
How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

author:JOD Real Estate

I didn't know about Musk until I heard about Tesla cars.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

Everyone may have an information cocoon, and people like Xiaobian who are interested in overseas characters may also be half a beat slower.

At that time, I knew that Tesla cars were built by Musk, and then I became interested in Musk, how did its experience and wealth come about? how did the gears of fate turn? SpaceX's Mars program, grand dreams, and anecdotes.

After I understand this, there are a few points that I feel deeply, there will definitely be a lot of shining points in successful people, and a failed person will definitely have a bond of character.

The following editor tells Musk's road to success.

One, how did Musk come to the United States

When I learned that Musk was white South African, the first question that arose was how did he come to the United States? Musk has triple citizenship of South Africa, Canada and the United States.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

In fact, Musk was an immigration bill in Canada at that time, and parents with Canadian ancestry could come to Canada.

And Musk's mother Meunier has half Canadian ancestry, which means that Musk has 1/4 Canadian ancestry.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

Second, he was bullied in his childhood

It's hard to imagine that Musk was often bullied at school when he was a child, because Musk was relatively small when he was a child, and there was such a culture in South Africa at that time, and Musk was often beaten and beaten when he was in school.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

At that time, these did not leave a huge psychological trauma on Musk, and it can only be said that it was an unpleasant childhood experience, after all, a person who is so good and so powerful will not be impressed by these little things.

Those classmates who beat him knew that Musk later became the richest man in the world, and they didn't know what to think?

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

Third, the university town presents the temperament of a scholarly tyrant

Musk had very good grades in college, almost the kind of top student, and at that time he had a girlfriend, and the two often competed to see who was the first.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

After studying at Queen's University in Ontario, Canada, Musk relied on a scholarship to transfer to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States to study economics, and after obtaining a bachelor's degree in economics, he received a bachelor's degree in physics from the same school. Therefore, Musk has a dual knowledge background in natural sciences and social sciences.

Fourth, super memory ability and reading ability

Musk's memory is very strong, almost unforgettable, and his reading ability is very high, reading 60 times more than the average person.

Programming that others take months to learn, Musk learned in a few days.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

Fifth, workaholics

Working an average of 85 hours a week, Musk's attitude towards work is very serious, almost always in the first place, which is also one of the reasons for his later family and marriage problems, because family and career cannot be balanced.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

Sixth, he is both a science and engineering man and Warren Buffett

Musk is not only proficient in physics, programming, but also has a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School.

This shows that Musk is not only technically minded, but also business-minded. This is very critical and an important reason for Musk's success.

We know that there are a lot of technicians who delve into technology, and they don't have commercial skills. Many business bigwigs, he understands business, but he doesn't understand technology, and he can't do the technology industry. Musk, on the other hand, has both, and when he started Tesla and SpaceX, almost all the problems were solved by engineers and Musk.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

7. First principles

The first principle is a deductive way of thinking that goes back to the roots.

The simple understanding is to see the essence through the phenomenon, when building a Tesla car, an engineer reported that a part of the car could not be put in no matter how it was designed, and Musk replied, "Since this is the case, can you consider removing it"?

Musk's thinking is definitely different from ordinary people, simplifying, at that time, everyone was not optimistic about making rockets, and the investment was so large, Musk said that it wanted to reduce the cost of rocket launch to 1/10, 1/20 of others, and he did it.

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

To build Tesla electric cars, Musk explained that fossil fuels directly drive cars are relatively inefficient.

Fossil fuels generate electricity first, and electricity drives cars, which consumes much more energy than burning fossil fuels directly.

These are the first principles, and they also look at the essence through the phenomenon, which is an important reason for Musk's success, and successful people must have different reverse thinking.

Eighth, there is no love brain

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?

The above 7 points are enough for Musk to succeed, but in the final beauty pass, Musk easily cracked it.

Musk is a very rational person, and we can't find a purely rational person in this world, unless it's a robot.

And Musk is close to a purely rational person, and most men are already overjoyed when he holds the beauty.

And Musk will hand her a prenuptial property agreement, and every woman who breaks up with Musk gets very little property.

and Musk's assets are relatively meager.

Pure rationality is the last hurdle for Musk to defeat himself, so it is difficult for people not to succeed!

How did Elon Musk succeed and what is the secret of his success?