
When children lack self-discipline, let's see what Dong Yuhui says?

author:Magic Universe YA

A child's self-discipline is essential for their future development. However, parents all face a common problem, which is the lack of self-discipline in their children.

When children lack self-discipline, let's see what Dong Yuhui says?

Significance of self-discipline:

Dong Yuhui believes that self-discipline means that children are able to control their own behavior, emotions and decisions. This ability is not only good for academics, but also helps them better face challenges, deal with stress, and achieve their goals as adults.

Ways to develop self-discipline:

Dong Yuhui emphasized that the method of cultivating children's self-discipline should take into account their age, personality and interests. Here are a few of his key recommendations:

When children lack self-discipline, let's see what Dong Yuhui says?

First, set goals and dreams. Help your child be clear about their goals and dreams and work with them to develop a plan to achieve them. Encourage and motivate them to Xi study hard and work hard by setting small goals and reward mechanisms.

Second, set rules and schedules: Establish a clear set of rules and schedules so that your child knows what to do and when. This can help children establish an orderly and regular daily Xi and develop their ability to complete tasks on time.

Third, cultivate self-disciplined hobbies: Encourage children to develop a variety of beneficial hobbies, such as reading, sports, music, etc. This not only fosters self-discipline, but also gives them a sense of accomplishment that comes with putting in the effort.

When children lack self-discipline, let's see what Dong Yuhui says?

Fourth, stimulate intrinsic motivation: Help children realize the importance of self-discipline and make them understand the benefits of self-discipline, such as better grades, stronger willpower, etc. Stimulate their inner motivation and let them take the initiative to pursue self-discipline.

Dong Yuhui himself is a model of self-discipline. He set clear goals for himself at a young age, and through hard Xi work and perseverance, he eventually achieved his dream. He strongly believes in the importance of self-discipline for his own development in the future.

When children lack self-discipline, let's see what Dong Yuhui says?

Dong Yuhui commented, "I encourage children to set goals and dreams at a young age, so that they can maintain self-discipline and strive for excellence in life. At the same time, as parents, you should also be a good role model and influence your children through your own actions, so that they can understand and accept self-discipline. ”

When children lack self-discipline, let's see what Dong Yuhui says?

Self-discipline is one of the essential qualities for a child's future development. By developing children's self-discipline, it can help them better cope with life's challenges and achieve better results. Dong Yuhui's successful experience has provided us with valuable inspiration and benefited from it, integrating these methods into our own family education, and leading by example, being a good role model, and raising more self-disciplined children.