
Shoigu held a meeting and said that he leaked his mouth, the production capacity of drones suddenly skyrocketed, who sent strong reinforcements to the Russian army?

author:Why don't you have a bowl of beef noodles?

Title: Russia's military-industrial miracle: the story behind the surge in drone production

Shoigu held a meeting and said that he leaked his mouth, the production capacity of drones suddenly skyrocketed, who sent strong reinforcements to the Russian army?

In today's military sphere, UAVs have become an indispensable force in modern warfare. Recently, Russia's military industry has shown remarkable changes: despite the comprehensive sanctions imposed by Western countries, its drone production has increased significantly. This phenomenon has aroused extensive concern and in-depth discussion in the international community.

Shoigu held a meeting and said that he leaked his mouth, the production capacity of drones suddenly skyrocketed, who sent strong reinforcements to the Russian army?

First of all, we must admit that Western sanctions have indeed put pressure on Russia on the supply chain of high-tech components. Especially in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, precision electronics and special materials are needed, which are the focus of sanctions. However, Russia did not rest on its laurels. Instead, it has found an alternative – by working with partner countries, especially with technical support from Iran, Russia has not only overcome short-term component shortages, but has also succeeded in increasing its own drone production capacity.

Shoigu held a meeting and said that he leaked his mouth, the production capacity of drones suddenly skyrocketed, who sent strong reinforcements to the Russian army?

In addition to external support, Russia's strong military-industrial base has laid a solid foundation for its rapidly growing production capacity. Russia's extensive experience and manufacturing capabilities have allowed it to maintain the production of low- to medium-technical UAVs, even under constraints.

Shoigu held a meeting and said that he leaked his mouth, the production capacity of drones suddenly skyrocketed, who sent strong reinforcements to the Russian army?

What is even more noteworthy is that in the state of war, the Russian government adopted a wartime model to promote military production. This emergency mobilization not only accelerated the process of development of new UAVs, but also strengthened the expansion of the existing product line.

Shoigu held a meeting and said that he leaked his mouth, the production capacity of drones suddenly skyrocketed, who sent strong reinforcements to the Russian army?

At the same time, in the face of Western sanctions, Russia has shown amazing flexibility and innovation. Over time, not all countries have strictly enforced the sanctions, and some gaps have been identified and used to maintain the supply of essential components. In addition, clever circumvention of direct purchase restrictions through third-country transshipment has become a key strategy to ensure the smooth flow of the supply chain.

Shoigu held a meeting and said that he leaked his mouth, the production capacity of drones suddenly skyrocketed, who sent strong reinforcements to the Russian army?

The last point worth noting is forward planning. The Russian government recognized early on that it could be mired in a long-term war of attrition in the future, and adjusted its military-industrial strategy accordingly. This anticipatory thinking makes them ready to quickly transition the production line to wartime mode when the real challenge comes.

In summary, a combination of factors – from sanctions to technical cooperation, from local production capacity to flexible response strategies – forms a solid foundation for the current steady progress and even further development of the Russian military industry. Although the external environment is full of challenges and uncertainties, it can be clearly seen that finding a breakthrough in the face of adversity and finally achieving self-transcendence has become a distinctive and effective mode of action in the field of Russia's military industry.

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