
Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

author:Seriously Berry 5u2

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Snakes, which are invertebrates, belong to the class of reptiles, have a long body and have no limbs.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

The snake is an animal that people love and hate, some people regard it as a pet, some people use it as a delicacy, some people use it as a medicinal herb, and some people regard it as an enemy.

Snakes are animals that live in nature, with a variety of species and Xi, and some snakes live in water.

But did you know that some snakes can get into places where humans live, like houses, garages, yards, and even beds? Why did these snakes enter human territory?

Aren't they afraid of humans? Don't they know that this is the home of humans? How can they tell the difference?

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

1. Why do snakes enter places where humans live?

Snakes are very flexible and adaptable animals, and they can survive and thrive in a wide variety of environments, including where humans live.

There are several main reasons why snakes enter human habitation.

Snakes are carnivorous animals, and their diet is mainly small animals such as mice, birds, frogs, lizards, etc.

Some of these animals can also be found in places where humans live, such as the cracks in the walls of houses, the corners of garages, and the grass in yards.

Snakes follow the scents and sounds of these animals and enter the places where humans live, looking for their prey.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

Sometimes, snakes are also attracted to some foods in places where humans live, such as eggs, meat, fish, etc., which are also very attractive to snakes.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals, their body temperature changes with the temperature of their environment, and they need to constantly regulate their body temperature in order to maintain their life activities.

Snakes will choose different places to maintain their body temperature according to the season and weather changes. In winter or when it is cold, snakes will look for some warm places to avoid hypothermia and death.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

Places where humans live are usually warmer than the outside environment, such as the heating of the house, the engine of the garage, the compost of the yard, etc.

Snakes will be attracted by the temperature of these places and enter the places where humans live, looking for warm places to survive the cold periods.

Snakes are very cautious and timid animals, they will avoid conflict with other animals or humans, and they will quickly flee or hide when they feel in danger.

Snakes will choose different places to protect themselves according to the surrounding environment and threats.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

In the summer or when it is hot, snakes will look for some cool and moist places to avoid hyperthermia and dehydration.

Places where humans live are usually cooler and wetter than the outside environment, such as the basement of a house, the water pipes in a garage, the pool in a yard, etc.

Snakes are attracted to the environment of these places and enter the places where humans live, looking for shade and moist places to get through the hot periods.

Snakes are animals with the ability to reproduce, and they will find their mates for mating and reproduction at certain times and conditions.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

Snakes will choose different places to find their mates according to their breed and Xi. Some snakes will enter some places where humans live in spring or autumn, such as the roof of a house, a box in a garage, a flower pot in a yard, etc.

There may be other snakes of the same or different kind in these places, and the snakes will meet and get acquainted with them, mate and reproduce.

Some snakes will enter some human settlements in winter or cold.

For example, the fireplace in the house, the tires in the garage, the wooden stakes in the yard, etc., these places, there may be other snakes of the same or different kind.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

Snakes will work with them for warmth and protection, mating and reproduction.

2. How do snakes distinguish where humans live?

Snakes are animals with very keen and complex senses, and they can distinguish and perceive their surroundings and information in a variety of ways, including where humans live.

How do snakes tell where humans live? There are several main ways in which they live.

Snakes are animals with a very developed sense of smell, they can sniff and taste the smells and tastes around them through their nostrils and tongues, so as to judge some information and situations.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

Snakes can distinguish the place where humans live through their sense of smell, such as the smell of humans, the smell of food, the smell of animals, etc.

These scents are a signal and cue for snakes that this is their home or that there is a human presence.

Snakes are animals with very special vision, they can see the light and colors around them through their eyes, so as to judge some information and situations.

Snakes can distinguish where humans live by sight.

For example, the shape of a human being, the shape of an object, the shape of a building, etc., these shapes are all signals and hints for snakes.

Let them know that this is the home of humans, or that there is a human presence.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

Snakes are very sensitive hearing animals, they can hear the sounds and vibrations around them through their ears, so as to judge some information and situations.

Snakes can distinguish the places where humans live through their sense of hearing, such as human voices, the sounds of objects, and the sounds of animals.

These sounds are a signal and cue for snakes, letting them know that this is the home of humans, or that there are human beings.

Snakes are animals with a very flexible sense of touch, they can sense the temperature and humidity around them through their bodies, so as to judge some information and situations.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

Snakes can distinguish the place where humans live through their sense of touch, such as the temperature of humans, the temperature of objects, the temperature of buildings, etc.

These temperatures are a signal and a cue for snakes to let them know that this is the home of humans, or that there are human beings.

3. What should be done to deal with and prevent it?

Snakes entering places inhabited by humans may bring some troubles and dangers to humans, such as bites, frightening, pollution, etc.

Snakes enter human habitation in large part because of their food and warmth.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

We can reduce the source of food and warmth for snakes by keeping the environment clean and tidy, thereby reducing the attractiveness and chances of snakes appearing.

For example, you can regularly clean up the garbage in the house, the clutter in the garage, the weeds in the yard, etc., to avoid these places becoming food and warm hiding places for snakes.

Snakes enter human habitation in large part because they are safe and moist. We can reduce the safe and wet routes for snakes by strengthening the protection and closure of doors and windows, thereby reducing the possibility of snake invasion and escape.

For example, you can install some anti-snake nets, grilles, locks, etc., to prevent snakes from entering or going out through the gaps or openings of doors and windows.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

Snakes enter places where humans live, largely because there is room for them to survive and thrive.

Through the rational use of human strength and wisdom, the space for the survival and development of snakes can be reduced, so as to reduce the threat and harm of snakes.

For example, there are legal and effective methods that can be used to repel or catch snakes.

For example, use some sounds, lights, smells, etc., to scare away or trap snakes, or ask professional personnel to handle or remove snakes.


It can be seen that snakes enter the place where humans live, for their own reasons and purposes, they can distinguish and perceive the place where humans live, and they do not deliberately want to be enemies or embarrass humans.

Animals don't dare to enter the places where ordinary people live, why do snakes dare to enter, can't it tell the difference?

However, snakes entering places inhabited by humans can also bring some troubles and dangers to humans.

We should take some measures and methods to deal with and prevent snakes from entering human habitation and protect the safety and health of ourselves and our families.

What do you think, dear reader, about snakes entering places where humans live?