
Ministry of Education: Lunch break care, evening self-Xi shall not be included in after-school services and charged, the comment area is fried!

author:Qiuqiu looks at finance

A few days ago, the Ministry of Education and other four departments issued a notice to further standardize the work of after-school services for compulsory education, proposing that services such as lunch break care and evening self-Xi provided by schools shall not be included in the after-school service charges. Such a regulation immediately set off a heated discussion on the Internet, and there was a lot of discussion in the comment area.

Ministry of Education: Lunch break care, evening self-Xi shall not be included in after-school services and charged, the comment area is fried!

The notice makes it clear that it is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily expand the scope of after-school services, and early arrival at school and lunch break care are not after-school services. Some experts pointed out that such regulations have drawn a clearer scope for after-school services in schools, avoided the phenomenon of indiscriminate collection of fees, and also reduced the educational burden on parents.

Ministry of Education: Lunch break care, evening self-Xi shall not be included in after-school services and charged, the comment area is fried!

But many parents and netizens don't buy it. They questioned whether there was no need to pay for other services provided by the school in addition to the formal curriculum, such as the need to be manned after school, and the fact that parents needed to work normally and could not pick up their children home early. If there is no charge for these services, where do the school's operating costs come from?

This is not authentic, you can't prostitute the teacher to work overtime and extra labor in vain, I support reasonable fees, after all, long-term free service

Ministry of Education: Lunch break care, evening self-Xi shall not be included in after-school services and charged, the comment area is fried!

Lunch and lunch break are not after-school services, so how many hours does the teacher have to go home, so the teacher doesn't have to go home to let his children take a lunch break and lunch

Ministry of Education: Lunch break care, evening self-Xi shall not be included in after-school services and charged, the comment area is fried!

I just don't want to give money and I want the teacher to watch the evening repair at night without a break at noon, so how good it is to directly prohibit the evening repair

Ministry of Education: Lunch break care, evening self-Xi shall not be included in after-school services and charged, the comment area is fried!

Indeed, we need to recognize that the cost of education cannot be made by parents alone. Programs such as after-school services, which seem to have "little content", also require the school to invest manpower and resources. If there is no one-size-fits-all fee, the operation of the school will also be affected.

Ministry of Education: Lunch break care, evening self-Xi shall not be included in after-school services and charged, the comment area is fried!

Therefore, in addition to clarifying the norms, the relevant departments need to study how to further reduce the burden of family education. This requires sufficient support for schools at the policy level, such as increasing financial investment in public schools, so that parents can share the costs within a fair and reasonable range.

On the other hand, schools and teachers should also understand the difficulties of parents and provide high-quality and efficient education services based on the purpose of educating people first. Through the cooperation of all parties, children can grow up happily in a good learning and Xi environment.

The essence of education is to serve the growth of students, and we need to pay full attention to the issue of equity in the field of education. In the midst of heated discussions, let's build a better tomorrow for children together.