
"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

author:Walk through the shadows
"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

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"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul


In 1998, the famous Japanese director Takeshi Kitano's film "Fireworks" was released, and the whole film was full of Takeshi Kitano's strong aesthetic style of violence, a distinct transformation of human nature, thus proving that violence is a distorted force of the human heart.

At the same time, "Fireworks" is also full of mourning, loneliness, loneliness, and despair, just like fireworks breaking through the darkness and fleeting light.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

The protagonist of "Fireworks" is a character who is both good and evil, from the beginning of the upright and righteous policeman, to a robber, borrowing usury, and entanglement with usurers, some people may wonder what makes a person like this?

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

Good and evil

The policeman Sai Jiajing played by Takeshi Kitano is a very kind little person in the police station, and he never procrasticates when he goes to the police, he is always the first, and he is also a good husband at home, living a plain and exciting life.

But God is unfair, tragic events happen one by one, unexpectedly, a few years ago, due to an accident Xi Jiajing lost his and his wife's only child, those years were the most difficult times for the couple, as long as they see each other, they will remember the appearance of the child, and the child's death is like a gap that the two can never cross.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

Although the relationship between the husband and wife has eased a little in recent years, the wife is always depressed, and there is not even a smile on her face, so she suffers from a very serious illness.

In the past few years, in order to treat his wife's illness, the family's savings have long been emptied, and Xi Jiajing had to borrow loan sharks to treat his wife's illness, so for so many years, he has been a policeman on the surface, but he is not clear about the entanglement with loan sharks behind his back.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

Until an incident happened, which became the last straw that crushed the camel, once, when Nishigajing and his colleagues were on a mission, one of the descendants of the Iron Triangle, Tian died in the line of duty, leaving only a widow and a young son who were not yet adults, while another friend Horibe saved his life, but was disabled in the line of duty and abandoned by his wife, in order to make up for the pain, he could only live by the sea.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

Otherwise, Takeshi Kitano's aesthetic approach is very good, the frustrated people and the wide sea are integrated into a scene, and the line is almost a static scene, even if the wheelchair is sitting motionless, it can make the audience feel lonely, and this strong contrast vision makes it very easy for the audience to switch to the movie, as if the person sitting on the wheelchair is himself.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

The wife is seriously ill, the former colleagues stand and endure the torture, and the whole film is immersed in a bleak atmosphere, and every character around the protagonist is full of desperate situations and cannot extricate themselves, like an invisible vortex that encircles everyone in it, can only be kneaded, and nothing can be done.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

Among these people, Xi is not an outsider, and none of his wife and friends can be parted with, and he is said to be an insider, and the torture that his wife and friends are now enduring has no experience in his previous life and cannot empathize.

However, in order to live, and to make his friends around him happy and his wife who is dying, Xi Jiajing began to fight back against life, as if he was fighting back against fate.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul


First of all, he left the police station first, then bought a scrapped car at a place where he bought a second-hand car, converted it into a police car, and robbed the bank in full view of the bank staff in broad daylight, and then divided the stolen money into several parts to fulfill all wishes.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

Xi Jiajing used the money to pay off all the loan sharks he owed, and then bought the most expensive painting tools for his colleagues at the beach, perhaps he felt that even if everyone had left you, but only dreams did not, and he estimated that colleagues must live bravely, as long as there is a dream, there is hope of survival.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

Subsequently, Xi Jiajing took out some of the money and sent alimony to another friend's widow, at least their future life would not be so hard, and in the end, he used the rest of the money to accompany his wife to complete a trip without time limit.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

Xi Jiajing took his wife to set off fireworks in an uninhabited place in the wild, took his wife to live in a homestay, and prayed in the temple to meet the little boy's desire to listen to the bell, and he would also accompany his wife to guess the poker game, It is also strange to say, his wife is backed by Xi Jiajing, he can also guess the points of the playing cards, and even the chocolate that his wife blocked with playing cards can also guess, and after some operation, his wife laughed, which was the happiest time for his wife to laugh after the loss of his son.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

During the journey, Xi Jiajing's meticulous performance made the two people return to the time when they were in love in the past, with only each other in their eyes, and the other party is extremely great, and they can do everything.

However, there are always some people who are not long-sighted to break this sweet moment, and during the journey of Xi Jiajing and his wife, the loan shark catches up, and when he comes up, he asks Xi to rob the bank money, and perhaps sometimes he has to sigh that the shamelessness of the loan shark is true.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

It turned out that Xi Jiajing's robbery of the bank was directly reported by the relevant departments due to its bad nature, and after the incident was exposed, the loan shark demanded that he hand over the remaining money.

As a policeman, Xi Jiajing knew in his heart that since the loan sharks could find him, the police would not be far away, so in order to prevent these people from disturbing his and his wife's romantic trip, Xi Jia Jing took action to solve these people, so as to strive for a peaceful and happy travel time for his wife and himself.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

If there is violence, there will be fighting, and gunfights are inevitable, and this violent picture in the movie is very crisp, and there are no stunts, and there will be no show-off skills to highlight the heroism of the male protagonist, but not to participate in any feelings, just to solve the other party, and then continue to embark on the journey, this frequent use of montage makes people sigh at the excellence of the movie.

In addition, Takeshi Kitano is also very fond of using contrasts, reality and memory, laughter and life is worse than death, violence and beauty, this strong contrast is put together, forming a very obvious contrast, so that the viewer can experience a different visual conflict.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul

The wife is quiet and beautiful and a violent loan shark, the most classic of which is the little girl by the sea who flies a kite, and even though she knows that the broken kite will never fly again, she tries again and again......

There is no reversal in the ending of the story, there is no sadness, this kind of ending without a little gimmick, is the most stinging, when Xi Jiajing found that the police he worked with in the past found him, he understood in his heart that his wife and his journey had come to an end, and it should be over, and finally the two of them snuggled up to the sea, and the last bullet in the pistol was left to himself and his wife, and then the camera turned to the endless sea.

"Fireworks": Life blooms and emotional resonance, igniting the artistic fire of the soul


"Fireworks" does not give an extremely sad ending, when the last scene of the viewer is left on the sea, it also indicates that Xi and his wife are happy now, even if they leave the world, there is no sadness, the film has been running through black humor from beginning to end, intertwined with the imagination of this conflict.

Fireworks are born like flowers, death is like fire, tragic fate is unexpected, and the hope of wanting to live needs to pay a painful price.

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