
He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

author:Informed Dali Cheese FdJ

Title: The Company Commander's Choice: A Contest Between Discipline and Compassion

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

Hey, did you hear that? That young man, Xiao Xu, yes, is the guy in our company who is often funny, and he really played big this time. When the Spring Festival was approaching, he proposed to the company commander to go home on vacation, saying that there was an urgent matter at home. The company captain hesitated for a while, and I could see that he was in a difficult situation.

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

You know, even the captain is usually nice to us, but the rules are not ambiguous. When Xiao Xu made a request this time, his brows were tightly knit, obviously thinking about whether he should give in. But in the end, it was human nature that overcame the strict rules and gave Xiao Xu a holiday.

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

But who would have thought... Xiao Xu Chao came back a month late from the holiday! Of course, this kind of thing can be big or small in the barracks. The big is the big one in the violation of discipline, and the small is the small one, and we all know that people sometimes inevitably have some private matters to deal with. But this is no joke, in the army everyone has to be disciplined.

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

The result can be imagined - the company captain gave Xiao Xu a serious warning. Oh! I still remember that scene vividly. The comrades of the whole company were summoned, and the face of the company leader was as heavy as iron. He looked directly at Xiao Xu and said, "Soldiers must abide by military discipline!" His voice was so cold that it could overwhelm people.

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

At the end of the article, even the captain himself wrote something - he said that deep down he felt sadness and regret. Maybe, after all, who can feel so heavy about a young soldier who always makes people smile?

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

But even so, the company commander said firmly: "Troop discipline is above all else." He felt that although he had made a difficult choice, he had no regrets about the choice for the sake of the rules and the collective interest of everyone.

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

You see, what can we feel in this? Managers, walking on thin ice between maintaining discipline and understanding soldiers, and behind every decision lies a deep emotional struggle and a weight of responsibility.

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

By describing the story between Xiao Xu and the company commander, the article conveys a message: the managers in the army must not only have the courage and persistence to enforce discipline with an iron face and selflessness, but also have a broad enough mind to understand the soldiers under them. Even if you are reluctant to deal with problems with mixed feelings, as a leader, you can never give up your insistence on high standards of discipline.

He was on leave for 32 days and received a serious warning, but before he was demobilized, he asked me to take out the punishment

In short, in the big family of the army, we may be able to give warmth and understanding to our comrades-in-arms, but more importantly and more fundamentally, we must remember that only iron-clad discipline can ensure that we move forward together and become strong together!