
"The Golden Lock": The most important thing in life is to unlock these 3 locks



In 1943, as soon as "The Golden Lock" was published, it caused a huge repercussion in the literary world.

In "The History of Modern Chinese Novels", Xia Zhiqing praised "The Golden Lock" as "the greatest novella of all time".

Mr. Fu Lei even praised:

"The Golden Lock is Ms. Zhang's most perfect work to date, and it has the flavor of some of the stories in Diary of a Madman.

At the very least, it should be listed as one of the most beautiful harvests in our literary world. ”

The novel tells the tragic life of Cao Qiqiao, who was born in poverty, and began a tragic life after marrying the sick son of the wealthy Jiang family.

The hurt of the original family, emotional frustration and morbid psychology put one shackle after another on Cao Qiqiao's life.

Along the way, she broke free to no avail, and finally embarked on the path of destruction.

As Zhang Ailing said:

"For thirty years she wore a golden yoke.

She used the heavy flail to slash a few people, and those who didn't die gave half their lives. ”

Carrying the shackles of the original family

It was the beginning of misfortune

Cao Qiqiao's tragedy began with a marriage.

She is the daughter of a sesame oil shopkeeper, she is beautiful and quick to work, and she is the living sign of the store.

The butcher's pig slaughterer, Cao Danian's sworn brother, and Shen's tailor's son were all interested in her.

If she marries the right family, although she will not be rich and rich, she can live a happy life.

But the greedy brother Cao Danian made the decision to marry her into the rich and powerful Jiang family and became the wife of the second room.

Second Young Master Jiang is a disabled person and is destined not to marry a famous lady.

Therefore, Mrs. Jiang simply promoted Qiqiao to be the wife of the main house, and let her serve the second master with all her heart.

Her life seems to be infinitely beautiful, but there is endless bitterness behind it.

has the status of a second young grandmother, but in fact she is just a girl, guarding her paralyzed husband all day long, serving his diet and daily life.

The disparity in family background made her incompatible with the Jiang family, and even the girl looked down on her.

She accused Cao Danian of selfishness and ruthlessness more than once, but Cao Danian said without guilt:

"If you say in good conscience, I will use your two dollars, and it should be.

At the beginning, if I was greedy for financial resources, I asked the Jiang family for a few hundred taels of silver, and sold you to them as my aunt's wife, and I would have sold it. ”

Even so, she often subsidized her mother's family and did not dare to refuse their requests.

This made Mrs. Jiang more guarded and suppressed her, and her life in the Jiang family became more and more like walking on thin ice.

The conflict between her relatives could not be shaken off, she was not comforted spiritually, and she was full of resentment and depression, which made her hateful.

When I first read this, I felt that Qiqiao's behavior was too absurd, and after thinking about it carefully, I felt her sadness.

When she was young, she longed for the warmth of family affection, but her closest relatives pushed her into the fire pit and buried her happiness with her own hands.

Keigo Higashino said:

"Everyone wants to be born in a good family, but parents can't choose, what kind of cards are given to you, you can only try to play it well. ”

We can't choose where we come from, but we can choose how we want to live.

The more others make you feel cold, the more you have to treat yourself sincerely;

The more the pain in your heart erodes your bones, the more you have to desperately grow upward.

If you blindly immerse yourself in the pain of your original family, not only will you not be able to change the status quo, but it will also bind your present and future.

Jump out of the shackles of the original family and work hard to reinvent yourself, and your life will take on a new look.

"The Golden Lock": The most important thing in life is to unlock these 3 locks

Subject to the shackles of desire

Man becomes a puppet

In the courtyard of the deep house, the younger brother-in-law Jiang Jize is the only healthy man that Qiqiao can come into contact with.

As soon as Qiqiao has the opportunity, he teases him in every way.

Even if he is amorous and absurd by nature, he does not dare to mess with the code of ethics.

Qiqiao, who can't be loved, turns all his mind into the "family property defense war".

When the family was separated, she pointed out in public that Jiang Jize had a deficit in public accounts, and he would be compared with his property, and even did not let him take away Mrs. Jiang's relics.

The relatives were very disgusted with the greed of the tangram, and cut off contact with her after the separation.

