
The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!

author:Oda cats love to eat melons

A young woman in Guiyang recently caused an uproar by wearing a kimono in a park. The incident occurred on December 25, when an aunt who sold fruit juice stopped her from wearing a kimono and asked her to change her clothes, but she refused. In the altercation, the woman claimed that non-soldiers had no right to interfere with her choice of dress, and even arrogantly expressed that she was not afraid of the police arresting her. The cause of the incident has attracted widespread attention.

The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!

The woman swaggered through the park, attracting the strange eyes of many onlookers. The aunt's stop sparked a quarrel in which the woman arrogantly claimed that dress was personal freedom and that others had no right to blame. When the situation escalated, an eldest brother stood up and angrily scolded the woman, saying that she could like to wear Japanese clothes, but she could not bring her brother who was a soldier of the country. Although the woman was weak-hearted, she still behaved dismissively and even threatened to call the police.

The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!
The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!
The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!
The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!
The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!

After the video was transmitted to the Internet, it quickly aroused strong public disgust. The woman's arrogant attitude caused strong condemnation among netizens, and some people thought that she did not really recognize her mistake and was just afraid of public opinion. Some commentators have pointed out that wearing a kimono involves a history of aggression, and that this is no longer just a matter of personal freedom to dress, but has touched the national feelings of the Japanese people. There have been incidents of wearing kimonos causing dissatisfaction before, and public opinion has become more and more sensitive to this.

The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!

In the face of the woman's apology video, the public reacted differently. Some people said that her attitude had changed significantly, perhaps because of the pressure of public opinion, which made her unable to continue to be arrogant. However, there are still many who are reluctant to forgive, believing that she should pay the price. While being free, there must also be respect for history and national feelings.

Netizens' apology to the kimono woman doesn't seem to be fully bought. In the apology video she posted, some people pointed out that her change of attitude was only due to the pressure of public opinion, questioning whether she really recognized her mistake. The comment section was full of questions about her sincerity, and some netizens said that such a change was not enough to undo the damage caused by her arrogant words and deeds in the past.

The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!

Some netizens believe that this is not just a matter of individual behavior, but touches on respect for history and the country. Some commentators have pointed out that this is not a reasonable explanation for a woman wearing a kimono because her personal interests should not involve areas that hurt the feelings of the country. The incident also provoked deep reflection on the cultural identity and respect for wear.

One netizen wrote in the comments: "Freedom to dress is important, but we also need to understand that when an act provokes widespread resentment, the larger context needs to be taken into account. Wearing a kimono, as with any symbol that represents aggression, should be done with caution. It's not just about individual freedom, it's about respect for history and country. ”

The latest follow-up of the kimono woman: Apologized to the camera and begged to be let go, but netizens didn't buy it!

The controversy over the apology video has given people a deeper appreciation of the power of public opinion. On the one hand, the supervision of public opinion can prompt individuals to reflect on and correct their mistakes, but on the other hand, it also triggers reflection on freedom of speech and individual rights and interests. Whether this marks the era of public opinion is thought-provoking. Both support for the woman's change and dissatisfaction with her demonstrate the public's high sensitivity to cultural respect and historical identity. This incident is not only the individual behavior of a woman, but also reflects the thinking of society about values and identity in the context of multicultural integration.

Now, let's hear what you think. Should a woman's behavior be forgiven?What do you think about the controversy over wearing a kimono?Leave your comments, and we look forward to hearing from our readers.