
Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

In the hazy moonlight, the stone door of the ancient tomb creaked open, and a figure slipped out like a ghost. This person was dressed in a yellow shirt, his face was pale, but there was bottomless perseverance and sadness in his eyes. She is a woman in a yellow shirt, Zhang Wuji's widow, a woman who has been in the rivers and lakes. Now, there is only one goal left in her life - to train their children for her dead husband, Zhang Yang, and become a warrior who can shake the rivers and lakes.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

First, the rivers and lakes are making waves again

On the island of ice and fire, Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min's lives are like a paradise, far away from the strife and hustle and bustle of the rivers and lakes. Their days were peaceful and happy, as if all the grievances had become a thing of the past. In the morning, Zhang Wuji would practice his sword on the beach, and the shadow of the sword would be cast on the soft sand with the morning light, while Zhao Min would weave fishing nets beside him, occasionally looking up, his eyes full of tenderness for his lover.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

However, this peaceful life is shattered by a sudden flying pigeon biography. It was a sunny afternoon, Zhao Min was collecting shells on the beach, and suddenly saw a flying pigeon land on a stone not far away. She walked over and removed the letter tied around her ankles, feeling a little uneasy in her heart. Zhang Wuji saw her movements and also walked over.

Zhao Min opened the letter and saw that it was densely covered with handwriting. Her brow tightened, and her face turned pale. Seeing this, Zhang Wuji took the letter, and after only a few glances, he felt that his heart was like a knife. The letter states that his father-in-law, Xie Xun, was murdered in a duel with Chen Youliang, and that his mentor Zhang Sanfeng was killed by Chen Youliang himself when he was protecting his disciples in Wudang Mountain. In the martial arts, due to Chen Youliang's atrocities, it has fallen into terror and chaos.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

Second, under the bloody rain

Zhang Wuji stood on the shore of Ice and Fire Island, looking at the vast sea, the anger and grief in his heart seemed to echo with the rolling waves. The sea breeze rolled up the corners of his clothes, and it seemed to want to take away the pain and anger in his heart. But these emotions seem to have taken root and cannot be easily taken away.

Zhao Min walked to his side and gently held his hand, her eyes full of worry and reluctance. She asked softly, "Do you really want to go back?" Then Chen Youliang is strong in martial arts, I'm afraid it ......" She didn't finish her words, because she knew that the determination in Zhang Wuji's heart was as firm as steel.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

Zhang Wuji turned his head, his eyes were like torches, and after he was silent for a moment, his voice was firm and powerful: "I must go and avenge my master and father-in-law!" His words were full of resoluteness and courage, but also revealed deep sadness.

Zhao Min held Zhang Wuji's hand tightly, she knew that any dissuasion would be futile. She took a deep breath and finally decided to walk with him to face this unknown and dangerous world together. She knew that Zhang Wuji needed her companionship and support, and she was willing to walk with him even if there was no catastrophe ahead.

The two packed their simple luggage and prepared to set off. Before leaving, Zhang Wuji glanced back at the place that had brought them a brief period of peace and happiness. His heart was full of reluctance, but more of a sense of responsibility and mission. Zhao Min gently took his hand and gave him the greatest support.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

They took a small boat and slowly left the island of ice and fire. The waves crashed against the hull of the boat, as if to see them off. Zhang Wuji stood at the bow of the boat, his eyes were resolute, although there were thousands of unwillingness in his heart, but for the sake of justice and revenge, he must embark on this road. Zhao Min stood quietly behind him, her eyes firm, as if to tell him that no matter what the future holds, she would fight side by side with him.

During the journey, Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min relied on each other to face the wind and waves together. The change of day and night at sea also seems to be a harbinger of the challenges they are about to face. During the day, they practice martial arts, and at night they confide in each other, and each other's presence has become the greatest consolation for each other.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

3. The battle of revenge

When Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min returned to the Central Plains, they found that the prosperity of the past had been replaced by war and chaos. They weaved through the crowd, trying their best to disguise their identities while asking around for news of Mr. Chen. In a dilapidated ancient town, Zhang Wuji unexpectedly met Chen Youliang.

It was a gray afternoon, and the market was full of people, but Zhang Wuji's eyes locked on a figure in the crowd - it was Chen Youliang. Chen Youliang also seemed to be aware of Zhang Wuji's existence, and the eyes of the two collided in the crowd. Zhang Wuji felt an unprecedented hostility and danger, and he knew that it would be a battle of life and death.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

Zhang Wuji rushed towards Chen Youliang without hesitation, he used the Jiuyang Divine Skill with all his might, and made a great move. The two fought fiercely in the market, and Zhang Wuji's every move was filled with intense anger and determination for revenge. However, Chen Youliang's Nine Yin White Bone Claws were even more ruthless, and each blow carried an aura of coldness and death.

As the battle progressed, Zhang Wuji gradually felt a lot of pressure. Although he is strong in martial arts, he still seems slightly inferior in front of Chen Youliang. After a fierce attack, Zhang Wuji was finally defeated with all his strength. His body was slammed to the ground, and in the dust, he felt powerless and hopeless than he had ever felt before.

At this time, Zhao Min stepped forward, and she bravely rushed towards Chen Youliang to try to stop his atrocity. Zhao Min's eyes were full of determination, she knew that she might not be able to defeat Chen Youliang, but she had to protect Zhang Wuji. At her sacrifice, Zhang Wuji was given a chance to escape.

