
"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

author:Jimu News

If someone tells you that you can achieve "nine wins in ten bets" when playing cards or mahjong, will you believe it? Zhang from Wuhan, Hubei Province met such a poker friend, and the other party can achieve "nine wins in ten bets" or even "ten bets and ten wins" when playing mahjong, and is called "a master of the game of cards" by card friends. So is this mahjong master really skilled, or is there any routine behind it? Let's start with Zhang's experience.

“只赢不输”藏猫腻 揭秘诈赌套路

Zhang, who lives in Wuhan, is 28 years old and has a stable job. Two years ago, at a gathering of friends, Zhang learned to play mahjong.

Zhang said that when he first learned to play mahjong, he just had fun with his family and friends.

Zhang: It's 3 yuan, 5 yuan, and 10 yuan, because I just started learning, and then I don't know how to do it, I must lose a lot, but sometimes I will win, and it will be hundreds of yuan if I win or lose.

However, as Zhang became obsessed with playing mahjong, he began to be dissatisfied with the entertainment of a few dollars between relatives and friends, and the stakes of playing mahjong became bigger and bigger, and card friends also changed from relatives and friends to strangers. In a game of cards, he met his poker friend Qian.

Zhang: I met in the chess and card room, played mahjong together and then met, that time I seemed to lose more than 3,000 yuan, and he won more than 10,000 yuan alone. At that time, I felt that all three of them lost, and I felt that this person's skills were so powerful.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Zhang said that although he lost more than 3,000 yuan when he played cards with Qian for the first time, he admired Qian's skills. Later, at the invitation of Qian, Zhang participated in the card games organized by the other party many times, but never won.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Zhang: I fought with him once and lost once, and I felt that it might be my luck. I want to turn over the book, and I feel that my luck should not be so bad all the time, and I have lost almost 20,000 or 30,000 yuan in about a month or two.

Zhang, who lost the money, didn't dare to tell his family, and he didn't notice anything wrong, but he just felt that his skills were inferior or his luck was not good enough. Just when he was obsessed with the game of cards and fantasized about winning the "mahjong master" and turning the book, the Wuhan police received a clue that there was something unusual in a community in Xinzhou District.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Duan Chuntian, police officer of Yangluo Police Station, Xinzhou Branch of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: In mid-to-early October 2023, we received a report from a member of the community grid in the jurisdiction, saying that there was an uninhabited building in their jurisdiction, and there was a room where a large number of young people suddenly came in and out for a period of time.

According to Xiao Qiu, a grid worker, there are not many buildings in this community he is responsible for, and most of the people who usually come in and out are familiar faces. The sudden appearance of strange young people and their unusual behavior made him more vigilant. In order to figure out the situation, Xiao Qiu came to the door many times, but was turned away.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Duan Chuntian, police officer of Yangluo Police Station, Xinzhou Branch of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: During the day, when the light is very good outside, they all close the curtains, and they can't see the situation inside the room at all. During the time when the grid staff came to check the population, the people inside seemed to be noisy, but they refused to cooperate with the door.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

After receiving clues, the police launched an investigation. This is an ordinary three-bedroom house in the community, and there is a group of young people sitting in front of the computer in the living room, and there are people in the room who are constantly talking on the phone.

Duan Chuntian, police officer of Yangluo Police Station, Xinzhou Branch of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: Judge that there are indeed people in this room. When I looked inside, I found that there were several computers inside, and there were two or three suspects sitting in front of the computers, talking on the phone.

Ba Zhongyu, police officer of the Xinzhou Branch of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: We think that there is a very likely group of young people in this rental house, who are engaged in telecommunications network fraud or illegal and criminal activities related to online telemarketing. As a public security organ, we have the responsibility to investigate some of these places where there are suspicions of violating the law and committing crimes.

Gambling gangs use technical means to cheat remotely

After investigation, the police analyzed that the people in this room were suspected of engaging in illegal and criminal activities, and in October this year, the police gathered more than a dozen police forces to open the door and control a group of young people in the room.