After she took a pair of children to the independent portal, she became a miser:

Just because the nephew had physical contact with his daughter Chang'an when he was playing, he thought that the nephew wanted to steal his money and scolded him out of the house.

learned that Chang'an had lost his pillowcase handkerchief at school, so he took his old mother to the principal Xingshi to ask for the guilt, which made Chang'an lose face and reluctantly chose to drop out of school.

What's even more ironic is that one day Jiang Jize suddenly came to the door, and he always talked about real estate intentionally or unintentionally.

Half a life has passed, and Qiqiao finally died, but Jiang Jize came to tease her again, and she loved and hated it.

Knowing that he had ulterior motives, Qiqiao still had a glimmer of hope, thinking that he was here to renew the old relationship.

After thinking about it, Jiang Jize may be coaxing her, so he wanted to test Jiang Jize's sincerity, but he didn't expect that Jiang Jize really wanted to make money.

She was suddenly furious and drove Jiang Jize away like crazy.

Cao Qiqiao's behavior is ridiculous and pathetic.

From being a young flower to being nearly middle-aged, she is tormented in love and hate all the time.

She hated her husband for usurping her youth, but she was not angry at all;

She loves Jiang Jize's freshness, but she is doped with all kinds of calculations.

In the confrontation with desire, she was overwhelmed.

People are in the red dust of the world, and it is inevitable that they will have desires.

But once it goes too far, it will fall deeper and deeper, exhaust people's willpower, and then do things that destroy conscience.

In "Skins", it is written:

"How light our lives are, they are all dragged down by the filth of the flesh and all kinds of desires. ”

Know how to restrain desires and not chase too much, so that you can live calmly and comfortably.

"The Golden Lock": The most important thing in life is to unlock these 3 locks

Imprisoned in psychological shackles

In the end, it will harm others and oneself

Mr. Lu Xun once sharply pointed out:

"Many people can't see others living a good life, they don't have what they don't, and if others do, they will hate themselves. ”

This is the case with tangrams.

Chang'an, who was not married at the age of thirty, was introduced by his cousin and met Tong Shifang, who had returned from studying abroad, and the two fell in love with each other and soon got engaged.

But Qiqiao ruined Chang'an's reputation everywhere, and even lied that his daughter was an "addict" to scare off Tong Shifang.

After her son Changbai married his wife, she made things difficult for her daughter-in-law Zhishou in every possible way, and often supported Changbai to burn cigarettes all night, so that Zhishou was alone in the empty house.

Qiqiao's psychology for his son, the book reads:

"Because he is her son, he alone is not worth half of the ......

Now, even this half of the person she can't keep - he married. ”

At the card table, she also deliberately publicized the lives of her son and daughter-in-law in front of her mother-in-law, making Zhishou ashamed and angry, and died of depression within a few years.

Later, Qiqiao gave the girl Juan'er to Changbai as his aunt's wife, but she committed suicide in less than a year after being corrected.

Since then, Changbai did not dare to marry again, and Chang'an also broke off the idea of marrying.

This woman who has locked herself in the shackles of gold is not happy herself, nor does she give happiness to her children.

Because you lick your wounds in the dark, you have to extinguish the light in the lives of others;

If you can't get happiness yourself, you will destroy what others have.

Fu Lei once said:

"Love is not satisfied in one person, so it takes the happiness and life of three or four people to pay off the debt.

Terrible revenge!"

As everyone knows, not only will this not improve your happiness, but it will also push the people around you farther and farther, and finally end up betraying your relatives.

People who would rather hurt themselves than torture others will eventually ruin their own lives.

"The Golden Lock": The most important thing in life is to unlock these 3 locks

Zhang Ailing has seen countless people and predicaments in her life from the seemingly gorgeous comedy opening of Tangram to the bleak and tragic ending of her life.

No one is born knowing how to go in the future, they all woke up after hitting the south wall:

"Born free, but always in chains. ”

Don't entangle with unworthy people, ignore your heart, don't succumb to excessive greed, wear out thinking;

Don't be coerced by negative emotions and let yourself fall into endless internal friction.

In this way, the shackles will no longer be a hidden pain that haunts your heart and hinders your growth.

I hope you and I can withstand all kinds of tests in the wind and waves of fate, break free from the shackles of Taoism, and rush to a free and bright future.