
In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

From the winter solstice, the position of direct sunlight begins to move northward, and the daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere gradually increase.

In the view of traditional medicine, this is an important solar term for the transition of yin and yang, and winter is a critical period for health care. As the coldest season of the year, what is the importance of health?

In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

1. If you don't raise the sun in winter, you will be busy all year round

It is said that "winter is a hurdle for the elderly", and the elderly are especially vulnerable to diseases in winter. Professor Song Yuetao of the Institute of Geriatrics of Beijing Geriatric Hospital said that the self-regulation ability of the elderly is reduced and their resistance is weakened, so it is more likely to lead to the deterioration of pre-existing diseases in the cold.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is very important to nourish yang in winter. The ancient medical book "Su Wen and the Treatise on Regulating the Scriptures" pointed out: "Yang deficiency leads to external cold", that is, once the yang qi is insufficient, it is easy to have symptoms such as cold intolerance, warmth in the limbs, lack of qi and lazy speech, drowsiness and fatigue, loose stools, and muscle stiffness. And cold is yin and evil, so the cold in winter is more likely to hurt yang.

As the old saying goes, "spring grows in summer, autumn harvests and winter is hidden", and only by properly preserving and nourishing yang energy can it help the yang energy to grow in the next spring. If you don't pay attention to nourishing yang in winter, it may lead to cold in winter and sick temperature in spring. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine believes that winter is characterized by "collection" and "storage", and the yang energy in the human body should conform to this characteristic and be fully "maintained" and "sealed", so as to better play its physiological functions and ensure that the internal organs are full of qi and blood, and the meridians are smooth.

In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

Second, the weather is cold, be alert to 5 kinds of "frozen" diseases

"Winter solstice and yang" refers to the fact that at this time, the yang energy of the human body is like a faint small flame, which is very susceptible to the invasion of cold and weakened. Excessive cold may cause damage to the body's yang energy, increase the risk of disease and delay recovery, and it is necessary to be vigilant against the following 5 diseases:

1. Respiratory problems

Cold air will dry out the nasopharyngeal mucosa, causing local vasoconstriction and affecting airway function, thereby improving airway responsiveness, increasing the number of inflammatory cells, and providing opportunities for various viruses and bacteria to multiply. At the same time, because the trachea and bronchi are narrower than those of adults, they lack elastic tissue support, which can easily lead to gas retention and affect gas exchange.

As a result, respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, rhinitis, and asthma are prone to high incidence in cold weather, and people with these diseases are more likely to relapse or get worse in cold weather.

In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

2. Digestive problems

When irritated by cold air, the stomach is prone to spasmodic contractions, causing symptoms such as stomach pain, indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you do not keep warm in time in this situation, or if you are overly greedy for raw and cold food, the discomfort may be further aggravated.

In addition, in order to protect against the cold, the body redistributes blood, resulting in a decrease in the blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract, which reduces gastrointestinal function. In cold weather, the burden on the digestive system increases significantly due to reduced physical activity and a bias towards oily food choices.

In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

3. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems

Cold air causes blood vessels to constrict, which in turn causes blood pressure to rise. This makes the body's blood vessels prone to spasm, which leads to insufficient blood supply to the cardiovascular system and increases the risk of unexpected diseases such as myocardial infarction.

In addition, cold air increases the risk of intravascular plaque rupture, which in turn increases the likelihood of myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke. If fatigue, dizziness, chest discomfort, palpitations, angina during activity, or frequent, intense, and persistent angina attacks occur in cold weather, this may be a warning sign of cardiovascular disease and should be a cause for concern.

In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

4. Skin problems

In cold temperatures, the amount of moisture in the air decreases, making it easy for exposed areas of the skin to lose moisture. At the same time, due to the gradual slowdown of the body's metabolism, the secretion function of sweat glands and sebaceous glands is also reduced, resulting in a decrease in moisture and oil on the surface of the skin.

In addition to the common dry and itchy skin, it is also prone to various skin problems such as dermatitis, dry lips, and chilblains. During the cold season, special care needs to be taken to protect the skin to prevent these problems from occurring.

5. Osteoarticular problems

For patients with rheumatoid arthritis, cold weather may worsen symptoms. Although "cold legs" are not caused by freezing, they do have sensitivity to cold weather.

In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

3. Take care of yang qi and learn 5 good methods

In the cold winter, for the sake of physical health, it is particularly important to cultivate yang energy, which can be started from the following five aspects:

1. Keep warm and protect the sun

In winter, it is very cold outside, so you should pay special attention to keeping warm. Wear hats, scarves, and high-necked clothing to protect your head, neck, hands and feet. The indoor temperature should be controlled at 16~20 °C, and too high temperature is not conducive to the sealing of yang energy.

2. Calm the nerves and nourish the yang

In winter, it is necessary to maintain a calm state of mind, calm the nerves, participate in leisure and entertainment activities moderately, and lift your spirits but not be overexcited, so as to prevent excessive yang energy.

3. Move less latent yang

In winter, the yin energy is strong, and the yang energy is hidden, so it is necessary to keep the yang energy and recuperate the energy. You can choose to exercise appropriately, such as tai chi, walking, jogging, yoga, etc., but be careful to avoid overexertion and avoid damaging yang energy.

In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

4. Diet helps yang

In your daily diet, you need to pay attention to your calorie intake, and choosing warm foods can help keep your body warm. Such as beef and mutton, chicken soup and spicy and warm ingredients. In addition, warm nuts such as walnuts, chestnuts, sunflower seeds, and pine nuts are also good supplements.

However, excessive consumption of excessively spicy and stimulating foods should be avoided, as too much spicy food can trigger excessive irritation. Similarly, excessive intake of fatty and sweet-flavored meat can easily lead to the accumulation of moisture, causing phlegm and dampness problems.

5. Go to bed early to generate yang

It is highly recommended to avoid staying up late at all times, especially in winter, and should go to bed early to help promote the growth of yang energy. Maintaining a good routine Xi habits is essential for the health of the body and the stability of the biological clock.

In winter, be vigilant against these 5 kinds of frozen diseases! These 5 good ways to cultivate yang energy, it is not too late to know

As a critical period for cultivating yang energy, winter is an important time period for health preservation. During this season, focusing on a healthy regimen can help you adapt to the cold climate and improve your overall health.


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[2] "[Note] Cold Air Replenishment!What Health Hazards Will "Cold" bring?People who are afraid of cold look at it→ Guangdong Health Information.2023-12-22

[3] "If you don't raise yang in winter, you will be busy all year round!5 good ways to raise yang, please collect". 2023-12-26

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