Zhang Wuji watched Zhao Min block the fatal blow for him, and his heart was like a knife. He got up in tears and fled the battlefield in agony. His heart was full of self-blame and grief, and Zhao Min did not hesitate to sacrifice his life in order to protect him. On the way to escape, Zhang Wuji's heart was not only sad, but also deeply hated Chen Youliang.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

This scene was deeply engraved in Zhang Wuji's heart and became an indelible pain in his life. He lost his lover, lost his loved ones, and all this tragedy stemmed from Chen Youliang's atrocities. Zhang Wuji's heart was full of thirst for revenge, and he vowed to seek justice for Zhao Min and all the victims.

Fourth, the warmth in the midst of grief

In those difficult days, the woman in the yellow shirt became a haven for Zhang Wuji's soul. The silence and mystery of the tomb contrasts sharply with the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Here, Zhang Wuji temporarily let go of the burden of revenge, and his soul was at peace for a moment.

The woman in the yellow shirt silently accompanied him, her eyes full of deep sympathy and understanding. Whenever night fell, she would take out the aged wine and drink with Zhang Wuji. Alcohol seemed to have become a link between them, helping Zhang Wuji to forget the pain in his heart for a while.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

Once, Zhang Wuji, who was drunk, had a long talk with the woman in the yellow shirt in the moonlight. Alcohol makes their words honest and profound, they talk about the past, about the future, about the joys and sorrows of life. That night, the two unexpectedly became close, as if it was the arrangement of fate, and they were closely linked.

The next morning, Zhang Wuji woke up and found himself and the woman in the yellow shirt hugging each other. The sunlight shone through the cracks in the tombs, giving them a wonderful feeling of warmth. Zhang Wuji looked at the woman in the yellow shirt, and his heart was full of complicated emotions. He knew that his heart was still with Zhao Min, but at the same time, he also felt the deep love of the woman in the yellow shirt for him.

The days flow quietly in the ancient tombs. The care of the woman in the yellow shirt comforted Zhang Wuji, but his heart could not be completely calm. Thoughts of revenge followed him like a shadow, often tormenting him in the middle of the night.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

A month later, the woman in the yellow shirt found out she was pregnant. This news shocked Zhang Wuji, and at the same time there was a hint of inexplicable joy. He knew that this child was the crystallization of his relationship with the woman in the yellow shirt, and it was a new beginning in his life. However, this joy did not last long, as the clouds of fate once again loomed over them.

One day, a terrible news came - Chen Youliang had found their hiding place. The fear in Zhang Wuji's heart was instantly activated. He knew Chen Youliang's cruelty and viciousness, which was a huge threat to him, the woman in the yellow shirt, and even their unborn child.

Zhang Wuji decided not to run away anymore. He knew that he had to face Chen Youliang, and he had to put an end to it all, in order to protect the woman in the yellow shirt and their children. He began to practice Xi martial arts again, preparing to face Chen Youliang. Every time he practiced his sword, his eyes flashed with determination.

5. Inheritance and the beginning of revenge

On that ill-fated day, the duel between Zhang Wuji and Chen Youliang finally broke out. Outside the ancient tomb, the moonlight was pale, the wind was desolate, and the figures of the two were intertwined in the night. This duel is not only for personal hatred, but also for the contest between good and evil. Zhang Wuji ruthlessly used all his mastery, and his every move was full of heroism and grief.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

However, Chen Youliang's martial arts are too strong, coupled with his insidious cunning, which makes Zhang Wuji gradually at a disadvantage. After a fierce battle, Zhang Wuji finally died heroically due to physical exhaustion, serious injuries and difficult to return. He collapsed in the cold moonlight, the scars on his body bearing witness to his bravery and perseverance. The woman in the yellow shirt witnessed all this, and her heart was filled with grief and despair.

The woman in the yellow shirt knew that if she continued to stay here, she and the child in her womb would be in great danger. With tears in her eyes, she stroked the child in her womb, and silently vowed to train the child to become a powerful warrior to continue Zhang Wuji's unfinished business. In the middle of the night, with a heavy heart, she quietly left the ancient tomb and embarked on a long escape.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

Years later, the woman in the yellow shirt lived in seclusion in a secluded valley, and she devoted all her time and energy to the cultivation of her son Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child, he is smart and witty, and has a strong interest in martial arts. The woman in the yellow shirt passed on all the martial arts secrets such as the "Nine Yin True Scripture", the Gloomy Ecstasy Palm, and the Left and Right Fighting Technique, and personally instructed him to practice Xi.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

Zhang Yang's martial arts have improved rapidly, not only inheriting Zhang Wuji's talent, but also integrating his mother's wisdom and strategy. His character has both Zhang Wuji's integrity and perseverance, as well as the gentleness and intelligence of a woman in a yellow shirt. As the years passed, Zhang Yang gradually grew into a handsome young man, and his martial arts also reached an extraordinary realm.

Finally, Zhang Yang made up his mind to avenge his father. With his mother's blessing, he embarks on a journey of revenge. The moment he left the valley, he looked back, and his heart was full of gratitude and reluctance to his mother. He knew that the road ahead was full of unknowns and dangers, but he had to complete the mission.

Biography of the Queen of Heaven: After Zhang Wuji was killed, his wife Yellow Shirt gave birth to a powerful son for him

Zhang Yang's journey has been full of hardships and challenges. He found Chen Youliang's whereabouts, successfully killed Chen Youliang, and became a formidable warrior on the rivers and lakes.

Heaven and Dragon Slayer