
I worked for a heating company before I retired and know a lot about heating: it's not easy to be a heating company

author:Mystic Drifting Bottle IoSe

Title: Days and Nights at the Heating Company: The Story of Heating Through My Eyes

I worked for a heating company before I retired and know a lot about heating: it's not easy to be a heating company

Introduction: Have you ever wondered how the slightest trace of heating penetrating into the house came to your home on a cold winter day? Let me take you into my work world, uncover the untold story behind the state-owned heating company, and share the enthusiasm and professionalism of front-line employees.

I worked for a heating company before I retired and know a lot about heating: it's not easy to be a heating company

Hey friends, let's talk about something different today. This winter, I want to tell you about heating. As a veteran employee who has worked hard in a state-owned heating company for several years, I have witnessed too many unknown hardships and challenges, and I have also realized the significance of the work we do.

I worked for a heating company before I retired and know a lot about heating: it's not easy to be a heating company

First of all, I have to tell you, it's not easy. It is both a business and a livelihood project. Whenever the factory starts to get busy in late autumn and early winter, that sense of responsibility arises spontaneously. We have to make sure that thousands of families can enjoy warmth during the winter months. But behind the scenes, it takes careful planning and countless overhauls to make it happen.

I worked for a heating company before I retired and know a lot about heating: it's not easy to be a heating company

It's easy to say, but in fact, every link has to be carefully calculated. For example, in the case of energy consumption planning, we have to estimate the demand of users throughout the season, and we need to consider the cost while ensuring maximum efficiency. In terms of technical control, for example, even a small mistake in temperature regulation can cause the entire community to "shiver". Equipment overhaul is the norm! Every time I watch those giant machines being disassembled, repaired, maintained, and reassembled, I feel so nervous!

I worked for a heating company before I retired and know a lot about heating: it's not easy to be a heating company

Don't think that we only care about production! Social responsibility is always in our minds. We know that we have a responsibility to bring warmth to thousands of families. Especially for those residents who are not in good economic conditions or old communities, they are more dependent on heating services. Therefore, while ensuring safe and stable heat supply, we must also optimize the service process and improve the service quality as much as possible.

I worked for a heating company before I retired and know a lot about heating: it's not easy to be a heating company

Of course, working here for so many years has also given me some food for thought and advice. I think that no matter what kind of business form, we should not forget that the interests of the people should be put first in the pursuit of profit. This is especially true for units like ours that are related to people's livelihood and well-being.

I believe that through the joint efforts of all of us, we will one day make this service even better and more humane. To this end, I will continue to dedicate my strength, and hope to influence more people to realize that the heating industry is not just a cold link in the industrial chain.

Okay! Having said so much, it may be a bit off-topic haha~ Anyway, I just want everyone to know that there are actually many respectable and proud stories hidden in the seemingly ordinary pain supply company!

Thank you for your patience and listening to my nagging so far!I hope my sharing can give you a new understanding of the ordinary but great heating industry!Remember to stay warm~


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