
When New Year's Day arrives, remind the family: "3 dishes are not on the table, blessing does not enter the door", don't forget the old tradition

author:Easy to cook


Although New Year's Day is not as festive as the Spring Festival, as the beginning of the year, people still pay great attention to peace and auspiciousness. Tradition holds that festive delicacies symbolize good omens. A family meal is a great start. New Year's Day is coming, family reunions, food is the way, let's come together on what dishes to eat on New Year's Day.

I. Noodles

Dumplings are a tradition that has been popular in the north since the Ming and Qing dynasties and has become a classic choice for festivals. Because of the homonym "Jiaozi", dumplings contain the beautiful meaning of reunion, happiness and auspiciousness, so they are highly regarded on many festivals.

When New Year's Day arrives, remind the family: "3 dishes are not on the table, blessing does not enter the door", don't forget the old tradition

2. Stir-fried chicken

On New Year's Day, try the hot stir-fried chicken, which is rich in protein and is a good choice for warming up the body and warding off the cold. Stir-fried chicken makes the human body sweat, helps to remove moisture and cold, and effectively prevents the recurrence of diseases.

When New Year's Day arrives, remind the family: "3 dishes are not on the table, blessing does not enter the door", don't forget the old tradition

3. Steamed fish

On the occasion of the New Year, the indispensable fish dishes on people's tables represent "more than every year". Delicious fish symbolizes that the new year is full of prosperity and wealth, and life is prosperous and wealthy.

When New Year's Day arrives, remind the family: "3 dishes are not on the table, blessing does not enter the door", don't forget the old tradition

Next, let's take fish as an example, to share with you a simple, home-cooked and delicious cabbage fish, I wish you more than every year, and then take a look at the specific operation steps:

1. The grass carp first removes the scales and internal organs, skillfully cuts the fish meat into thin slices, and the remaining fish bones are also skillfully cut into small pieces, washed with water and set aside. Next, add a touch of salt, some pepper and a delicate combination of egg white, starch and vegetable oil to the fillet, marinate for 10 minutes to remove the smell and add flavor. The cabbage leaves are cut into palatable sizes, the cabbage is harder, can be cut into strips, and then some green peppers are cut into small rings.

2. Heat the oil in the pan, when it is warm, add the fish bones and ginger slices to remove the fishy smell, and slowly fry over low heat until golden brown on both sides.

3. Sprinkle in the pepper rings and peppers, stir-fry until fragrant, pour in boiling water, cover the pot, and simmer over high heat for 10 minutes to make the fish soup white. Beat out the fish bones and dregs, and set aside the fish broth.

4. Bring the pot to a boil again, and gently cast the fresh cabbage. The heat is moderate, and after the light of the tongue of fire, the cabbage gang dances in the pot and is fried until it is half-cooked. At this time, the dancing cabbage leaves are like emerald wings, and then subtly integrated into this light stir-fry dance. A touch of salt descends gently, the seasoning spreads evenly like a musical note, and finally, the dish opens a gorgeous prelude to a delicious overture with the emerald green of the cabbage.

5. Pour the fish broth into the pot, add salt, pepper, sugar, and add the fish head and tail. Once cooked, remove and place on a plate.

6. Boil the fish broth again, turn to low heat, put in the fish fillets one by one, and cook over high heat for 30 seconds until the fish fillets turn white and set. Remove and place on a plate, pour over the remaining fish broth, sprinkle with green and red peppers, and drizzle with fragrant hot oil. Delicious, tender and mouth-watering.

Let's take chicken as an example to share with you an indispensable dish for holidays, ginger chicken, and wish you a prosperous new year.

When New Year's Day arrives, remind the family: "3 dishes are not on the table, blessing does not enter the door", don't forget the old tradition

1. Choose a small rooster of about 2 catties and 8 taels, and skillfully cut the whole chicken into uniform chicken pieces. The sauce can be configured according to personal preference, generally like to mix one spoonful of peanut butter, two spoons of sweet noodle sauce, two spoons of oyster sauce, three spoons of dark soy sauce, and two spoons of high liquor, mix and add an appropriate amount of hot water to mix well.

2. Prepare spices, including green peppercorns, bay leaves, star anise, and red peppers. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, stir-fry the green peppercorns first, then add the sauce, and slowly boil over low heat to form a peppercorn sauce with distinctive personality.

3. Heat the oil in another pot, put the chicken pieces in, fry them over medium-low heat for a minute or two to make the chicken pieces firm, and then remove them for later use.

4. Reserve the oil at the bottom of the pot, add ginger and ingredients and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the fried chicken pieces and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the pre-prepared peppercorn sauce, stir-fry well, and add an appropriate amount of water to make the water level level level with the chicken pieces. Cover the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, and simmer for about 10 minutes. During the stewing process, the color gradually becomes beautiful.

When New Year's Day arrives, remind the family: "3 dishes are not on the table, blessing does not enter the door", don't forget the old tradition

5. Finally, add a teaspoon of chicken powder, without salt, and add green and red peppers and garlic to enhance the flavor. Finally, heat vigorously for 5 seconds to remove from the pan. This dish has a rich aroma and an attractive color.

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