
The 19-nation coalition was about to open fire in the Red Sea, and the United States and the Houthis were waiting for China to make a statement, but the result was not unexpected


Yo hoo, readers and friends, today we are going to talk about some hot and spicy topics, not about the latest hot sauce brands, but about the "escort drama" staged in the Red Sea, which has made global news headlines not calm for a while. Sit down, and I'll give you a closer look.

The 19-nation coalition was about to open fire in the Red Sea, and the United States and the Houthis were waiting for China to make a statement, but the result was not unexpected

Anyway, on a sunny afternoon (of course, this weather forecast may be a bit wrong), the Houthis have a whim, thinking that we need to give some excitement to those leisurely paddling merchant ships on the Red Sea. They brandished threatening batons – not real sticks – to indicate that they were going to take action on the innocent merchant ships.

The 19-nation coalition was about to open fire in the Red Sea, and the United States and the Houthis were waiting for China to make a statement, but the result was not unexpected

Don't worry, the story isn't over yet. When the United States heard the news, it immediately jumped out to play superheroes. "Don't worry, friends, I'm here!" they shouted, sending warships to escort the frightened merchant ships. Just like those handsome and firm-eyed heroes in the movie. But wait, don't forget our eastern dragon - China. China is also not a vegetarian, and after seeing the scuffle, it has chosen to solve the problem diplomatically: pick up the phone and chat with Iran to ensure that Chinese merchant ships can safely cross the Red Sea.

The 19-nation coalition was about to open fire in the Red Sea, and the United States and the Houthis were waiting for China to make a statement, but the result was not unexpected

But there are always villains in the story. The Houthis do things like the badass leader in the movie. While they say they want to solve a bigger problem – the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – they choose a frowning approach: attacking merchant ships.

The 19-nation coalition was about to open fire in the Red Sea, and the United States and the Houthis were waiting for China to make a statement, but the result was not unexpected

Now let's switch camera angles and look at the other actors. The "guardian of prosperity" in the United States (doesn't that sound very imposing?) adopted the so-called strategy of countering violence with violence, and it did not receive applause from everyone. The countries of the Middle East stood in the audience and shook their heads: "This script is not in our interests!" After all, no one wants a fire in their own backyard.

The 19-nation coalition was about to open fire in the Red Sea, and the United States and the Houthis were waiting for China to make a statement, but the result was not unexpected

Finally, the picture is fixed on the call for a peaceful settlement of the dispute. Although reality is much more complicated than the movie, at least we know that there are still many scenes in "Escort Drama" that have not yet opened. Readers and friends, please remember: no matter how twists and turns the plot is, please keep smiling, and believe that tomorrow will be the day when the new plot will be presented~

[Disclaimer] The process described in the article and the pictures are taken from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

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