
When is the sex of the fetus determined? Whose genes are determined by the parents, listen to the experts

author:I like to laugh sadly

In a quiet town, the happy couple Li Ming and Zhang Li are looking forward to their first child. This anticipation is filled with joy and brings with it countless curiosities and questions. One of the most striking questions is, "Will our baby be a boy or a girl?" and this question is not only swirling in the minds of the two, but also a hot topic at family gatherings.

When is the sex of the fetus determined? Whose genes are determined by the parents, listen to the experts

At these gatherings, the elders of the family expressed their opinions and proposed various traditional methods of determining the sex of the fetus. Some said: "Look at the shape of Zhang Li's belly, it is pointy, it must be a brat." Others, based on the experience of old women, said, "Whoever eats spicy food is a boy, and it must be a girl who likes sweetness." While these discussions often bring laughter and fun, Li and Zhang know that there is no scientific basis for these claims.

As Li Ming and Zhang Li's anticipation and curiosity grew, they decided to consult an obstetrician and gynecologist, a doctor with deep knowledge in the field of reproductive medicine. In a quiet corner of the clinic, the expert smiled and opened a book on genetics and began a simple but profound journey of popular science.

When is the sex of the fetus determined? Whose genes are determined by the parents, listen to the experts

"Let's start with the basics. "In our bodies, sex is determined by a special set of chromosomes called sex chromosomes. Females usually have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome. ”

Li Ming and Zhang Li listened intently. The expert continues: "During fertilization, females always provide an X chromosome, while males provide an X or Y chromosome. This means that the sex of the child is actually determined by the father's sperm. ”

When is the sex of the fetus determined? Whose genes are determined by the parents, listen to the experts

He pointed to a schematic chromosome on the chart, stating: "If the sperm carries the X chromosome and joins the egg, then the fetus will be female (XX)." If the sperm carries the Y chromosome, the fetus will be male (XY). ”

Li Ming felt a burst of enlightenment and asked, "Are those claims about pregnant women's diet, lifestyle, and even mood affecting the sex of the fetus true?" The expert smiled and shook his head: "These are all superstitions. The sex of the fetus is determined at the moment of fertilization and has nothing to do with the mother's diet or mood. ”

When is the sex of the fetus determined? Whose genes are determined by the parents, listen to the experts

To further illustrate, the expert mentions some research data: "In fact, globally, about 105 boys are born for every 100 girls. This ratio is a natural sex ratio and is not subject to human control. ”

The more Li Ming and Zhang Li listened, the more fascinated they became. The expert went on to explain some common superstitions, such as "a pregnant woman's belly shape can predict sex", and used scientific facts to refute these claims. He stressed that although there are many speculations and wishes about the sex of the fetus, in the end, science provides a clear and indisputable answer.

When is the sex of the fetus determined? Whose genes are determined by the parents, listen to the experts

As the discussion came to an end, Li Ming and Zhang Li felt both satisfied and inspired. They are open to the sex of the fetus, but more importantly, they have a deeper awareness and respect for the miracle of life. Through this visit, they not only dispelled their doubts, but were also ready to spread this valuable scientific knowledge to their families and friends around them.

The expert's words echoed in the hearts of the two: "Remember, every life, whether a boy or a girl, is a unique gift. Li Ming and Zhang Li left the clinic with this deep understanding and full of anticipation, looking forward to the new life they were about to usher in.

When is the sex of the fetus determined? Whose genes are determined by the parents, listen to the experts

After listening to the expert's explanation, Li Ming and Zhang Li felt both surprised and relieved. They learned that both boys and girls are gifts of nature and should be loved and cherished equally. They decided to stop focusing on the speculation and discussions at the family gathering, and instead focus on getting ready for the new life that was about to come.

Finally, the expert shared a warm point of view with Li Ming and Zhang Li: "Remember, the gender of the child should not be the focus, what is really important is that you, as parents, give your child unconditional love and acceptance. Whether boys or girls, they deserve the best care and education. ”