
From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.


Wang Ziru's remarks on a TV interview show caused an uproar on the whole network. It has sparked a discussion about the dog-licking culture in the workplace.

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

Learning from the boss is the happiest Xi and I listen to what she says and does every day

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

I don't care about money at all, I've never looked at the pay slip given to me.

Dong Mingzhu heard Wang Ziru say this, and her eyes were happy and smiling, and her eyes narrowed into a slit, it seems that Wang Ziru is very in line with her taste.

Nowadays, all HR people are looking at the first degree. Because the first degree is a true reflection of the candidate's academic Xi IQ. Wang Ziru's first degree was from Xi'an Institute of Translation and Interpretation. A private undergraduate university of average prestige. Actually, it's a junior college. Later, what was the master's degree of a certain university in Hong Kong, and anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was something that could be done with money. Dong Mingzhu recruited him into Gree Electric. The person entrusted with the task is the person in charge of the channel reform project. This coincides with Dong Mingzhu's promotion of heavy sales and heavy hype in Gree Electric Appliances. This cannot be said that Dong Mingzhu does not attach importance to scientific research and product upgrading. The main thing is that she can't do anything. It's only with Dong Mingzhu. People like Prince Wang Ziru who don't have any practical skills. in order to be like a fish in water. It is rumored that Wang Ziru's rank in Gree is equal to that of vice president.

Wang Ziru's words are the work thinking and speaking skills of licking dogs in the top workplace. Don't care what other people think, don't care what your colleagues think. As long as it comes from the heart and makes the leader listen, it is a success.

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

Wang Ziru was not happy to see Dong Mingzhu having a meeting. He knew it in his heart. But Dong Mingzhu was like a little fan girl, and she was fascinated by what she heard.

from the leadership of a business. You can see who you reuse? The corporate culture of this enterprise and the development trend of the enterprise. Dong Mingzhu has never listened to objections. I think I'm always right. There's never anything wrong with that. In this case, there is a competence with technology. Do your job seriously. Those who do work will leave this enterprise. The original technical backbone Xu Zifa, Huang Hui, Hu Enfeng, etc. They all jumped to the Philips Air Conditioning Chuzhou Research Base. Even the former chairman of the board, Zhu Jianghong, personally gave Philips a platform.

An enterprise that is light on gentlemen and heavy on villains will produce people like Wang Ziru. So as to drive the whole enterprise to lick the dog culture. It's a business. The inevitable path to decay.

Luo Yonghao said to Wang Ziru in a talk show, "If you are adopted, don't talk about any independent personality." ”

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

Luo Yonghao said to Wang Ziru. It's okay for you to be fostered, but don't talk about independent personality.

But Dong Mingzhu likes this kind of person very much. Live broadcast, attend TV events, and take him with you at any time.

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.
From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

A promotional photo was released.

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

Doing propaganda together, Wang Ziru painted a big cake, and Dong Mingzhu couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

I wonder what this is doing?

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

Stand on the platform with Wang Ziru. Dong Mingzhu unexpectedly revealed the shyness of a girl.

Dong Mingzhu of Gree Electric Appliances, Wang Ziru's farce doesn't know how to end, and the direction of Gree Electric Appliances I don't know where to go?

From Wang Ziru's flattery, look at the dog licking culture in the workplace.

Let's wait and see.

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