
Filial piety comes first, don't let family affection be dusty

author:Super Rabbit Documentary

Honoring one's parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Filial piety comes first, and filial piety to parents is the most basic morality of life. However, in real life, there are some children who do not honor their parents, and even abuse their parents, which is sad.

Filial piety comes first, don't let family affection be dusty

Mr. Wang, who has made a small career in other places, sends money to his mother every month, but he has never cared about his mother's life or visited his mother. His mother was abused by his eldest brother and sister-in-law, but he turned a blind eye and allowed his mother to suffer. It wasn't until his mother couldn't stand it anymore and called him for help that he rushed home.

Filial piety comes first, don't let family affection be dusty

After Mr. Wang returned home, he accused his eldest brother and sister-in-law of being unfilial, but he never reflected on his own behavior. He thinks that he sends money to his mother every month, even if he has fulfilled his filial piety, he doesn't know that companionship and love are what his parents need most.

The behavior of the eldest brother and sister-in-law is hateful, but he is not innocent either. He knew that his mother was suffering, but he stood by and watched, which is also a kind of unfilial piety.

Filial piety comes first, don't let family affection be dusty

Our parents raised us with hardships and hardships, and we should be grateful and honor them well. Filial piety to our parents is not only our responsibility, but also our blessing.

I often go home to see my parents, chat with them, and enjoy family fun.

Care about the health of your parents and take them to physical examinations regularly.

Help parents do some housework within their ability to reduce their burden.

When parents are in trouble, reach out in time to help them solve the problem.

Respect your parents' opinions and don't argue with them.

Buy your parents something they like and make them happy.

When his parents were sick and hospitalized, he took good care of them and never left him.

Honoring one's parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Filial piety comes first, and we should honor our parents from now on, so that they can enjoy their old age in peace.

Mr. Wang eventually left that home with his mother. It was a difficult decision, but the right one. I hope this story can warn the world, honor your parents, and don't let your family love be dusty. #这些年父母的变化#

#这些年父母的变化, we can't help but feel emotional! #
