
Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

author:Clever Hill IX7

In the long river of life, love and family affection are often like two rivers that meet but separate, each flowing with different emotions and stories. The story of Ji Xianlin and Ji Cheng's father and son is such a complex and emotional picture.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

Ji Xianlin, a scholar with a high reputation, seems powerless in family life. His son, Ji Cheng, made a decision at the age of seventy to marry a nanny who was in his thirties. This decision not only changed the trajectory of his personal life, but also invisibly touched the emotions and perceptions of those around him.

A choice that doesn't follow common sense

On a calm autumn afternoon, Ji Cheng sat in an old-fashioned rocking chair at home, with a kind of profundity and contemplation in his eyes. His life has recently changed drastically when he falls in love with his nanny, Ma Xiaoqin, and decides to marry her. In the eyes of many, such a decision is simply ridiculous and incredible. However, for Ji Cheng, this is a true and firm choice in his heart.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

Ma Xiaoqin, a young woman in her early thirties, originally came to Ji's house as a nurse for Ji Cheng's mother. Her gentleness and carefulness gradually won Ji Cheng's respect and gratitude. As time passes, Ji Cheng begins to discover that he has feelings for this young woman that go beyond ordinary feelings.

Late one night, when the moonlight filled the room, Ji Cheng said to Ma Xiaoqin: "Xiaoqin, you have brought a lot of laughter and warmth to this family, I think I can't live without you." Ma Xiaoqin's eyes flashed with tears, and her heart was full of emotion and surprise.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

The development of this relationship triggered a series of thoughts and struggles in Ji Cheng's heart. He knew that their relationship would cause criticism in society. Traditionally, differences in age and status are insurmountable obstacles. But there is a voice in Ji Cheng's heart that tells him that true love is not bound by these worldly eyes.

Ji Cheng's decision caused an uproar in the family. His friends and relatives expressed confusion and opposition. They believe that Ji Cheng's choice is lost in his later years or a momentary impulse. However, Ji Cheng has a strong belief deep in his heart, and he believes that his choice is not impulsive, but the result of careful consideration.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

In this contest of love, family and tradition, Ji Cheng showed a rare courage and firmness. He was unwilling to give up the right to pursue happiness later in life. On a sunny morning, he said to Ma Xiaoqin: "No matter what the future holds, I hope you can be by my side." Ma Xiaoqin held his hand tightly, her eyes full of gratitude and determination.

Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin's wedding was held in a small ceremony. On that day, they did not have a grand celebration, no lavish feast, just the two of them and a few friends who understood and supported them. At the moment of taking the oath, Ji Cheng's heart was filled with unprecedented peace and happiness.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

A rift in the family

Since Ji Cheng was born, Ji Xianlin has been away for a long time because of his studies and work, resulting in a lack of in-depth communication and understanding between father and son. After Ji Xianlin returned to China, although he tried to make up for the relationship with his son, years of separation had planted a gap in their hearts.

Ji Cheng felt deep regret and resentment for his father's absence. At a family gathering, Ji Cheng finally expressed his dissatisfaction to his father: "Father, your absence has made my childhood lack warmth and guidance. Ji Xianlin listened to his son's words, silent, and a trace of remorse flashed in his eyes.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

After the relationship between Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin was exposed, the family's reaction was strong and negative. Ji Cheng's relatives see this as a disrespect for the family tradition, even a disgrace.

At a family gathering, one of Ji Cheng's relatives bluntly accused him: "Your behavior is simply unacceptable!" Ji Cheng remained silent in the face of his relatives' accusations, but his eyes revealed firmness and determination.

As the relationship between Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin deepened, Ji Xianlin was angry and disappointed about this. He could not accept his son's affair with a young woman and considered it disrespectful to family traditions and himself. As a result, the relationship between Ji Xianlin and Ji Cheng became more tense and distant.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

During these days of contradictions and conflicts, Ji Cheng felt unprecedented loneliness and pressure. His decision not only made him an outlier in the family, but also made him much discussed in society. However, Ji Cheng found solace in Ma Xiaoqin's companionship and understanding. For countless nights, the two snuggled up to each other, facing pressure and misunderstandings from the outside world together.

