
Angry, Fudan professor said that China's retirement age is too early, and the pension has been received for too long

author:The sky 6425077777015

First of all, let's meet Professor Peng of Fudan University, senior professor of liberal arts, doctoral supervisor, professor of the Population and Development Policy Research Center of Fudan University, and dean of the Institute of Aging Research of Fudan University.

Professor Peng expressed this view in an interview with a financial column: China's retirement age is relatively early, the average retirement age of men and women is less than 56 years old, and the average life expectancy is 78.2 years, and it will continue to increase in the future. This means that after retirement, there are almost 30 years to receive a pension, and the current pension system is difficult to maintain for a long time. In addition, Professor Peng also said that the implementation of the delayed retirement system will not crowd out the employment opportunities of young people, because the two groups are employed in almost completely different markets......

Angry, Fudan professor said that China's retirement age is too early, and the pension has been received for too long

I am really speechless to the current experts and professors, and I can boast about it in the program just by seeing two data, and ordinary people have worked all their lives and received a pension for 30 years? Do you know the hard work of other industries as a professor who sits in the office all day? How old do you think everyone will be satisfied with their work? Take a look at the comments of netizens:

Angry, Fudan professor said that China's retirement age is too early, and the pension has been received for too long

As for the topic of delayed retirement, it has just stopped for a while, and experts are advocating it again, I don't know what you mean. Indeed, there are a number of people who are in favor of delaying retirement with their hands raised, for example, leading cadres who will not retire for the rest of their lives; and there are also experts and scholars like Professor Peng, who can make a lot of money and be respected while sitting there and instructing students, and they will be happy to work until they are 100 years old. But what about an ordinary worker like my father, who entered the factory as a maintenance worker at the age of 18 and worked for 42 years before retiring, and wanted to enjoy his old age in peace, spending most of his time taking medicine and seeing a doctor, and the poor pension was not even enough to take medicine. In the past, it was not reimbursed by medical insurance, it was reimbursed in the unit, and the money for seeing a doctor was paid in advance by itself, and it was only reimbursed once a year.

Angry, Fudan professor said that China's retirement age is too early, and the pension has been received for too long

Experts may say that industrial workers are low-quality jobs and there is no need to delay retirement, so let me talk about high-quality jobs in the mouth of experts. For example, first-line middle school teachers, especially first-line middle school teachers who teach the main subject, such as mathematics and physics, have you seen a few mathematics teachers who are over 55 years old and still insist on leading the third year of high school, not because they are unwilling to teach, but because their brains can't keep up, they can't stand up for continuous lectures in class, and they can't see their homework clearly. The hard work of middle school teachers is not felt by university professors, and well-known university professors and doctoral supervisors earn more money than the average middle school teacher's monthly salary when they give a one-day report, and they are certainly not willing to retire.

In addition, Professor Peng said that the delayed retirement system will not crowd out the employment opportunities of young people, because the two groups are employed in almost completely different markets. Isn't it important for professors to pay attention to the investigation method when conducting scientific research? Many units have quota restrictions, and the number of professional titles is also limited, such as a middle school, the number of teachers is limited, and the number of senior professional titles is also limited.

It's the same with universities, if the number of professors in your unit is full, and your professor doesn't retire, then young scholars are not qualified to evaluate professors. So it is absurd to say that these two groups are employed in almost completely different markets. Not crowding out the employment opportunities of young people is a false proposition.

Moreover, the pension received by retirees is not a welfare issued by the state, but the money paid by themselves and their units every month after a lifetime of hard work.

It is recommended that the state establish a strict supervision and punishment system for experts, so that experts are cautious in their words and deeds, because no one will take what you and I say seriously, but the words of experts are likely to be adopted by those who formulate policies, because they are experts. Therefore, it is imperative for regulatory experts.

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