
As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."

author:Ah Yan who talks about entertainment
As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."

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Text: A Yan who talks about entertainment

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Time of Birth: From Ancient Beliefs to Modern Significance

When a newborn baby falls to the ground in this world, that moment is undoubtedly unforgettable for every parent. In modern society, the birth time of a child is not just a simple point in time, it represents the beginning of life, the beginning of parental responsibility. This moment is forever engraved in the heart and becomes an indispensable part of the family's history.

Back in ancient China, the significance of the time of birth goes far beyond commemoration. There is an old folk proverb: "No girl is born at noon, and no man is born at midnight". This may sound like superstition, but in reality, it is deeply rooted in the ancient Chinese philosophy of yin and yang.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."

Yin and Yang and Time of Birth

In ancient China, the theory of yin and yang was the cornerstone of culture and philosophy. According to this theory, everything contains the two properties of yin and yang, which are opposed to each other but interdependent. This kind of thinking is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and even affects people's perception of the time of birth. Midday (approximately from 11 p.m. to 1 p.m.) is considered to be the peak of yang, while midnight (11 p.m. to 1 a.m.) is the heaviest time of yin. In this cultural context, men are attributed to yang and women to yin.

This leads to the origin of the folk proverb. According to the understanding of the ancients, if a boy is born at midnight when the yin energy is at its heaviest, or a girl is born at noon when the yang energy is at its highest, this yin-yang conflict between gender and time is considered unlucky. This is not only a concern for the fate of individuals, but also reflects the importance that ancient society attached to the right time, place and people.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."

Modern perspective

Now, standing at the height of the development of science, it is easy for us to classify these ancient beliefs as nonsense. After all, from the point of view of biology and modern medicine, a person's sex is determined by genetic factors and has nothing to do with the time of birth. However, even today, these ancient sayings are quietly passed down in some places and become part of cultural diversity.

In fact, simply labeling these ancient beliefs as superstitions may ignore their cultural value in a historical context. These beliefs were once a way for ancient people to try to understand the world and explain the phenomena of life. They reflect humanity's reverence for nature and life, as well as people's exploration of the unknown in an era when science was not yet developed.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."


All in all, the time of a child's birth, both in ancient and modern times, carries a special meaning that transcends time. In modern times, this moment symbolizes the beginning of a new life and new family responsibilities, while in ancient times, it was the embodiment of yin-yang philosophy and cultural beliefs. This little change from ancient times to the present not only reveals the evolution of culture, but also reflects the deepening of human understanding of the meaning of life. While we no longer rely on ancient folk proverbs to guide our lives, knowing and respecting these traditions can help us better understand the past and make us more grateful and cherished as we welcome each new life.

Ancient Birth Time Beliefs and Modern Scientific Understanding

When discussing the beliefs about the time of birth in ancient China, we cannot but mention the "patriarchal" concept that prevailed in that era. This cultural background has a profound influence on the importance people place on the time of their child's birth. Especially in the middle of the day (considered to be the time when yang energy is at its heaviest), it was widely believed that the probability of having a boy was higher, and this view had a lot of influence in society at the time.

The ancient understanding of yin and yang

Ancient people's concerns about the health of mothers and babies were closely related to the belief in the adverse consequences that could result from the restraint of yin and yang. For example, if a daughter is born at noon when the yang energy is at its highest, the ancients believed that this could put a burden on the child's body. Similarly, boys born on the night when the yin qi is at their heaviest is thought to affect their physical fitness. This view was widely accepted in the society of the time.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."

Limitations of scientific understanding

Behind this belief in the time of birth is the limitations of ancient medicine and scientific understanding. Due to the lack of in-depth scientific understanding of the human body and the natural world in ancient times, many unexplained phenomena are often attributed to superstition. The influence of yin and yang on the time of birth of a child was originally motivated by considerations for the safety of the mother and baby, but there is no scientific basis.

A shift in modern perspective

In modern society, these archaic sayings about time of birth and gender no longer apply. The rapid development of modern medicine and the abundance of medical resources ensure that the birth of a child can be properly cared for both day and night. In addition, with the general improvement of people's physical fitness and the recognition of the concept of gender equality, the ancient superstitious concept is gradually replaced by scientific understanding.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."


Looking back at the ancient belief in the time of birth, we can see the limitations of the cultural and scientific cognition of an era. In modern society, with the progress of science and the renewal of concepts, we have a deeper understanding and transcendence of these ancient beliefs. This not only reflects the accumulation and inheritance of human knowledge, but also shows the change of cultural concepts in the continuous evolution. From ancient superstitions to modern science, our society is constantly advancing, and our respect and understanding of life are deepening.

Having a baby by day and by night: differences and perceptions

In modern society, having a baby is a big deal, and every family wants the process to go as smoothly as possible. But have you ever wondered what the difference would be between having a baby during the day and at night?

Differences in medical resources

First, let's talk about medical resources. During the day, there are significantly more doctors and nurses in the hospital than at night. Everyone is in good spirits and is able to provide more comprehensive and positive medical support. This is undoubtedly a huge advantage for mothers who are about to give birth. Imagine the peace of mind it would give you to have a group of energetic professionals around you at this critical time!

As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."

But at night, it's different. Although there will be doctors and nurses on duty in the hospital, the manpower may be relatively tight, and everyone may not be in a good state of mind after a day's work. This does not mean that the quality of medical care will be reduced at night, but there may be some differences compared to daytime.

The importance of family companionship

Next, let's talk about family companionship. During the day, the whole extended family, including grandparents, grandparents, and aunts, is more likely to wait in the hospital to welcome the arrival of a new life. This kind of family mobilization not only brings psychological support to the mother, but also makes this special moment more warm and unforgettable.

By the end of the night, everyone else is often home, except for the closest family members, who may have stayed in the hospital. While this will not affect the safety and health of the child, it is indeed a pity to miss some family members at this important time.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give birth to a girl at noon, you won't give birth to a boy at midnight."

Effects of maternal mental state

The mental state of the mother is also different during the day and night. During the day, people are usually in a better state of mind, which means that the mother may have more energy to face the challenges of childbirth and also helps to go smoothly. At night, the human body naturally tends to rest, and the dim environment in the hospital may not be ideal for some women who are afraid of the dark or need more comfort.

Final Thoughts

Although the conditions for childbirth during the day and at night are different, the most important thing is that the baby is born safely and healthily. Whether it is a natural birth or a caesarean section, the arrival of a child is always the news that the family is most looking forward to. So, for those of you who are about to become parents, you don't have to worry too much about the specific time of the child's birth.

The arrival of every life is unique, whether it is a sunny day or a starry night. On this special occasion, let's celebrate the birth of a new life together and enjoy this unique happiness and joy. After all, the arrival of every baby is one of the most beautiful miracles in the world.

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