
A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

author:Glowing Siam
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Text丨Ukiyo Qinghuan

Editor丨Ukiyo Qinghuan

In the past, the bathing center was a well-deserved entertainment mecca in the northern region, and it also formed a unique bathhouse culture, and in winter, there was an endless stream of people who went to the bathing center.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

However, it was the bathing center that was once so popular, but now it is in decline and very deserted, and the reason for this is that these two points make customers no longer want to go.

So what are the two reasons? Can the bathing center regain its former glory?

Bathing center

In the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, China's bathing center industry was once booming, and the bathing center at that time mainly provided bathing services, which was a good place for people to relax and relax.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

However, with the diversification of public demand and economic growth, bathing centers have begun to transform, from a single bathing service to a comprehensive bathing place integrating bathing and massage, providing consumers with more services and experiences.

Today's bathing centers are no longer a single place, but a comprehensive place where customers can spend the whole day by increasing the variety of entertainment items.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

With the development of the times, in order to meet the needs of modern consumers for comprehensive services and comfortable experience, the new bathing center has made more changes and innovations on the basis of the original model.

Bathing centers are gradually introducing buffet services to provide consumers with a wide variety of food options. While enjoying baths and massages, consumers can also indulge in a variety of delicacies in the dining area to satisfy their taste buds.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

In addition to the buffet service, the modern bathing center also attaches importance to the family consumer market, and in order to cater to consumers who come to the bathing center with children, the bathing center has listed the children's entertainment area as one of the important projects.

This area is designed to be colourful and fun, with a variety of children's play equipment and parent-child activities to keep children entertained while promoting family interaction.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

In order to further improve the service quality and diversity of bathing centers, many bathing centers have also added private and independent rest rooms on new floors.

These comfortable and spacious rooms offer a soothing environment and services where guests can relax, enjoy massage treatments, watch movies, compete in various puzzle games, and more. The establishment of these rooms expands the function of the bathing center, providing consumers with a more personalized and private service.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

Some high-cost bathing centers have further increased the scale and variety of entertainment facilities, in addition to cinema rooms and chess and card rooms, they are also equipped with modern gyms to meet the sports needs of consumers.

Because people nowadays focus on health and fitness, the provision of gym services in bathing centers is also in line with modern consumer needs. And some even set up hotels in them, so that consumers can stay in a comfortable environment and experience one-stop luxury services.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

The rapid development and transformation of bathing centers, in addition to meeting the needs of consumers, also reflects people's desire to pursue a higher quality of life and a wide consumption space.

In the future, the bathing center will continue to innovate and reform to provide consumers with richer and more diversified services and experiences, and become the first choice for people's leisure and entertainment.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

Ancient bathing

Since ancient times, Chinese have had a traditional concept of respecting nature, and in traditional Chinese culture, bathing is highly respected, it is not only an act of cleansing the body, but also an important part of life.

The ancients believed that by washing the body and mind, a healthy body and a calm state of mind can be obtained, thereby improving the quality of life, as early as the Neolithic Yellow River region, there were relatively perfect bathing equipment and methods to eliminate fatigue and reduce stress.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

With the passage of time, the ancient bathing culture has continued to develop and improve, especially under the influence of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, bathing has become a part of people's lifestyle.

In Chinese history, both the court and the people have had unique bathing rituals, especially during the Spring Festival, where people follow a series of tedious procedures, including washing their hands and head before bathing, and then bathing the whole body. This is because the ancients believed that doing so would help them ward off evil spirits and usher in good luck in the new year.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

In addition, the ancient Chinese also regarded bathing as an important means of self-cultivation. For example, there is a saying in the "Analects of the Advanced": "There is a bath in virtue rather than a bath in water, rather than a bath in virtue." ”

Bathing is not only to wash the body, but more importantly, to cleanse the mind, under the influence of this thought, bathing is given a deeper meaning, that is, to keep people pure and humble in life.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

The aristocracy of ancient China also paid great attention to personal hygiene and personal image, and their Xi habits directly influenced the bathing culture of the time. For example, the royal gardens during the Tang Dynasty had multiple swimming pools and fountains where members of the royal family could swim and frolic.

Citizens of the Song Dynasty would buy various spices at the market to add pleasure to bathing themselves or their families. In addition, you can see a wide variety of bathroom fixtures in temples, temples and mansions.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

The bathing culture of ancient China is rich and diverse, and contains profound historical and cultural heritage. It is not only an important carrier of national cultural inheritance, but also a window to show the national spiritual outlook.

But now people are surprised to find that there are fewer and fewer people in bathing centers, and more and more people are reluctant to go to public baths.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

Two reasons

During the first two years of the epidemic, bathing centers became high-risk places, and due to the closed environment and the gathering of people, it was easy to become a hotbed for the spread of infectious diseases.

Especially after the emergence of the virus variant, people have serious emotional resistance to visiting the bathing center, which immediately affected the popularity of the bathing center. Even if the epidemic has eased slightly, many people are still wary and cautious about going to bathing centers.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

In the past, the bathing center only provided bathing links, but with the development of business, the bathing center introduced more entertainment facilities and services, and became a place integrating leisure and entertainment.

However, in this process, some bathing centers do not pay attention to the maintenance of equipment and cleanliness, resulting in an outdated and dirty environment. Some bathing centers have cleaning blind spots and hygienic blind spots, which bring discomfort and worry to consumers.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

In addition, some bathing centers also have quality problems, such as hiding extra charges, thus losing consumer trust, and in the face of this dilemma, bathing centers need to take effective measures to regain the attention and trust of customers.

The bathing center needs to strengthen the management of service quality, and the bathing center should improve the professional and technical level and service awareness of the staff to ensure that customers can get a good service experience.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

At the same time, it is also important to improve the transparency of services, and bathing centers should fully inform customers of the content and cost of services to avoid hiding additional charges. Integrity and credibility are important factors in winning the trust of customers, and only by establishing trust can we attract more consumers.

Bathing centers need to constantly adjust their business strategies and update their facilities to meet the needs of modern consumers, improve service quality and transparency, and rebuild customer trust.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

Only in this way can the bathing center regain its luster and become a part of people's willingness to consume, leading the harmonious development of cultural traditions and modern commerce.


Although bathing centers have played an important role in improving the quality of life and promoting the development of tourism, with the improvement of people's living standards and the popularization of home bathing facilities, as well as the impact of the epidemic in recent years, people's dependence on bathing centers has decreased.

A friend who had just returned from the bathing center told me that there were two reasons why customers didn't want to go again

At the same time, bathing centers are facing problems such as declining service quality and high prices, which can have a negative impact on the future of bathing centers if not properly addressed.

However, as part of the traditional service industry, the development prospects of bathing centers are not entirely pessimistic. If we can reform to meet consumer needs, improve service quality and environmental cleanliness, and reasonably price, we may be able to regain the favor of consumers. But all this takes time, and it also requires continuous efforts and improvements from the bathing center itself.

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Information sources: 1, "The Analects: Advanced Chapters"

2, "Elbow Reserve Emergency"