peaked in recent years and seem to have been written, life is still the most meaningful bonanza, and the main creator has settled down on the most familiar theme, maintains a keen sense of life, and can still shoot new ideas on this theme. ”

From the creation of character group portraits, the "I'm in another country" series does not pursue visual coolness, flawless character setting and character growth, but projects the perspective to the "situation" moment in the life of ordinary people, creating a protagonist without a "protagonist halo", in the process of continuous experience, change and growth of the characters, the audience can also experience and grow together.

Discussion|"Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed": From another country to hometown

Stills from "Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed".

In this regard, Yue Yang, the chief producer, planner and producer of "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" and "I'm Good in Another Country", said: "Both dramas are based on young people aged 24-35, because they are some of the fledgling and accomplished people in our society, and they have the epitome of hundreds of millions of Chinese families behind them. "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" We have made an attempt to make a life flow drama with such a creative attitude and way. It is not easy to be in another country, and the hometown is not a paradise to live in, lying flat and involuting cannot cover the mentality of the current youth, we believe that the self-consistency of brave people is one of our original intentions for shaping characters and creating dramas this time. ”

Discussion|"Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed": From another country to hometown

Stills from "Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed".

Long Shu, co-screenwriter of "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm", made a delicate and sincere annotation of the universal family affection extended by "people" in the series, he said: "Even if there is nowhere to return, there are people waiting for you to go, and hometown is a concrete person." So I tried to stand on the opposite side of equality, and write about my parents with the eyes of adulthood, hoping to make the unfinished words of many years have an ideal echo. Growing up is the process of clarifying these things without thinking about it, and getting to know the people who are happy with your existence from the beginning of life. ”

Discussion|"Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed": From another country to hometown

Stills from "Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed".

Wang Yichuan, vice chairman of the China Literature and Art Critics Association and professor of the Literature and Art Research Center of Beijing Normal University, expressed his appreciation for the female-friendly community presented in the play and the "talk show" in the lines: "This drama has a realistic restoration of the troubles of contemporary urban workplace life, a road display of working women to help themselves and relatives and friends, and the concept that their hometown is also an ideal city. The "meet in the mountains and seas, don't come to harm" that appears at the end of the whole play clearly conveys the concept of "as long as the heart is fixed, the hometown can also seek to be an ideal city of happiness and health", which has a realistic enlightenment, comfort and motivational effect on the current large number of young people who return to their hometown to start a business and live. ”

In the results of the seventh national census, there is a more remarkable figure: the number of people living in separated households on the mainland has reached 490 million, of which 375 million are migrants. This also means that 1 in 4 people in China is a "foreigner".

Director Peng Chen condensed his feelings of wandering in a foreign land for many years, he said: "Many people in my generation have a direct pull between their hometown and their hometown, but maybe this is not an either/or contradictory choice. If filming "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" inspired me to anything, perhaps the way to gain peace of mind is to be more tolerant of myself and allow myself to see more possibilities in life. ”

Screenwriter Yao Changning expressed his respect for the diverse choices in life: "For most people, hometown represents an inseparable emotion, and hometown represents the reality of settling down. Therefore, we are willing to respect everyone who goes away and everyone who stays in their hometown or returns to their hometown, as long as they live up to their choice, everyone deserves to be seen and recognized. ”

"Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" Zhang Pei, "I'm Good in Another Country" Ji Nanjia actor Ren Suxi, as the core actor of the two works of the "I'm in Another Country" series, has experienced the drift of "Other Country" and the reunion of "Hometown", and has a deep understanding of the core of drama creation, she said: "I am honored to meet realistic works such as "I'm Good in Another Country" and "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" in my career Zhang Pei is one of my personal favorite characters in recent years, because I think self-reconciliation is very important. I hope that Matt Culture will continue to shoot the third part, and I hope that I can repay the society and the dear and kind audience with better works. ”

Discussion|"Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed": From another country to hometown

Ren Moto

"From another country to hometown" not only comforts the hearts of young people, but also has a healing sense of Chengdu has become the epitome of poetry in the hearts of the audience. Chengdu, as the main environment in which the story of this play takes place, fully demonstrates its open, optimistic, and comfortable cultural atmosphere and tonality, which also encourages more and more "hometowns" to embrace "migrating" young people like "Chengdu" in the story.