
People with a bad stomach are best not to eat these fruits, eating too much will make stomach problems worse

author:TCM Physician Zhang talks about health

"Have you ever had an unbearable stomach upset after enjoying a delicious fruit feast?" This is a common phenomenon, especially among middle-aged and elderly people. Stomach problems, whether mild gastritis or severe stomach ulcers, can greatly affect the quality of our daily lives. Unfortunately, many people unknowingly worsen the condition through their daily diet.

People with a bad stomach are best not to eat these fruits, eating too much will make stomach problems worse

Demystifying Stomach Problems: Learn how your stomach hurts

Stomach problems have become a common health concern in our daily lives, especially among middle-aged and elderly people. Stomach problems, including gastritis and stomach ulcers, not only affect quality of life, but can also lead to more serious health problems. This section will delve into the nature of these stomach disorders, their causes, and how they affect our lives.

Gastritis: the discomfort of burning

Gastritis, an inflammatory state of the gastric mucosa, common symptoms include a burning sensation in the upper abdomen, fullness, nausea and even vomiting. This inflammation can be caused by a variety of reasons, including long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), infections (such as Helicobacter pylori), excessive alcohol consumption, or irritation from certain foods. Treatment of gastritis usually requires a combination of lifestyle modifications and appropriate medications.

People with a bad stomach are best not to eat these fruits, eating too much will make stomach problems worse

Gastric ulcer: deep trauma to the stomach

A gastric ulcer is a painful ulcer caused by damage to the gastric mucosa. Stomach ulcers may cause more intense pain than gastritis, often described as a feeling of hunger or a stabbing pain that worsens on an empty stomach. Causes of stomach ulcers include long-term H. pylori infection, continued use of NSAIDs, and even stress and certain genetic factors may play a role. Medication and lifestyle modifications that follow your doctor's instructions are essential for ulcer healing.

Common causes and effects of stomach problems

Stomach problems can be exacerbated by unhealthy eating Xi habits, such as excessive intake of spicy, acidic, or greasy foods, as well as irregular eating times. In addition, long-term stress and anxiety can also negatively affect the gastric mucosa, leading to excessive secretion of gastric acid, which can aggravate the symptoms of gastritis or gastric ulcers.

People with a bad stomach are best not to eat these fruits, eating too much will make stomach problems worse

Fruit & Stomach Health: The Secret of Everyday Consumption

When discussing stomach health, we often think that fruits are great for the body due to their rich vitamins and fiber. However, not all fruits are suitable for people with stomach problems. In fact, certain fruits may aggravate the symptoms of stomach disorders, especially in the case of gastritis, stomach ulcers, and other diseases.

Upset stomach and fruit consumption: a common misconception

We need to understand the common causes of upset stomachs. People with gastritis or gastric ulcers have damaged gastric mucosa and are more sensitive to irritating foods. Some fruits contain high acidity, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, etc., and the acids in these fruits may irritate the stomach lining, causing increased pain or discomfort.

Scientific perspective: The dual effects of fruit on stomach health

From a scientific point of view, some components in fruits, such as certain fruit acids and fructose, are irritating to the gastric mucosa. Especially when eating this kind of fruit on an empty stomach, it is more likely to cause hyperacidity and aggravate stomach discomfort. On the other hand, the fiber in fruits can promote intestinal motility and aid digestion, but excessive fiber intake may also increase the burden on the stomach, especially if gastric motility is weakened.

Practical application: Fruit selection in a balanced diet

For people with an upset stomach, it is recommended to choose low-acidic, easy-to-digest fruits, such as ripe bananas, apple puree, etc. At the same time, pay attention to the timing and amount of fruit intake. Avoid eating fruit on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime, as this can lead to excessive stomach accumulation and aggravate stomach acid secretion.

People with a bad stomach are best not to eat these fruits, eating too much will make stomach problems worse

Be wary of these fruits!invisible danger for stomach patients

When it comes to stomach health, we often mention the importance of consuming fruits. However, not all fruits are suitable for people with stomach problems. Certain fruits may exacerbate stomach problems due to their specific ingredients. Here are some fruits that people with stomach problems should avoid and why.

Citrus fruits (e.g. oranges, grapefruits)

Causes: These fruits are high in acidity, which may stimulate gastric acid secretion and aggravate gastritis or stomach ulcer symptoms.

People with a bad stomach are best not to eat these fruits, eating too much will make stomach problems worse

Fruits with high sugar content (e.g. grapes, cherries)

Causes: Fruits with a high sugar content can cause a heavier burden on the stomach, especially if the stomach empties slowly, and too much sugar can exacerbate the stomach upset.

Unripe or hard fruits (e.g. green persimmons, hard pears)

Causes: Unripe or hard-textured fruits are difficult to digest and may increase the burden on the stomach, leading to indigestion or stomach pain.

People with a bad stomach are best not to eat these fruits, eating too much will make stomach problems worse

Fruits with complex fibers (e.g. pineapple, papaya)

Why: While fiber is beneficial for gut health, for some people with stomach problems, complex fiber can irritate the stomach lining and cause discomfort.

Super sour fruits (e.g. lemon, sour plum)

Causes: Fruits with very high acidity may stimulate excessive gastric acid secretion, causing damage to the gastric mucosa, especially in patients with hyperacidity.