
The end of the Huitai era began

author:Qu Zhongzhou skin management soup shop

Title: "Demystifying the End of the "Era of Benefiting Taiwan": The Trade-offs and Decisions Behind Trade Disputes

Today's headlines exclusively broke the news: The Ministry of Commerce has officially announced that Taiwan's "era of benefiting Taiwan" is about to come to an end! What kind of trade storm is this, and is it a trade-off or a bottom-line principle? Let us uncover this mystery that attracts attention.

The end of the Huitai era began

The story began at the beginning of this year, when the Democratic Progressive Party announced the ban on mainland snail fans, on the grounds of "threatening national security". This reason can't help but make people laugh, but it is also part of Taiwan's long-standing blockade of mainland goods. It is reported that Taiwan has said "goodbye" to 2,500 goods from the mainland, from cars to snacks.

And here is a fact that cannot be ignored: the mainland market has always opened its door to Taiwanese goods, and even provided various preferential policies. However, this unilateral tolerance has not aroused Taiwan's gratitude, but has been more manifested in the unreasonable suppression of mainland goods.

Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have always enjoyed a certain degree of autonomy, but with the changes in Hong Kong and Taiwan's tough statement, the country has decided to adjust this tolerance. Taiwan may take it for granted to "benefit" Taiwan, but behind the trade disputes, the country is calling for equality and fairness.

The end of the Huitai era began

Chairman Mao once said: "If you seek peace through struggle, you will survive peacefully, and if you seek peace through compromise, you will die peacefully." This sentence may not be a direct solution to the Taiwan issue, but the bottom-line thinking is worth learning from. The Ministry of Commerce's investigation of Taiwan's trade barriers aims to remind Taiwan that there is a bottom line for any behavior. Beyond the bottom line, the state will take decisive action.

The industries behind the whistleblowing are mainly from the chemical industry and textiles. These two industries, which have provided preferential policies to Taiwanese companies, are now feeling an unusual "reward". The state's decision is to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of mainland industries, and it is also a powerful response to the state of ingratitude.

This trade dispute is not only a reshuffle in cross-strait relations, but also a state's adherence to the principle of fair trade. For Taiwan, this may be an opportunity to re-examine. Only on the basis of equality and mutual benefit can the two sides of the strait achieve a truly win-win situation. This adjustment of "ending the era of benefiting Taiwan" means a new starting point and a decision to weigh national interests.

The end of the Huitai era began