
With a car and without a car, how big the gap can be in life

author:There is blue in the text
With a car and without a car, how big the gap can be in life

Text / There is blue in the text

In life, the question of having a car and not having a car is often brought up. For those who own a car, the car is their means of transportation, a social carrier, and a status symbol, while for those who do not have a car, they need to rely on public transportation, walking or bicycles to solve their travel problems.

So, how big is the gap between life with and without a car? Let me share my story with you.

I used to be a car-owning person.

Every morning, I need to wake up an hour and a half early to wait for the bus. Sometimes the weather is bad and the bus is late, so I can only wait in the cold wind, in a cold sweat. Even in normal times, the experience of taking the bus is not very good. The car was crowded with people, and the air was filled with all kinds of peculiar smells, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Also, the bus schedule is difficult to keep track of, and sometimes you don't want to go to work until you wait for the bus.

However, one day I finally bought a car.

This way, I can sleep an hour less every morning because I no longer have to wait for the bus.

And when I commute by car, I can listen to music and enjoy my time. No more crowding on the bus and no more worrying about bus delays. It makes my life more convenient and comfortable.

However, owning a car doesn't mean everything is perfect. The car needs to be maintained and refueled, which is a significant expense. In addition to this, there are also issues to consider when driving, such as road conditions, traffic rules, and safety. Sometimes, I also encounter problems such as traffic jams and difficult parking, which makes me feel very annoyed. So, while owning a car has made my life easier, it has also brought some new problems.

With a car and without a car, how big the gap can be in life

In addition to myself, my friends around me have had different experiences. They face different problems when it comes to transportation. I have two friends, one who owns a car and the other who doesn't.

A friend of mine, Xiaoyin, has a very old car and runs the risk of breaking it every time he drives out.

Once, when we went shopping together, her car suddenly broke down, and we had to pull over to the side of the road and walk home. Xiaoli was very angry because she had just sent the car to the repair shop, but she didn't expect that something would go wrong again. I asked her why she didn't get a new car, and she smiled wryly and said, "There is a big financial price to pay for changing cars, and I can't afford it." ”

Another friend, Applejack, is a car-free and needs to consider the bus schedule and route every time he goes out, which makes him feel very inconvenient. Once, he asked us to go to the movies, but we missed the last bus and had to take a taxi, which ended up costing a lot of money.

He said with emotion: "It's really inconvenient to not have a car, but it's too expensive to take a taxi. ”

With a car and without a car, how big the gap can be in life

The experiences of these two friends made me think deeply. Owning a car is not necessarily a good thing, the car breaks down and needs to be repaired, and the repair cost and time need to be considered. Not having a car isn't necessarily a bad thing, and although you need to rely on public transportation, you can also save a lot of money.

Overall, the gap between life with and without a car does exist, but it's not black and white.

Owning a car can improve the quality of life, but it also brings some new problems and burdens. And those who don't have a car need to rely on other ways to solve their travel problems, which can also cause some inconvenience.

Therefore, we should choose whether we need to buy a car according to our actual situation. Whether we own a car or not, we should cherish life and enjoy the beauty of every day.

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