
The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling

author:Turning her face and not recognizing the lady
The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling


The Qing Dynasty has been dead for 108 years, but in the Qing Dongling, far away from the hustle and bustle, a group of mausoleum guards are still silently guarding this ancient land. Their presence seems to travel through time and space, bringing us back to that glorious and mysterious Qing Dynasty era.

The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling

1. The watchman who guards the millennium

Located in Zunhua City, Hebei Province, the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty is a group of mausoleums of the emperors and concubines of the Qing Dynasty, and is known as the "First Imperial Mausoleum in the East". Since the establishment of the Qing Dynasty in 1644, the mausoleum keepers have shouldered the mission of protecting their ancestors, and it has a history of more than 370 years. They are the patron saints of the Qing Dynasty, guarding this sacred land and inheriting the culture and spirit of the Qing Dynasty.

The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling

2. The responsibility and mission of guardianship

As mausoleum keepers, their lives are very different from ordinary people. They had to guard the mausoleum day and night to ensure its safety. Every morning, they would dress up in traditional mausoleum guards and hold a copper hammer to patrol the walls and gatehouses around the mausoleum to check for damage or irregularities. They also regularly clean up the weeds around the mausoleum and keep it tidy.

The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling

In addition to the daily patrols and clean-ups, the mausoleum keepers also participate in special ceremonies and activities. Every year on the Qingming Festival and the first day of the tenth lunar month, they will hold a grand sacrificial ceremony to offer incense and candles and sacrifices to the ancestors to express their respect and longing for their ancestors. These ceremonies are not only a sign of respect for the ancestors, but also a continuation of traditional culture.

The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling

3. The story behind the guard

The life of the mausoleum keepers is not easy, and they face many difficulties and challenges. First, they have to endure loneliness and loneliness. Due to the remoteness of the mausoleum, they are isolated from the outside world all year round, without the company of relatives and friends. Second, they have to face difficult working conditions. The bitter cold of winter and the scorching heat of summer are both tests of their bodies and minds. In addition, they have the responsibility to protect cultural relics and prevent tomb robbery and vandalism.

The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling

However, despite all the difficulties, the mausoleum keepers always stick to their posts and pay silently. They are well aware of their heavy responsibilities, guarding the dignity and honor of their ancestors, as well as the history and culture of the Chinese nation. Their perseverance and dedication are admirable and make us think about our own attitudes towards history and culture.

The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling

Fourth, the meaning and value of protection

The guardianship of the mausoleum keepers is not only the respect for the ancestors, but also the inheritance of history and the protection of culture. The Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty is one of the representatives of ancient Chinese imperial tombs, which carries rich historical information and cultural connotations. By guarding the Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty, the mausoleum keepers not only protect this precious cultural heritage, but also inherit the spirit and values of the Qing Dynasty.

The guardianship of the mausoleum keeper also allows us to reflect on the values of modern society. In the fast-paced life, have we neglected to attach importance to history and culture? Have we forgotten our admiration and gratitude to our ancestors? The perseverance and dedication of the mausoleum keepers remind us that we must cherish our historical heritage, inherit the excellent culture, and carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

The watchman who protects the millennium - the keeper of the Qing Dongling


The Qing Dynasty has been dead for 108 years, and the mausoleum keepers of the Qing Dongling Tomb are still silently guarding this ancient land. They are the watchmen who have guarded the millennium, guarding the dignity and honor of their ancestors, as well as the history and culture of the Chinese nation. Although their lives were hard, they stuck to their posts and paid silently, showing the traditional virtues and spiritual outlook of the Chinese nation. Their protection is not only a respect for ancestors, but also a inheritance of history and the protection of culture. Let us pay tribute to the mausoleum keepers, and at the same time, we should also reflect on our own attitude towards history and culture, cherish historical heritage, inherit excellent culture, and carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.