
Real interview: 55 years old, Taiwanese, a life and death parting Xi brought about by a trip to Jiuzhaigou


Although the epidemic has slowed down, the virus has hidden everyone's field of vision, life has become normal, and everyone will not wear masks to go out. But this profound experience of transcending life and death has made me know that the virus has not left us, but has always been around us, so please don't be too careless.

Last week, I happily returned to Taiwan Province from a trip to Jiuzhaigou and Chengdu in Sichuan, although the temperature in Sichuan is very low, and even the altitude is high in some places, I don't feel very tired when I travel, and my body functions are normal. I remember that there were one or two runny noses at that time, and I was fine with a mask on. And for me, who has always been very confident in my body, I didn't take it seriously at all.

Real interview: 55 years old, Taiwanese, a life and death parting Xi brought about by a trip to Jiuzhaigou

Two days after returning to Taiwan from a trip to the mainland, my throat began to itch and I had a slight cough, which I thought was just a common cold. But my daughter was a little worried, and found me a quick screening reagent for the flu that had not expired before, and asked me to give it a try. It was late at night, and it was just a flu, so I didn't pay much attention to it, so I took the painkillers and cooling medicine stored at home to deal with it temporarily.

The next morning, my daughter brought some medicine, but I actually felt okay at that time, and there was nothing wrong with my body. But after eating at noon one day, I felt something was not right, and I was a little dizzy, so I asked my daughter to help me to my room to rest. As soon as I stood up and hadn't taken two steps, the person instantly lost consciousness.

Real interview: 55 years old, Taiwanese, a life and death parting Xi brought about by a trip to Jiuzhaigou

Later, I heard my daughter say that I was directly paralyzed, and the person was dragged into the room, and before I got to the bed, the whole person fell sideways, face down, because my daughter's strength was limited, she didn't hold me, and half of her face hit the bed board. I was going to pass through a door, and the curtains on the door were drawn. My daughter said that the sound of my body hitting the bed was so loud that she was frightened, and she thought I was gone and cried.

My daughter immediately called an ambulance, and then I felt dizzy and the hospital did a series of tests, what blood was drawn, what X-ray, CT or something, except for the swelling of the head hit where I fell down at that time, other examinations were fine. It took almost two hours for me to slowly regain my senses. The doctor saw that I had no other symptoms, so he prescribed some expensive drugs for the virus and sent me home to rest.

Real interview: 55 years old, Taiwanese, a life and death parting Xi brought about by a trip to Jiuzhaigou

In fact, the pain had just begun at that time, as soon as I got home and went to bed, my head was like exploding, all kinds of dizziness, pain, weakness, and the whole person was like floating up, very painful. The main reason is that people are very sleepy, but they can't sleep because of the pain, people are tossing and turning, they are uncomfortable, dizzy, and they feel that they are really leaving, and they are very afraid in their hearts.

Later, I took the medicine for a week almost according to the doctor's requirements, and then my daughter took good care of her, the symptoms were reduced a lot, and the rapid screening also showed a beautiful line, and the stone in my heart finally landed. When I went to the hospital for a follow-up visit, I told the doctor all the symptoms and feelings in the past few days, and the doctor said that in fact, these symptoms of yours are not entirely to blame on the virus, mainly because of the concussion caused by vertigo and falling, which will indeed cause headaches and confusion and other discomforts.

I said that I had never heard of the virus causing dizziness, and the doctor said that everyone's physical fitness is different, and the analysis may be that I was too tired from going to Jiuzhaigou in the mainland before, and my body functions became weaker, coupled with the virus invasion, the body's stress response. Mainly because of my physical decline, it reminds me to exercise more, not to be tired, to supplement more nutrition, and to improve my resistance.

Real interview: 55 years old, Taiwanese, a life and death parting Xi brought about by a trip to Jiuzhaigou

Then he asked me if I had been vaccinated? I said I really hadn't, I had been strong and healthy for many years, and I hadn't had a cold for at least 20 years before, except for one diagnosis last fall, and I didn't know anyone who knew how to catch a cold.

But the doctor is here to ask me, ''How old are you?''

I've heard that if I get vaccinated, even if I catch a cold, the symptoms won't be too serious, so I'm so serious this time, is it really because I haven't been vaccinated? I know that I'm wrong, I'm still too underestimating the power of the virus, and I'm still too confident in my body.

Looking back and thinking about it, the main reason is that my body is not as good as before, and then I was a little tired when I came back from Jiuzhaigou playing, plus some wind and cold, and then I was invaded by the virus, and I had no vaccine protection, and I was almost killed by God. I immediately realized that I would not be able to fight anymore, I would have to take the old age, I still had to get vaccinated, and I tried my best to eliminate all the causative factors. Think about vaccination, which is to strengthen your immunity and resistance.

Real interview: 55 years old, Taiwanese, a life and death parting Xi brought about by a trip to Jiuzhaigou

My daughter was so frightened this time that she was afraid that she would lose me. So I promised her that I would still take good care of myself on weekdays, and when it was time to get vaccinated in the future, I would no longer be iron-toothed, after all, her father and I were already old people, and I promised to spend as many years as possible with her!

PEEKER Comment: I wonder if everyone has been vaccinated against various epidemics? In fact, we never know when and what will happen? If we can strengthen our body's defenses in advance, even if we encounter any trouble, it will not shake our health, right?

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