
Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

author:Too much to nag

In order to feed our children well, we people will generally take a lowly name when they are born, and the older generations say that the unworthy name can avoid evil and facilitate the growth of children.

Chinese the history of giving children a lowly name also has a long history, and it existed in the pre-Qin period. For example, in the Spring and Autumn Period, Lu Wengong's concubine took a name evil, and Qi Tian had a son named Beggar, and then for example, sima Xiangru, a great writer of the Western Han Dynasty, also had a thunderous untouchable name called Dog, huh! Isn't it a "dog baby"!

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

Personally, I think that taking the name of a dog, calling it smoothly, and looking cute and amiable. Our child is called "Stinky Bao", although the child is reluctant when he grows up, and even the nickname has become a special secret among her classmates, but we just think that it is called "Stinky Treasure" to be enjoyable.

The Han Dynasty's male lord Liu Che, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, this name is really magnificent, and people are also very capable, completely crushing the Xiongnu and making the Han people raise their eyebrows and breathe. But his name when he was a child was not so majestic, and it could even be said to be a bit funny, called "Liu Yan (zhì)", and anyone who has learned a little ancient Chinese knows that this is not a pig! How could the crown prince have such a lowly name? Am I mistaken? Is there something else that sounds grandiose?

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

To be honest, there really isn't, that's what it means, and Emperor Wu's father, Emperor Jingdi, of course, knows it, because in "Xiao Erya" it is clearly written: "Yan: Pig Ye." For the sake of prudence, I also checked again, and the original meaning of the "彘" in the phenomenon character refers to the wild boar, and the "ya" character below and the symbols on both sides indicate that the arrow hit the wild boar. The original meaning of "彘" is big pig, which is different from "dolphin (small pig)", and later after evolution, it also refers to ordinary pigs. In short, whether it is a domestic pig or a wild boar, "彘" has "pig" meaning that it cannot run.

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

Then how could Emperor Wu of Han have such a lowly name? There's a magical story here.

The general account is from the Han Wu Story, a notebook whose author is no longer available.

"The Hanjing Emperor Wang Empress Nei Tai Gong, fortunately, had a wife, and dreamed of it. Emperor Gaozu said: "Lady Wang has a son, which can be called Yan." "And the birth of a man, because of his name." It was for Emperor Wu. ”

This means that the queen went to bed, became pregnant, and had a very advanced dream during the period, dreaming that the sun was thrown into her arms. And Emperor Jing actually had a dream, dreaming that his great grandfather, Mr. Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, said to him: "Lady Wang will have a son, who can be named Liu Yan." "When it came to the pot, I did give birth to a boy, so I gave birth to this name, which was later quite dangd the Emperor Wu of Han."

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

Statue of Emperor Jing of Han

So why did he change his name to Liu Che again?

The "Story of Han Wu" records that after Emperor Jing deposed the crown prince Liu Rong and officially established Emperor Wu's mother-in-law, he became the crown prince when he was seven years old. "Shang: 'The One WhoEver Says It', because it is changed to Becher."" Personal analysis, since he is already a prince, the original name is detrimental to the royal atmosphere after all, which is the potential reason for changing the name of the son. As for the "Yan Zhi Zhi Ye" he explained, no matter how others understood it, I personally felt that there was always a bit of a strong meaning out of thin air, but the people were the emperor of the golden tongue, so it was up to him to decide.

Another version of the author is from the "Internal Biography of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty", and the author is not clear. Some people think that it is The Ban Gu of the Han Dynasty, and some people think that it is Ge Hong of the Jin Dynasty, no matter who it is, anyway, this book has also entered the "General Catalogue of the Four Libraries", which has certain historical value.

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

The record in this book says that when Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty was not born, one day Emperor Jing suddenly had a dream, dreaming that "the red man descended from the clouds" and a big red pig came down from the clouds! And entered the Chongfang Pavilion.

When Emperor Jing woke up, he sat down at His Excellency Chongfang, and saw that there was a "red dragon like a fog, coming to cover the household." It means that suddenly a red fog suddenly appeared, and like a dragon coiled the Chongfang Pavilion, the doors and windows were covered. The other palace maids and concubines also saw the clouds steaming xiawei in the distance, and later after the clouds dissipated, it seemed that there was a red dragon circling between the houses.

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

Emperor Jing also felt that the magic was incomprehensible, so he summoned an old man surnamed Yao to inquire, the old man should be a fortune teller who knows yin and yang, and replied that this is a good omen! This cabinet will definitely give birth to a great figure, who can rise up to resist foreign insults and win a great victory, "for Liu Zongsheng Lord", will inevitably become a generation of your old Liu family's grand lords!

Emperor Jing was naturally relieved to hear this, so he asked his favored Lady Wang to move to Chongfang Pavilion, "wanting to follow Yao Weng's words", and renamed "Chongfang Pavilion" to "Yilan Hall".

Only ten days later, Emperor Jing dreamed again, this time dreaming that a goddess held the sun in her hand and presented it to Lady Wang, and Lady Wang swallowed the sun in one bite, and then became pregnant, and then gave birth to Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

It was time to name the child, Emperor Jing thought, "I dreamed that the red qi turned into a red dragon, and the old man who divination thought that it was auspicious, so it was better to name it "Yan"." So he named liu xiao pig.

When The piglet was three years old, Emperor Jing took him on his lap and asked, "My pig, do you like the day?" Piggy replied, "Heaven forbid." The son's wish was to live in the palace every day, and to be able to play in front of His Majesty at all times, but he did not dare to indulge too much, for fear of losing his son's duty. ”

Emperor Jing was stunned to hear it, where is like a three-year-old child's words, 99% of adults can't say it! This little pig is truly extraordinary!

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

Emperor Jing then sent someone to be responsible for the teaching of the piglet.

After a while, Emperor Jing took the piglet to his lap again and asked, "My son, what book are you studying now?" Learn from Daddy. Piglet then began to recite "Tens of thousands of words recorded in the Qun Sacred Places since Fuxi and the Dragon Diagram turtle strategy", not only the learning of the first saints and sages, but even the divination words and words were recited endlessly, "not a word was left behind.".

Emperor Jing listened and sighed for a long time, a person like Piglet cannot be described as smart, and it is true that he is ordered by heaven and is an extraordinary person.

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

When Piglet was seven years old, Emperor Jing changed his name to "Che".

Later, Liu Che did not disappoint his father, and after the king came to the world, he sent troops to conquer the four sides, surrendered to the four Yi, opened up the territory, and became an emperor for thousands of years.

Both versions have been called Yeshi by later historians, and in comparison, I personally believe that although the "Internal Biography of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty" is inevitably rendered and deified (this is the usual trick of the successive royals), the record is more detailed than the "Story of Han Wu", and the credibility should be slightly higher.

Emperor Wu of Han once used such a comical name as Liu Yan (Little Pig)?

By the way, the so-called "correct history" is a history book written in a formal style; the other is a history book of official revision. Personally, I think that the style is only a look and method, far less important than historical facts, and although the official revision of the history books is the next revision, there are many butts sitting crooked, and there are many nonsense. Therefore, the correct history may not be correct, and the wild history may not be wild, and the two are more interesting to refer to.

Reference Books: Book of Han, Story of Han Wu, Inner Biography of Emperor Wu of Han

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