
Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

author:Gourmet qualities


Chicken, as a common meat, often appears on our tables. It is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients, which is loved by a wide range of consumers.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

First and foremost, chicken is a good source of protein. Protein is an essential nutrient for human growth and development, and chicken has a high protein content and is relatively easy to absorb and utilize by the body. As a result, chicken is often recommended as an important part of a healthy diet.

Secondly, chicken is rich in many vitamins and minerals. For example, it is rich in B vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, which are essential for the normal function of the nervous system. In addition, chicken also contains minerals such as iron, zinc, and magnesium, which play an important role in maintaining good health and boosting immunity.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

The health value of chicken is also reflected in its low fat content. Compared to other meats, chicken has a lower fat content, especially after peeling, and is a low-fat option. This makes chicken the first choice for many people when pursuing a healthy way of eating.

Of course, in addition to its nutritional value, chicken also has a lot of flexibility in cooking. Whether stewed, pan-fried, grilled, or sautéed, chicken offers a rich flavor. Whether it's a family dinner or a small gathering of friends, chicken can be a delicious dish.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

However, although the chicken is delicious, there are eight places on the chicken that cannot be eaten, and many friends do not know that it is not only unpalatable but also burdensome to the body after eating. So what exactly are the places?

The tail fat gland is a gland on the butt of chickens that secretes oil and protects the feathers from moisture and cold. This oil is often rich in some fishy odors, odorous substances and pollutants, which pose potential risks to human health. Therefore, it is recommended that you remove the tail fat glands on the chicken butt when eating chicken to ensure the safety and hygiene of the ingredients.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

The supraluminal sac is a cavity in the butt of chickens whose function is to help chickens digest food. However, because the supraluminal sac is located near the excretory system, there is often contaminant material such as fecal residue or bacterial cells entering it. If the supraluminal capsule is ingested, it will have an adverse effect on physical health. Therefore, we should also completely remove the supracavity sac on the chicken butt to ensure the purity and hygiene of the ingredients.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Chicken lungs, as an important organ of the animal respiratory system, are rich in capillaries and airways. However, chicken lungs are also organs that metabolize waste products in the body and are responsible for removing waste gases such as carbon dioxide from the body. If we eat chicken lungs, the bacteria and waste products in them may cause certain effects on our health, so in order to protect our health, it is best not to eat chicken lungs.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Chicken kidneys, which are one of the important detoxification organs in the chicken's body. Chicken kidneys are responsible for removing excess uric acid and toxins from the body and maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. However, chicken kidneys are also where toxins accumulate in the chicken's body. Due to the breeding environment, diet and other reasons, some harmful substances may be enriched in chicken kidneys, such as heavy metals and veterinary drug residues. Long-term consumption of these chicken kidneys containing harmful substances has certain harm to human health.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Chicken gall bladder, which is one of the vital organs in the chicken's body, mainly secretes bile. Bile plays an important role in our digestion process, helping us digest fats and absorb nutrients. At the same time, bile is also one of the important ways to excrete waste and harmful substances in the body. However, chicken gall bladders may also be rich in some harmful substances, such as cholesterol and toxins.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

The thymus gland is an important part of the avian immune system, where it is responsible for generating and regulating immune cells and is involved in responding to external pathogens. However, because animals are often injected with antibiotics and hormones during the feeding process, these drugs can remain in the poultry meat we eat through the chicken spleen and chicken lymph.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Antibiotics and chemicals left in chicken spleens can not only cause harm to our immune system, but also lead to a range of health problems. These include increased allergic reactions, increased drug resistance, and decreased immune function. If excessive intake of chicken spleen and chicken lymph for a long time, it may cause various diseases.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Chicken spleen and chicken lymph can also be contaminated with bacteria and parasites. In captivity, birds and other livestock are susceptible to some pathogens due to prolonged exposure. If these pathogens are present in the chicken spleen and chicken lymph and are not completely eliminated when consumed, they can cause health problems such as food poisoning.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Another controversial issue is chicken heads, and many negative reports about their effects on human health have been heard from time to time. There are a large number of heavy metal residues in chicken heads, which will not only pose potential risks to our health, but also common heavy metals in chicken heads are arsenic, mercury, lead, etc. After these heavy metals enter our body, they will gradually accumulate and cause a series of diseases. Arsenic can harm our immune system, mercury can cause damage to the nervous system, and lead can cause reproductive problems. Therefore, long-term consumption of foods containing heavy metals is very bad for our health.

Which of the chicken's offal can be eaten?

First of all, the chicken heart, which is one of the main muscle organs in the chicken's body, is rich in protein and nutrients. After cooking, the chicken heart is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the taste is delicious and elastic, and the combination with various seasonings can highlight its unique flavor.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Secondly, chicken intestines, refers to the part of the digestive system of chickens. Although some people may be afraid of it, chicken sausage has a delicate and smooth texture after cooking, and is rich in dietary fiber and protein. When making chicken sausage skewers, it is paired with a unique sauce to whet people's appetites.

Thirdly, chicken livers, whether chicken or any animal, are rich in vitamins and minerals. Chicken livers are tender and smooth after cooking, with a slightly sweet taste, and are definitely nutritious and delicious dishes. Moreover, it is said that chicken liver also has the effect of nourishing blood and replenishing blood, which is very suitable for some people with anemia or weakness.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Finally, the gizzard, also known as the chicken stomach, is one of the vital organs in the digestive system of chickens. Although it is a bit special in appearance, with proper treatment and cooking, the gizzard can show a chewy texture and rich flavor. Various recipes such as stir-fried chicken gizzards and grilled chicken gizzards can give you a taste of unique flavors.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Then I will share with you a delicious spicy chicken offal, which originates from the traditional cuisine of Sichuan and Chongqing, and is full of strong chili peppers and spices, which is unforgettable. The production of spicy chicken offal is very particular, first of all, you must choose fresh chicken offal, including chicken gizzards, chicken livers, chicken hearts, etc., and then clean them. Next, cut the offal into thin slices or hob pieces and set aside. Chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns are the soul spice of spicy chicken offal, and we need to chop them up for later use.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, heat it and stir-fry the chopped peppers and peppercorns until fragrant. At this point, you'll feel the pleasant aroma of chili peppers spread. Then add the chopped chicken offal and stir-fry evenly. When the chicken offal changes color, add minced garlic, minced ginger, bean paste and other seasonings, and stir-fry again. At this time, the pot already emits a mouth-watering aroma.

Chickens have 8 places with the heaviest toxins, don't eat them indiscriminately, and the 24-year level 1 chef explains where chickens can't be eaten

After stir-frying the seasoning, add an appropriate amount of water and simmer for 20 minutes to allow the chicken offal to fully absorb the seasoning soup. You'll see the soup become rich and mouth-watering. Finally, add seasonings such as salt, monosodium glutamate, and essence of chicken for final adjustments. The result is a plate of spicy chicken offal! It has an attractive appearance and tender and juicy meat. In the mouth, the spicy flavor of chili pepper and Sichuan pepper hits you and makes it refreshing and appetizing. The unique flavor of the offal combined with the rich seasoning broth gives you a lingering aftertaste.