Ma Xiaoqin became Ji Cheng's spiritual pillar during this difficult period. She not only understands Ji Cheng's choice, but also encourages him to stick to his beliefs. Late one night, Ma Xiaoqin whispered to Ji Cheng: "No matter what happens, I will be by your side." Ji Cheng held her hand tightly and felt unprecedented warmth and strength.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

As time passed, the conflict between Ji Cheng and the family did not ease. The accusations of relatives and the incomprehension of his father made Ji Cheng feel a heavy psychological burden. But with Ma Xiaoqin's side, he gradually learned how to face and deal with these conflicts. He began to realize that true happiness and fulfillment came from persistence in his choices, not from outside recognition and understanding.

The power of love

As time passed, the affection between Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin became deeper. In the opposition of the family and the prejudice of society, they became each other's strongest support.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

Every night, they share a quiet moment and confide in each other. One night, Ma Xiaoqin whispered to Ji Cheng: "No matter what the world thinks of us, I will always stand by your side." Ji Cheng held her hand tightly, his eyes full of gratitude.

The relationship between Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin is constantly facing doubts and challenges from the outside world. Ji Cheng's friends and relatives are skeptical of the relationship, believing that their love cannot last long. However, Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin proved with their actions that their love is firm and sincere. Not only do they tackle the challenges of everyday life together, but they also plan for the future together.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

In this relationship, Ji Cheng began to re-examine his life and values. He realizes that while the outside world is important, it is more important to be true to his heart and feelings. Once, he bravely said at a family gathering: "I chose love, I chose Ma Xiaoqin." This is my life, my happiness. ”

In the conflict with the family, the love between Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin has become their biggest shelter. Their home becomes a welcoming haven away from the distractions and stresses of the outside world. At home, they are free to express their feelings and share the moments of their lives.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

With the passage of time, the love between Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin has been tested by time. Not only did they overcome the difficulties in their lives together, but they also faced the challenges of their families and society together. Their story is slowly accepted by those around them, and even becomes an example of love and perseverance. They prove that true love is not limited by age and social norms.

After a long period of hard work and persistence, the relationship between Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin was finally recognized by some members of the family. Their love, although it encountered many obstacles at first, eventually won respect and blessings.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

got married and had children, and the father and son were finally reconciled

Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin's marriage, although it was full of controversy at first, their lives gradually moved towards peace and happiness. A few years later, they welcomed their own child, and the arrival of this new life brought a whole new meaning and joy to their lives.

Ji Cheng said to Ma Xiaoqin when the child was born: "This child is the crystallization of our love and a new starting point in our life. Ma Xiaoqin smiled tearfully and held Ji Cheng's hand tightly.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

Ji Xianlin has always been opposed to his son's choice. However, when he learns that he has become a grandfather, his mindset changes subtly. The arrival of a new life made him begin to re-examine his relationship with his son. Late one night, Ji Xianlin called Ji Cheng, with a hint of tenderness in his voice that he had never felt before: "I want to meet my grandson." ”

When Ji received his father's call, he had mixed feelings in his heart. Years of estrangement and misunderstanding left him suspicious of his father's attitude. But he also knew that this could be an opportunity to repair their relationship. With Ma Xiaoqin's encouragement, Ji Cheng took his wife and children to meet his father. In Ji Xianlin's residence, when Ji Cheng walked into the room with the child in his arms, there was a tense and expectant atmosphere in the air.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!

When Ji Xianlin saw his grandson, a flash of surprise and warmth flashed in his eyes. He carefully picked up his grandson, his eyes full of love. Ji Cheng looked at this scene, and the coldness in his heart began to melt. Ji Xianlin whispered to Ji Cheng: "I apologize to you for my past paranoia. Ji Cheng nodded, tears in his eyes. At this moment, years of misunderstanding and estrangement seem to have disappeared with this sentence.

The relationship between Ji Cheng and his father has improved, and this change has also affected the entire family. Family members are beginning to accept Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin's marriage, and the arrival of the newborn is like a miraculous catalyst for everyone to re-examine and accept each other. In the following days, Ji Cheng's family became more harmonious, and Ji Xianlin also enjoyed the warmth and happiness of the family in his later years.

Ji Xianlin's son Ji Cheng: married a 30-year-old nanny when he was 70 years old, and gave birth to a big fat boy after marriage!


This story teaches us that the meaning of love and affection in the journey of life goes far beyond the conventional definitions and boundaries. Whether it is love beyond age, or a long period of misunderstanding and estrangement, it is not enough to stop the real emotional exchange and family reconciliation.

In this era of diversity, the stories of Ji Cheng and Ma Xiaoqin remind us that we should look at life and family relationships with a more open and inclusive mind. Love and affection, no matter how they take shape, are always the most precious and indispensable part of life.

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