Duan Chuntian, police officer of Yangluo Police Station, Xinzhou Branch of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: It is a three-bedroom standard residential house, each room is a computer in addition to the bed, and some data related to mahjong are displayed on the computer screen, as well as real-time live video. In addition, each computer is equipped with a ledger for bookkeeping.

At the scene, the police found that this group of people turned out to be the old man in the casino, instructing others to play mahjong and gamble on the phone.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Duan Chuntian, police officer of Yangluo Police Station, Xinzhou Branch of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: The way of telephone communication teaches the people who are gambling on the spot in front of them how to play cards and how to play cards, and to ensure that gamblers will definitely win money during the period of playing mahjong. They profit from the money won by gamblers.

It turned out that this three-bedroom apartment, with the curtains closed and the door locked, was the den where the members of the gambling gang carried out remote control fraud.

Duan Chuntian, police officer of the Yangluo Police Station of the Xinzhou Branch of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: The structure of the gang involved in the case is very clear, and it is mainly divided into three structures: the first is the gamblers in need, the second is the management members who provide cheating equipment, and the third is the technicians who report the cards on the spot.

According to the police, if there are gamblers who want to win money by cheating by playing mahjong, they will contact the gang that provides cheating services on the Internet and book a room for playing mahjong in advance. Subsequently, the person in charge of the gang will send someone to the room booked by the gambler in advance and install a cheating device on the mahjong machine.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau Xinzhou Branch Yangluo Police Station Police Duan Chuntian: They installed this sophisticated camera, is in the corner of each mahjong machine out of the corner (installation) of four cameras, you can clearly see each stack of cards out, each card inside the card and each card in the order of placement, which provides them with accurate information in the background, telling him how to play cards when he sees other people's cards. Because of the existence of this cheating software, for cheating gamblers, the cards of the four companies seen by the back-end technician are all transparent on their computers.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

The gambler at the cheating scene, with the help of hidden headphones, is tantamount to turning on high-tech assistance, and the loss of the remaining three people at the mahjong table has become predictable.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Duan Chuntian, police officer of Yangluo Police Station, Xinzhou Branch of Wuhan Public Security Bureau: When the gambler officially starts, he will send a message to the merchant in advance, and after the merchant management obtains this information, he will simultaneously push the information to the technician in the background. With these cheats, technicians can sit in their home in the background and see every player's cards at the table and how they are playing. After the technician combines the cards he sees and knows the playing style of the other party's three cards, he can calculate through some data software, and he can tell gamblers how to play cards and how to play cards to ensure that they do not lose and that they can win.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Not only that, the gambling criminal gang also installed a real-time camera at the scene of the card game, how much money the gambler won at the scene, the person behind the card will be recorded in the account book in front of the computer, and then according to a certain proportion of the account.

"Ten bets and ten wins"? I thought he was a mahjong master, but he actually cheated by remote control

Duan Chuntian, police officer of Yangluo Police Station, Xinzhou Branch of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: 20% to 30% of the gambler's winnings are divided into this merchant, and the merchant provides the technician with a benefit fee ranging from 200 to 1,000 per game.

After further investigation, the police arrested Chen, the controller of this gambling gang, and arrested several gamblers suspected of fraud and gambling, including Qian Mou, who was regarded as a "mahjong master" by Zhang. After investigation, Qian alone transferred 150,000 yuan to Chen in 2023, and according to the sharing ratio, Qian cheated by playing mahjong and won more than 700,000 other players.

Ba Zhongyu, police officer of the Xinzhou Branch of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: The gambling fraud gang headed by Chen, including these gamblers, should have a total of more than 3 million yuan in the case.

At present, the criminal suspects Chen, Qian and others were arrested by the procuratorate on suspicion of fraud and gambling, while Zhang and others who participated in gambling were punished by public security in accordance with the law.

Nine out of ten bets and nine wins are often ten bets and nine frauds, and there is no scam

"Nine wins out of ten bets" is often a deception of nine out of ten bets! During holidays, playing cards with family and friends is originally an entertainment activity, but we must never listen to the instigation of others and mix entertainment with gambling, which is not only suspected of breaking the law but may also fall into a scam.

(Source: CCTV News Client)

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